Unexpected Visitor [Belgium & Romano]

Roleplays without Relationships or actually love.
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Unexpected Visitor [Belgium & Romano]

Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 20-06-2011 23:52

( One X One between Silvermoonwings and Anarchyduck. =3 )

After getting fed up with Spain and his stupidity, Romano decides to visit an old housemate.

Belgium and Romano


Name: Romano Vargas
Age: 22
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 21-06-2011 02:20

Name: Bella (Belgium)
Age: 23
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

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Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 21-06-2011 19:33

Romano would have liked to say he was just on vacation, taking a brief moment to get away from the office (and his stupid little brother) to finally breathe. He would have liked to say that visiting Spain for the weekend wasn't that bad of an idea. Harvesting tomatoes, taking siestas in the sun, and having someone else cook for three days wasn't a bad plan at all.

Unfortunately, it was. The moment Romano arrived at Spain's house, everything just fell apart.

'Stupid Spain.' Romano wished he had done more than just punch the man. Even if he was sick all the time, that didn't give him an excuse for being so careless. In fact, the only reason Romano didn't kill the bastard was because he was ill. Him and his stupid economy.

In a fury of anger, hurt, and frustration, Romano drove away from Spain's house and went north. He certainly couldn't go back to Italy, where he'd just have to hear Veneziano blabbling about the potato bastard and his latest excuse for not finishing paperwork on time.

"Ve, I was working on it but then I heard a kitty outside and I went to go look for it and it took me all the way to Greece's house and..."

God, even in his mind the annoying brat babbles on. No, he certainly couldn't stand hearing that.

Seeing as how he couldn't go back to Spain and refused to go home, Romano decided he would just pay a visit to Belgium. He rarely saw her anymore, except at meetings and even then they barely had time to talk. She was always around Netherlands or Luxembourg, who were just complete assholes in Romano's mind. Belgium was always a nice girl though, someone whom Romano once turned to when Spain wasn't around.

When he made it to her house, it was mid afternoon. Romano got out of the car and walked up the pathway to Belgium's house. It had been so long since he came here, it was a wonder he even remembered the way. Still, it would be nice to get away from idiot bastards like Spain.

Romano knocked on the front door, taking a small step back as he waited for an answer.
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 21-06-2011 20:00

Belgium had been reading a book. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I wonder who that could be... I wasn't expecting anybody today..." she muttered aloud while setting down her book and getting up. She went and answered the door. To her surprise, it was Romano!
"Why hello there, Romano!" she said with a smile.
"This is a pleasent surprise. Come inside! Don't be a stranger." she added stepping aside to let him in.
"How have you been?"she asked, still smiling gently.
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

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Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 21-06-2011 20:43

For a brief moment, Romano considered the possibility that this might have been a bad idea. After all, since he rarely saw Belgium, who was to say she would even want him here? He frowned at the thought. Belgium was like the older sister he never had. Of course she wouldn't mind he was here!

He turned when the door opened, he turned to see the blond woman standing there, smiling gently at him and inviting him in. Romano offered her a small smile as he entered the house. She only got the smile because she was a woman. Romano couldn't be mean or rude to women - he just couldn't. He would have gladly began to chat with her, if his stupid brain hadn't taken that nice 'How have you been?' question to the extreme.

Immediately, his thoughts went to Spain, which just made his rare smile disappear into a frown.

"I've been better." He grumbled.

"Sorry for coming unannounced. Guess I could have called." He doubted she would be upset. Hell, she didn't look upset with his unexpected visit.
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 21-06-2011 21:17

Belgium noticed his tone. Had she said something wrong? A concerned look crossed her face before she smiled again.
"It's fine, Romano. I didn't have any plans today anyways, so you came at just the right time."
She led him to the living room waved towards the couch, silently telling him to sit down.
"Do you want something to eat?"she asked kindly.
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

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Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 21-06-2011 22:36

At the mention of food, his stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since he left Spain's house. That was earlier this morning. "Yeah, a bit." He said in reply. Belgium always made good food, especially sweets. Romano never really had the biggest sweet tooth (unlike Veneziano) but he always liked the cakes and chocolate treats Belgium made.

"How have you been, Bella?" He asked, realizing he was probably being rude. Romano was well-known for his bratty, mean attitude by most (if not all) nations but that was just because the majority of them were men. Women, especially pretty women, had the privilege of seeing a nicer side to him. Belgium was no exception.
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 21-06-2011 23:12

Belgium smiled a bit more when Romano's stomach growled. "Well let me see what I have." she said going into the kitchen right off the living room and peering into the refrigerator. She grabbed a small salad with cherry tomatoes in it, and a small peice of chocolate cake, and walked back to Romano with them. She handed them to him. "Here you go! As for how i've been...I've been okay. Busy, but other than that I'm doing all right." She went and sat back down, carefully moving her book out of the way. She waited until he started to eat to turn to him, completly serious. "I'm very glad you stopped by to visit and all, but tell me this. Why are you here? Did you get into another fight with Spain or your brother again?" She asked it completly seriously, but in a way that showed that she was concerned and sympathetic for him, and not scolding at all.
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

Pasta eating beginner
Pasta eating beginner
Posts: 66
Joined: 15-06-2011 23:51

Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 24-06-2011 07:24

Romano remained on the couch as he waited for Belgium's return. When she came back, she had with her a little salad - topped with sweet tomatoes - and a slice of cake. Probably made with homemade chocolate frosting. Belgium was proud of her chocolate and she had the right to be. It was always delicious. "Thank you." He said and dug into it.

While he ate, he listened to her talk. Busy, yeah he imagined so. Hadn't it been nearly a year since she had a government? Although she still looked okay, still beautiful and cheerful as she always had been.

Then the conversation turned to his reason for visiting. He fidgeted a little, looking down at the bowl as he pushed around a cherry tomato with his fork. At the mention of Spain, he frowned and went a little red. "No! Even if I did, they started it anyway! Bastards..." He popped the little tomato into his mouth, chewing it as he thought about the incident earlier that morning. "Stupid Veneziano and stupid Spain... They're too damn cheerful. It's fucking annoying."
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 24-06-2011 15:42

She raised an eyebrow at that. "So something did happen with them. Just the usual, or was it something more?" she paused, and then continued, "Romano, you can talk to me, and I can see if I can help at all, you know." she ended with a small, tentative, smile at him.
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

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