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Posted: 01-07-2012 13:29
by Sentaro
Ludwig nodded a few times as he listened to the hobbies that other boy told him about. They seemed to fit him really well and a few of them they shared. He then smiled as Eduard gave the question right back to him. "Wow you're singing and playing piano? That's sounds really nice. Hm.... I really like reading and I really love cooking actually. Playing different kinds of ball sports and jogging are my hobbies too. Oh yeah and I love to go on walks with my dogs. Maybe we could walk them together sometimes?" Ludwig suggested as he blushed and smiled softly while looking at the other.

They kept on walking as the German boy looked round the streets before turning back at his Estonian boyfriend. "Oh right where is that restaurant by the way? Are we even right here?" He asked feeling like they kept on walking and talking and kind of didn't really watched out where they were going to. Well it wasn't that bad because Ludwig got to talk to the one he loved and was together with him.

Posted: 01-07-2012 16:42
by internetgeek
Eduard smiled a bit shyly at the comment about singing and playing piano being nice."Ah well, I don't share that talent with people too often. But maybe if you'd like to hear it, I could show you." He grinned a little warmly after saying that. "Hmm I see, walking the dogs together, would be pretty nice actually." The Estonian added a little embarrassed but quite glad for the offer.

Eduard paused for a moment when his boyfriend had asked him bout where the restaurant was. Looking around he found the outside table and chairs of the little cafe and pointed straight ahead. "We're approaching it now,actually." While Eduard liked to wander around purposely, this wasn't one of those time where he was misleading anyone anywhere. It just seemed like since they were talking to each and walking along with no apparent pressure.

Posted: 01-07-2012 20:53
by Sentaro
Ludwig smiled as Eduard offer him to come and listen to him if he liked that. It was really nice to know that he would he was now special enough that the other boy would share this with him. And the fact that he agreed to walk together with him and his dogs was really great as well. "Ah that would be nice to hear you sing and play piano once and I'm really looking forward to walk my dogs together with you." He said with a dazzling smile while winking at the Estonian boy.

"Oh that's good. I already thought we got lost, because we enjoyed talking so much. Um but it seems that we're still right then." Ludwig said chuckling as he walked straight to the entrance of the restaurant. "So would you rather sit outside at this beautiful weather?" He asked and looked at Eduard.

Posted: 01-07-2012 21:02
by internetgeek
Eduard returned the smile that Ludwig gave them even though he was rather flustered by how dazzling the other boy's smile and had to look down for a moment. He felt a little pathetic for being so embarrased but goodness Ludwig had a wonderful smile. Not to mention the wink oh hell, he wasn't sure if he could handle it.

"Hmm I can understand that thought really..," he managed to respond chuckling as well to remain calm. "I would rather sit outside. Its truly a lovely day, isn't it?" Eduard replied looking at Ludwig before stepping in the doorway to wave a waiter before taking a seat at one of the outside tables.

Posted: 01-07-2012 21:13
by Sentaro
Ludwig was rather amused seeing the other boy looking away embarrassed. He was glad too that he wasn't the only one feeling that way though. And it only made him smile more because of the happiness he felt. "Yeah it sure is nice today so I'm fine with sitting outside." The German boy replied as he then already searched for a place to sit down as the other boy called for the waiter.

The waiter came pretty soon afterwards and brought them the menu's already asking for drink. "Oh I would like an lemon ice tea please." He said as he then started to look at the card. It was a really nice feeling to sit here with Eduard, the one he loved dearly. And just spend some time together.

Posted: 01-07-2012 21:18
by internetgeek
"And I would like a lemonade thank you," Eduard said to the waiter that had approached their table before looking at the menu for a moment, it served all kinds of rather nice things. And he wasn't sure what he would get but the spinach pie sounded rather tasty. It was always good even though he didn't get every time he came there. It was nice to relax with someone he really loved and grinned while thinking about what to pick to eat.

Posted: 06-07-2012 17:15
by Sentaro
Ludwig smiled as he looked at the other boy in front of him for a bit longer. It was really nice knowing him at his side. He chuckled softly as he felt the happiness bubble up inside of him. Ludwig then soon looked back at the menu. "Hm....Eduard? Can you maybe suggest something? I'm not sure what to get." The German boy said as his eye brows raised and knitted together. He always found it hard to chose something to eat when he didn't knew the restaurant that well. And so he asked the other since he was here before. Ludwig had to admit though that he asked Eduard too because he kind of liked to hear the other boy's voice, it was really sweet and soft. It had a calming effect on him as well.

Posted: 06-07-2012 19:56
by internetgeek
Eduard looked back at Ludwig with a small grin. "Hm well anything they serve here is really good. I like their various dishes of fish, or chicken or anything in like a quiche would be especially tasty as well. You really can't go wrong here." He replied patiently. He didn't mind helping out Ludwig with the other boy's choice, not to mention it kind of had feel appreciated and helpful so that was always a plus.

Posted: 13-07-2012 20:53
by Sentaro
Ludwig kept smiling as he listened to the suggestions Eduard gave him. It was really nice that the other took the time to gave him a little selection of what he could chose to eat today. "Oh thank you very much. Hm I think I'll take the chicken curry then. It sounds really good. Oh and please take whatever you like since I'm paying." The German replied with again a very charming smile. Soon after that the waiter came bringing them their ordered drinks then asked for their orders for meals. Ludwig waited for the other boy to reply first before telling the waiter his own order with a smile. The waiter wrote everything down with a nod before leaving again. "s-so is there maybe s-something you would like to talk about while we wait?" He asked a bit nervous.

Posted: 14-07-2012 03:51
by internetgeek
"You're quite welcome..and the chicken curry is a definitely good choice. You won't be sorry.. ,and ah okay.." he replied smiling a bit shyly back at Ludwig, he definitely appreciated that the other was willing to pay for their meal. Eduard ordered his spinach pie before starting to sip at his lemonade. "..Um sure, what music do you like?" He said genuinely curious about what kind of music that the other boy enjoyed.