HOW to roleplay?

Here you can read how to roleplay and about its rules.
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HOW to roleplay?

Post by Zakulf » 10-03-2011 18:10

Hey all, this is a small tutorial for those who are new to (Forum) roleplaying!

How to roleplay!

Seeking for someone

Step 1: Go to your profile page and update your SIGNATURE,
Paste this and fill it in: Main Roleplay character: (Name)

This is to make others know your main roleplay character, so the one you
use the most of all. Or are most comfy with! If you got more than just one
character you may add it under the main, as minor or secundairy character(s)

Step 2: Whenever you're seeking for someone to roleplay with, you should
go to the Topic made for that, worry not it'll be really obvious to see.

Step 3: Whenever you search for a Rp'er you should ask for the
character you want to roleplay with. For example you want to roleplay
with Italy or germany, you ask them to and come up with some
suggestions to roleplay about. Another example would be "Canada's birthday!"

Once you agreed with that person (Or more) you create a new topic together.

Creating a new topic for roleplaying

Step 1: After you agreed with the other(s) you should think
of it's catagory, will it just be a normal situation like war? (Yes that's
normal, why?) You will create this topic in the OTHER folder. If this
roleplay will turn out like Hentai, or just shounen ai you create one over there!

Step 2: While making a new topic in that catagory you guys picked,
you'll need a title! You may randomly think of one! But do paste the
character's their name in it's title, so those who are interested in
reading your rp know which characters are in it! For example the title:

"German Sparkle party! (Germany/Italy/Prussia/Austria)" <- Add That!

Step 3: Then you move on to your post! When you're about to roleplay
It's cool to make a small character profile, everyone might know the character.
But once you add a pic of him or her, the reader will also know what they
for example are wearing or in what time or episode this is.
So at least paste the character his name, age and picture. If you made
a custom Hetalia character do add a personality describtion too!

Step 4: All those who are joining the RP have to make their very own
character profiles in their own posts! After all characters are introduced! The roleplay starts!

Step 5: When roleplaying your first few sentences, try making it a small story.
For example: "England walks in the woods, when suddenly he heard a strange noise! He tried to sneak closer by, closer to the noise. When he reached a spot where the noise came from he laughed. It was stupid America who fell from a tree! England couldn't stop laughing! "Hahah! You bloody idiot! That's what happens if you mess with me!". Make it that much of a story so the other can actually REPLY on your post.

I hope this was enough explaination! IF you got questions about it! <- Ask there
"Don't be fooled by your own ideal"

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