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Hey you! [Austria, Prussia, Romano]

Posted: 18-07-2011 00:06
by Zakulf
Yes massuploading and sharing is great for activity.

Posted: 18-07-2011 00:40
by yuria-chan
what an odd trio...

Posted: 18-07-2011 23:53
by Zakulf
yuria-chan wrote:what an odd trio...

Posted: 12-01-2012 11:40
by ChickMagnet
it's definetly not the bad touch trio xd

Posted: 24-01-2012 11:15
by yuria-chan
Definitely not.
I especially ownder how they could get them to stand still long enough for a picture in which it doesn't look like they're going to murder each other.

Posted: 25-01-2012 00:53
by gone
At least it has 2 of my fave characters

Posted: 11-05-2013 03:08
by Fruitish-Stars
Ohh looks awesome!