small pleasures- England ficlet

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small pleasures- England ficlet

Post by yuria-chan » 24-03-2012 00:28

Arthur sighed softly and knelt near his fireplace. He gently re-adjusted the food so the fire wouldn’t die. He could throw on some more…It would mean he’ll run out of wood faster, but at the moment he didn’t mind the prospect of cutting some tomorrow.
He was immediately glad he made that decission for the fire flared up once more and warmed him trough and trough.
He got up and walked back to the couch which ha had pushed across the living so it would be closer to his cosy fireplace. He crawled up in a ball in the corner closest to the fire.
Now he needed just a few more things, which he had put out in advance. An entire pot of earl grey within reach, an unedited copy of Oscar Wildes ‘Picture of Dorian gray’, a hand knitted sheet, and some soft piano music that went well with the sound of rain on his windows.
This was so delicious, he was tired but to awake to sleep because of working deadlines for the past weeks non-stop. However, he managed to finish everything in time and now he was fatigued but content. He would turn of his phone, not think of any form of work, he would just have this moment and then sleep. All others had gone for a drink to celebrate the weekend, but he had been too tired. Also he never handled alcohol that well.
So instead of that it was just him and hise natural habitat. If only he could do this forever…
In the end he’d fallen asleep on the couch with a small smile playing over his lips.

The next day at work he heard that everyone had been worried when he left. That he had looked so tired, and that they were afraid he spent a very lonely evening. Arthur just shook his head. They just wouldn’t understand, that sometimes he wasn’t lonely but loved being isolated.


Hey, I know this isn't much but I had it sitting on my desktop. I didn't mean to really do something complicated with plot and such, but just point out how sometimes those little things can be more pleasing than the hectic overly social society of nowadays. The simple pleasures in life aresmall beautifull things right? Also just Arthur being Arthur. ( also contemplated making him watch doctor who, but I settled for a book because it fits the calm atmosphere.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

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