Red December (Prussia)

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Red December (Prussia)

Post by FreakyJingles » 29-03-2012 10:52

Hey there, everyone. Recently I've been in my creative moods, so I decided to write a small fanfic for Prussia. Hope you're not too harsh on me ^^

Characters: Prussia, Austria (human characters, not countries)
Pairing: none
Warning: AU, suicide.
Author's note: if you don't get what is going in there, just tell me. Though I don't think that will be the problem xD


“Hey there, little brother. How are you doing? I’m fine, thank you. Ya know, it’s been boring without you here. Kinda empty…
Remember, when we were little, we used to play here? Yeah, those were good times… I wish we could play soldiers like we used to… You would always lose, but that doesn’t matter anymore, right?
‘ “Hey Austria, it must suck balls to have your pride taken away by force, huh?!”
“What?! Never! You were cheating, Gilbert! I want a rematch!”
“Haha, all’s fair in love and war, little brother! Now come and bow!”
“Mother! Gilbert’s an ass again!” ‘

What about that time, when we made a promise to each other to never leave the other’s side? Do you remember how you felt then? I do. It was scary. Like you already knew what would happen…
‘ “Hey Gilbert, can I ask you something?”
“Only if it’s about sex or drugs, little brother.”
“Uh… No, it’s neither of those…”
“Then keep your mouth shut.”
“... No. I want you to promise me something, brother.”
“Never leave my side. Ever. Stay with me till the end.”
“… Only if you do the same, Roderich…” ‘

I thought you were the best at keeping promises, brother… Where are you now? Why did you leave me?! We were supposed to be together till the end! You know I can’t live without you! You know I would die without you by my side. Cause no one would care for me like you did…”
Full moon above me, snow under me… What else could make this night more perfect? Oh yes, a high cliff.
‘Gilbert, hurry up…’
Okay, little brother, I’m coming…

Taking a deep sigh, I spread my arms like wings and step into the darkness. It feels like I’m flying. Right into your arms… They’re so warm, brother… We’re finally together. It’s finally the end…

P.S. Behind the scenes or Bloopers coming soon ^^
P.P.S. If you could, please tell me how you understood it. Thank you ^^
Main Roleplay character: Lithuania (with all variations, like Snapped!Liet, Fem!Liet and stuff)
Minor Roleplay character(s): probably Canada (with all variations)

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