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Posted: 03-12-2012 22:19
by Lokitama
He heard Taiwan as memory - his own and his brother's - filled his mind. He shakily touched her, catching her attention. And shook his head - to try to get these memory away and to comfort Taiwan.

"H-He's dead. He's dead. We... I fucking made sure that he was dead... that bastard.... Got hanged naked by his feet on the place along with-" He moaned in pain, clenching his head.

"V-V-Ve ~ ! Yes, s-sir ?"
"Did your black eye got better ?"
"A-A little bit, s-sir."
"Can you see ?"
"Y-Yes, sir."
"Good. You're a failure, you know that, Feliciano ?"
"V-Ve... Y-Yes sir." North Italy choked on his tears, keeping them back.

He knew that he was a failure. Since his birth, everyone made sure that he kept in mind that he was a failure. It has been more than 1900 years that he was a failure.

But in 1900 years he had the time to hide. Hide the fact he was dying from the inside.

Mussolini spoke again. "Feliciano."
"Y-Yes, sir... ?"
"Black suits you."

Veneziano looked down on his clothes, black shirt and pants... black hat.... black shoes... Fascist's uniform. He hated it.

"T-Thanks, sir."

Benito Mussolini smirked again.

"So your black eye is better, huh ?"
"Y-Yes sir, b-b-but you a-already asked that, s-sir."

North Italy's boss didn't hesitate a moment, and punched the good eye of Veneziano. "Like that, it will be symmetrical,
si ? Speaking of which, didn't Pablo Picasso was born in Spain ?"

Clutching his now-injured eye, the younger Italy tried to strengthen himself. "Y-Yes, sir."

"Wasn't your brother part of Spain ?"

"W-Well, he was under Fratellone Spain's care, yes..." He didn't liked where it was going. Why that Mussolini-boss talked about his brother.

"Good thing, now, you will be together for ever and ever, right ?"

A false hope danced into Veneziano's eyes. "Y-You will make us one nation again, sir ?" Maybe that guy wasn't so bad, finally-

"Yes, of course, in one week, we will attack South Italy to take possession of Rome."

- He spoke too fast.

Romano shook his head again, and grabbed Taiwan's hand. "C-Can you feel, these bastards... or V-Veneziano around here ?"

Its hand scribbled down some drawings, awfully precise. "Dammit ! Doctor ! Their just in front of the basement !"
"Shit ! Hide the subject ! We need its ability to read the future !"
"What do we do about the two intruders ?"
"They're... interesting subject experience."
"Roger !"

Posted: 03-12-2012 22:38
by Weronikus
Taiwan saw the battle on Romano's face. It was enough for her. She didn't ask - she would only worsen it. She nodded at his plea and focused.
Veneziano. Veneziano.
The wind obeyed. It started searching, like a dog, in search of life from the nation she call her love. It came to her, and she spoke out loud the words which came to her mind.

"Shit ! Hide the subject ! We need its ability to read the future !"
"What do we do about the two intruders ?"
"They're... interesting subject experience."
"Roger !"

She opened her eyes, suddenly alert. "He's here... or, more exact, underneath. But where's the entrance..." Taiwan said, and looked around. She remembered Japan's and China's wars, how they would try to hide evrything udnerground! She was used to searching for entrances. Now were was it...
She dropped to her knees and started crawilng around, feeling the grass. A trap door... where was it...
Her hand sddenly bumped into something lumpy.
"I... I think I found it." She said slowly, curling her fingers around the handle, but as she was about to pull it up, she hesitated. What if he did come back? What if he hurt her or Romano, or Veneziano like he hurt them before? What if...?
A hand curled around hers, firmly gripping the handle around her own. She looked up to Romano's determined eyes, but which had the same worry mirrored in her eyes. She sighed deeply and nodded. Together they opened the trap door.
Her eyesight stopped at the wooden staircase. Suddenly a flashback came...

"You wir give me the oceanside, China."
"Never, aru."
Taiwan opened the heavy trapdoor and looked down. She could see the outline of two people talking. She tiptoed down the stairs towards the room, and peeped around the frame.
"Submit to me!" Japan said, not angry, but determined and certain. His katana was drawn, and China was cornered. Taiwan didn't know whose side she was on.
China looked at Japan with anger, and a bit of pity. "Japan, you know you've got no chance. You might beat me now, aru, but I will fight back."
"Ie! I wir beat you untir you sibmitted to me fury. Now give me the oceanside."
"You will have to beat it out of me, aru."
"Fine..." Japan growled, and punched him with his free hand in the stomach, at the same time prodding his katana onto his neck. "Wir you stir hord on to it?"
Taiwan yelped slightly at what she saw, and Japan turned to her,horror struck. But Taiwan only know saw the horrors of China.
He was covered in bruises, his face swollen, and blood dripping from various cuts. Japan was nearly unharmed.
"Taiwan, go back to bed, aru." China said through a small smile, as if nothing happened.
"Prease, this is no time for games. We wir pray in the morning, hai?" Japan gave her a small smile.
Taiwan burst into tears and ran upstairs. She won't ever do what her brothers did. She won't go into scary basements again.

"No, no, no, no!" She whispered, frantically shaking her head and jumping to her feet, going a few steps back. "I- I can't..." She sobbed, pressing against a tree and staring with fear at the open trap door.

Posted: 19-12-2012 14:44
by Lokitama
When Romano saw her... walking away, apparently scared he hesitated, now flinching at his own words, the own he had said at his own brother.

"But brother I really didn't wanted to hu-"

"Shut up, you bastard ! I know you wanted it ! To think I was starting to like you !"


"Shut it ! Bastardo !"

And the elder Itay hit the younger one.

He didn't notice the bruises on his face, where he had punched him, back then. He should have known better.

He approached her slowly. "W-What's-fuck - What's wrong ? C'mon, already, we've to get Vene-... damn Veneziano out of their fucking hands !"

Posted: 06-01-2013 02:39
by Weronikus
Taiwan looked at him with tears in her eyes shaking her head furiously.
"I-I can't! Japan... And China fighitng... I had nightmares after that for months on! It looks exactly the same as before..." She whispered, hugging herself for comfort. She didn't know or care that she was stirring the wind again, which was restlessly blowing in the trees, giving an eerie aura around. It made Taiwan even more scared.

Posted: 06-01-2013 03:44
by Lokitama
Romano gave Taiwan a quick hug as he hushed her. "It'll be okay. It'll be okay."

He looked at Taiwan to see her face contorted into fear, his guts clenched in guilt. "I'm sorry. I won't force you."

He thought for a moment, before smiling worryingly to their love. "I've got an idea. I'll go alone, and I'll make the stupid scientist run after me. Then I'll run over here, and..." He breathed in. "Will you help me capture these men when they're out of the basement ?"

"Te odio, Veneziano ! ( I hate you, Veneziano ! )"

"B-But, F-Fratellone, h-he's dead now, no ?"

"Si ! Of course he's dead ! Thanks to me again ! And guess who'll get the thanks ? You ! You always stole my place in the hearts ! History gave you half of the land we represent, but you take all ! Nobody sees me ! They all despise me !"


"Shut the fuck up, bastard. You have damn luck that I didn't hang you with your jerk of a boss. I bet you liked it even more than that Holy Rome Bastard."

"B-But Fratellone..."

Too late, Romano was already far, far away.

He bit his lip, drawing a little bit of blood out of it. He had been so cruel.

Posted: 06-01-2013 05:07
by Weronikus
Taiwan looked into Romano's eyes, so troubled they seemed. She felt so much pity for him, that he had to go through this hell. She did, too. The thought of losing Veneziano was a horriying idea. Just as horrifying was losing Romano. SHe couldn't let him go by himself - especially in the state he was in now.
Overcoming her fear as much as she could, with slightly trembling hands she cupped Romano's face in them. "We will save him. I won't let you go alone. You don't have to do everything by yourself. You are just as important as Veneziano; to me, to everyone. Don't think I don't know that look of yours. I think I know now why you are always so angry. Having such a brother must be hard." She smiled bitterly, and kissed him quickly. She stood, with determination, hiding her fear as far as she could.
"Let's do this." She said, although quietly, with renewed energy. She took Romano's hand and walked towards the entrance.

Posted: 08-01-2013 18:08
by Lokitama
Romano was lost in his brother's memory when Taiwan was silent. But her words snapped him out of his state, only for him to blush. "D-Don't say things like that, d-dammit !"

He gadly accepted her kiss and stood up, too.

"Let's do this."

And he nodded. He breathed shakily in before squeezing her hand slowly. And by feeling his guts twitch because of his power. He didn't quite like that; it meant that the amount of energy power stupid Veneziano was using was important.

He let their power being connected together, and, unconsciously nagged Taiwan's one, for them to be stronger against their enemy.

Posted: 27-01-2013 07:40
by Weronikus
She laughed a bit at his comment, feeling a bit better. She squeezed back his hand, trying to get some of that confidence he has. Somehwere inside, she felt him combinin her wind power with his power... SHe instinctly knew it would make him stronger, and make her have better control of the wind. She walked up to the loated trapdoor again and climbed down quietly.

Posted: 29-01-2013 18:36
by Lokitama
He almost face-palmed when he realized that Taiwan was the first to climb down. Not that she was useless, not at all - hell, she was even stronger than him and Veneziano when they were together in their 'normal' mode - but that her power was more defensive.

It has more use to be offensive in these kind of situations, then have some defense. Or he thought so. When she was far in enough for him to not squish her hand under his feet, he tried to nag his brother's power - it would be easier to localize him. And, to say so, he was more than surprised to not feel a tiny 'voice' of power inside of him, but a monstrous roar resonating in his body.

He tensed suddenly, before gulping down. Primo, because he jumped out of his skin. Secondo, because if it was the power responding to his, he really wondered where was the barrier that he and Veneziano were putting on it, usually, which was their spirit. And at that point, either his spirit had just succumbed to torture and died, or was gone away.

He heard some rapid footsteps coming, and then Taiwan's one, who was touching the ground. When she shifted enough for him to put his feet on the hard and dirty floor, he let himself slide down the ladder.

He turned around to see men running towards them.

He somehow felt Taiwan and his brother sneaking in the basement - even if the scientist already knew that they were coming. Stupid power. He hated it. It hurts internally to know the future. Well, knowing that some things were going to happen and be able to do strictly nothing to help ?

He was scared of going back into his body. They were going to torture him again, wouldn't they ? But his beloved family was going to be captured, and then be tortured like they did to him. He was scared.

He didn't want to go back in his body. But he didn't want them to be hurt, too.

He bit his lip. He would help them. He had to. And... he... he already had worse, hadn't he ? He hugged his ghost-like body and forced his way into his physical one.

Posted: 29-01-2013 18:52
by Weronikus
"Ah!" Taiwan couldn't help screaming. "Stay away, stay away!" She screamed, pushing her hands out in front of her. She wanted to close her eyes, but something made it unable to: she suddenly felt her eyesight sharpen and her mind clear. She wasn't aware of it, but her eyes shone too brightly for it to be normal. But she knew what to do.
"Stay away." She said in a low voice, streighrening her palms as if pressing on an invisible wall. The wind obeyed her; it rushed in front of her and Romano, and threw the men backwards. It created a constantly moving wall of air that blocked them from coming nearer. But she knew she couldn't hold the wall indefinitely, so keeping one palm still in front of her, with her other hand she twirled a finger.
"Encircle." She commanded, and once again the wind obeyed, encircling the men, holding them in a wind trap. She then, using both hands again, pointed towards the trapdoor.
"Blow." And again, the wind obeyed, taking the prisoners of the wind trap outside. SHe held her hands there a little while longer, until she could take it no more and let her hands fall, and she herself fell on her knees from the exhaustion.
"I only bought us some time," she gasped. "So you need to hurry!" SHe looked at Romano, silently pleading him to go for Veneziano without her while she rested.