
The 18 Boy / Boy section where you can add your guy on guy related love. 18 Boy / Boy includes sexual themes with a homosexual couple. Finished roleplays shall be moved to "Finished Roleplays"
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Post by yuria-chan » 18-07-2011 02:51

Lithuania smiled politely. "Yes mister Russia."
He went ahead of the other and walked down the halway. "Uhm, don't worry about the room. It may be a bit small, but we will fit in usually it's just the three of us."
Lithuania noticed his own mistake to late. Prussia didn't know yet how Russia didn't like to sleep alone and that there often was one unoccupied bed in the room of the baltics. Most often his own.
"Uhm I mean..."
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 18-07-2011 03:18

Prussia looked at Lithuania, then smirked; "I've heard whats gone on. I get it." he said, having heard rumors around about 'Lithuania being Russia's bitch' or something along the lines of that. While he felt bad for the Baltic- he was glad that spot was filled. So he wouldn't be categorized with that title. 'Kaliningrad' was enough of a name for him to handle.
"Though- I give you your props for keeping up with him for so long. You're tough- well. Not as tough as I am, but still. You're up there." he said, giving a reensuring smile. His spirits lifted again. He seemed to feel like himself around him- perhaps because of the fights when they were kids. He liked fighting- and Lithuania was always a fun match.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

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Post by yuria-chan » 19-07-2011 07:15

Lithuania turned to face Prussia. His face a mix of emotions.
"Thank you for the compliment I guess. 'up there' means a lot coming from you. It is complicated tough..."
He opened a door to a small bedroom. All others were still away working. Lithuania smiled as he picked up the romantic novel Latvia had been reading and placed it back on the small shelf with their belongings.
"Well this is it."
He sat down on his own bed and rolled his sore shoulders.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 23-07-2011 06:19

Prussia watched Lithuania;" Ja- compliment from the awesome me. It counts as one. " he said, walking into the room when the door was opened. He didn't like how small it was. First he loses his name and gets a Russian one, now he has to share a room. The Prussian was okay with sharing but at the most- four people sharing said room. He didn't like it. Prussia sat on one of the other beds," Hard work?" he questioned, smirking.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

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Post by yuria-chan » 23-07-2011 09:52

Lithuania let himself drop back on the bed. "It's unbelievable really! My entire body is so stiff... I can barely remember a day when I wasn't hurting one place or another."
He then propped himself up on his elbows realising he'd still need to fill Prussia in.
"Uhm, I'll make some place for your stuff on the shelf. Neither of us has much at this moment, most of our belongings are in our own houses and Russia doesn't let us keep things that are to reminiscent of days we were more powerfull. So the shelve is enough of space."
He then pointed to a small door that had gone unnoticed before.
"We do have our own bathroom! Also, we don't really have decided on which bed is whoms. We just crash into the nearest available one..."
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 22-09-2011 08:57

Gilbert looked at the small shelving area where he was suppose to share the space- to keep his stuff. That... Would never be able to keep even a small percent of his things. The things he brought with him from West's place! He decided to keep all his old diarys at his brother's house; an a few old sets of clothing. Old things he didn't use at all. Stored in the basement of West's house. The stuff he did use regularily... "I'm keeping some of my stuff under the bed. " he said, reminding himself that he needed to get his bags from the front door. Nothing Russia would find "bad" or whatever. They had already gone through it. Doesn't mean he didn't carefully hid a few things- like his Iron Cross necklace for example. He hid that in the toe of his boot. Surely the Russian wouldn't be reaching his hand into his smelly boot- just to make sure he wasn't hiding something. Not like he would be able to hide a hand gun in there!
Prussia rolled onto his stomach, looking boringly at the ground. " So you just got back from doing manual labor- Im guessing the other two are doing the same?" he asked the Lithuanian, yawning. Long day- too much stress. He just wanted to sleep for twelve hours, eat, then go back to sleep. " Verdammt... Better not make me do that kind of shit. " he said mainly to himself. Then again. He could have Lithuania's position as being "favorite"... Another sting of feeling sorry hit his gut, and he sat up; turning to face the Baltic. " Youre are," putting it bluntly, " Russland's bitch. Are you?" he said, frowning.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

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Posts: 2184
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Post by yuria-chan » 23-09-2011 14:40

Lithuania was about to tell Prussia that if he hid anything in his shoes he zshould put it somewhere safe now because it was always the first place Russia checked when the other had said something rethar blunt.
He sat up on the bed again and gave the other a sharp look.
"If you mean that I sleep with him...yes that's true."
Then he stood up and walked towards Prussia.
"But I'm most deffinitely no ones bitch! Russia get's cold and lonely during the nights, keeping him warm is something I do of my own volition. It makes life bareable here, it keeps him from turning to the others, it - It makes him think I'm weak...That I love and need him. And that's exactly what I need him to think."
Lithuania realised he said to much alsready and sat back down. He didn't look at Prussia for a second.
"He'll check your shoes."
He mumbled in solution
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 26-09-2011 17:11

Prussia listened for a moment, then nodded slightly. "Smart thinking. I congradulate you on that." he said, not noticing how much the Baltic said. It wasn't like he needed to know this, but it wasn't like he was ever going to use it against him. Or tell Russia. They were on the same side, afterall. "Shi-" he groaned at the mumbling of words Lithuania said. He could clear it up easily. He quickly jumped up from the bed- "Be right back." he said just as quick as his action, and ran out of the room. Hoping, hoping his necklace was still in there! Sliding to his knees, he shoved his hand into his boot. Only to pull out nothing. A shudder of anger waved in his body, he would kill the frozen bitch! Standing up, Prussia returned to the bedroom he was forced to stay in, and flopped onto the bed. "He has my damn necklace. Russian bitch."
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

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The New Admin
Posts: 2184
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Post by yuria-chan » 26-09-2011 23:18

When Prussia came back into the room Lithuania gave him an appologetic look.
"T-the cross? How terrible! I-"
He then glanced down.
"I'm sorry, I suppose it's my fault. I tried to smuggle in rue poison that way once...However, it's not something deadly so Russia won't be that angry, I hope."
The last bit was added with an actual hint of hope in Lithuania's voice.
He ran a hand trough his hair and looked particulairy tired.
If Russia was in a good mood he'd get some sleep tonight, if his anger was only directed to Prussia he'd have to console Russia for a while and then sleep... If Russia decided to ask for Gilbert that night, he wouldn't sleep at all. Even tough in his own bed he wouldn't be able to deal with that. He never slept when one of the others was with Russia.
No matter how he wished for it to go away, sometimes he'd even feel jealous.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 27-09-2011 21:27

Prussia rolled his eyes- "Steal it back later." how he was actually going to accomplish this, he hadn't figured out that detail yet. But he'd get it back! He'd gone through enough to try to fight and keep his name, he lost it. The least he could have in memory of his past was that necklace. There was no compromise in Russia, however. Yet, it wasn't the most difficult thing to get away with. Right? Stealing something so simple and harmless? Red eyes gazed over at Lithuania. "You can go to sleep. You look like you're about to die." he said, with sarcasm. Keep his pissed off mood away with humor.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

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