
The 18 Boy / Boy section where you can add your guy on guy related love. 18 Boy / Boy includes sexual themes with a homosexual couple. Finished roleplays shall be moved to "Finished Roleplays"
Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 11-10-2011 22:41

Prussia nodded now and again, smirking at how sly the other was! Maybe he hadn't changed that much. And while Lithuania spoke, he moved down to pick up the two chair legs, and held them for a bit as he continued to listen.

"Surprised that he doesn't have the room bugged already." he stated, then smirked mischeviously. "Whose to say that he isn't watching right now~" he said voice filled with a fake fear. And at this- he walked over to Lithuania and put his arms; still holding the chair legs, around his torso.
"Gott! Hell forbid that he is outside the door. Right now. " he then tapped- well, hit- the other on the head with the chair leg, then moved quickly to the other side of the room. "And I would have won. Again. Kneel before my awesome." he said, tone as cocky as before, pointing to the ground. "As your vital regions are now mine." He laughed- making sure it wasn't that loud. Wouldn't want another little visit from Russia, after all.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

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The New Admin
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Post by yuria-chan » 11-10-2011 23:14

Lithuania smiled. "Well, trough trial and error I found out that this room is fairly safe."
He let out a small grunt as the other hit him but went after him with a smile.
"somehow he keeps finding it very important that he 'trusts' me... I don't really understand, it's as if he wants me to rebel just so he can punish me. He always gives me this little room to plan."
He had now reached Prussia and acted as if he'd kneel for him, but then quickly pulled the other to the floor, using the same tactic Prussia had previously used on him.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 12-10-2011 19:59

Prussia snorted- "Does he do that with the other too, as well?" he asked- though before getting his answer, he felt a tug at his ankle. Before he knew what just happened, he was on the ground- groaning for a moment about the rough fall from the bed. It didn't help that he landed on the 'weapons'.
"Verdammt. We didn't start yet." he stated, then smirked. Hemoved to kick Lithuania away from him then stood up quickly. "That would have sucked if those things were actually swords..."
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

The New Admin
The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 12-10-2011 20:54

Lirhuania crawled back to his feet after being kicked away.
"The other two have a different relation with him. They were easier for him to break. Just fear was enough."
He blushed a bit and looked away then.
"ah- I didn't mean to imply that I am braver then any of them! Latvia had great warriors and fought bravely...It's just- they seemed to be controlled more. It's like he feels that I don't fear pain, that I need another sort of pain."
His look had grown absent now. Clearly overthinking the situation, thinking about the way Russia's mind worked...
He had to understand it, that was the key of it all.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 13-10-2011 21:25

Prussia frowned- if Russia really thought that Lithuania wasn't afraid of pain... His claimings of himself 'being to tough and awesome to be frightened by pain' years ago. Even recently! Wouldn't help at all... Well, he'd have to deal with it eventually. He already knew he wasn't going to be loyal to Russia. That was a given. Tossing the chair leg aside, he grabbed his bag, and looked through it, sprawling his clothes and such out on one of the bed. Seemingly to look for something, but it seemed to have been taken.

"Hey Lithuania~ What time does Russia usually go to sleep at? I want to get my necklace back tonight." the Prussian said, lazily tossing his clothes back into the bed, then shoving it under the bed. He'd also taken one of his old journals. He wanted that back too.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

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The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 14-10-2011 12:10

Lithuania sighed.
"He won't sleep tonight, he's afraid of the nightmares when he's alone."
He fiddled with his fingers as if heavilly contemplaiting something.
Then he sighed and gave Prussia an intent look.
"Uhm, I might have an idea. I know the importance of the necklace. I'll go to Russia. I'll stay with him tonight and-"
Lithuania swallowed hard.
"-'Distract' him." Search in the garden first, before the snow swallows it forever."
- like his sword that was somewhere at the bottom of a frozen lake.-
"Or you'd have to wait untill summer, and that's a long way of"
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 02-11-2011 23:51

((Lag. My gott. ))

Prussia rose a brow, wondering what the other was planning. And when the plan was spoken, he couldn't be any more grateful to the Lithuanian! And to let himself be put in such a position on a day he may have not gone to Russia, willingly, his respect was full again for his childhood "enemy". If he had a sense of dignity, he would have said 'Danke' calmly and give a kind smile. However, he had certain kinds of dignity, other areas lacked that. He went all foward and leaped off his bed and hugged Lithuania tightly; "Dankeeee Lithuania! Gott, I owe you one. It'll happen, I'm awesome and don't back out on that shit. " usually, but this was for his necklace. He'd keep the little promise to repay him. He let go then looked out the small window. "Alright, where in the garden? And what if it's not there?" he questioned, looking back at the brunette.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

The New Admin
The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 03-11-2011 00:00

Lithuania was gratefull when the other hugged him. All he got from his brothers if he did the same to protect them were angry words because they didn''t want him to do that for them. They never understoof tough.
He returned the hug with a shy smile, yes the arrival of Prussia would deffinitely change things here.
"I already know how you can repay me, stay who you are. Russia want's you broken, don't let him get it. It's been lonely without someone to stand next to me in this fight."
He felt like he had confessed to much once more and stared at the others back near the window.
"His usual spot is near the woodshed, tough he might be smart enough not to do that, just look for tracks and a place with loose snow, maybe even loose dirt, depending on how deep he dug."
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Pasta eater in training!
Pasta eater in training!
Posts: 132
Joined: 12-07-2011 22:43

Post by AbnormallySane » 03-11-2011 13:17

Prussia snickered at how he was to repay Lithuania. What a stupid request! "I'm already going to make sure that will never happen. He won't, can't, break me." his ego was too big, and it'd take an army to break it just a little bit. "I'll keep that promise, but I still owe you one." The Prussian looked back outside, and saw that it was still snowing lightly. He prayed to Fritz that he'd be able to still see the footprints in the snow, and hoped he could find the loose snow...Or dirt. Crap this was going to take a while.

"So it should be around the shed? That works. " That meant he had to go outside in the damn cold. He'd much rather it had been hidden in the house, not outside. But he wanted it back, and it would be worth a little bit of frostbite. "Can I loan your coat? The one I brought isn't that thick. " The was thankful that he did have gloves and a hat.
Main Roleplay Character: The amazing PRUSSIA in all forms~: Cannibal, Kaliningrad, Teutonic Knights, Fem.Ect.
Characters: Russia, Canada, Italy, Romano...

The New Admin
The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 03-11-2011 20:13

Lithuania braced himself for what was to come.
"Of course you may."
He opened the first few buttons of his blouse and walked towards the door. Then he turned.
"I'm going to him now, I think it'll take half an hour for him to-"
He looked a bit distressed and swallowed.
"It'll be safe in half an hour."
He should be able to get Russia in bed after half an hour... He fidgetted with the hem of his shirt a bit.
"My coat is on the chair in the kitchen."
Then he remembered something.
"Russia will be done with me after... I think an hour or two. Make sure to be back by then."
Was he forgetting anything else? Anything that could get Gilbert into trouble? Not that he could think of.
"Did we forget anything?" He noticed his hands were shaking a bit again.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

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