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Posted: 01-06-2014 18:30
by thothlover
He did not wake up at Ivan moving around and he continued to sleep even as Ivan started the fire in the fireplace. Only when he felt the warmth on his face did he wake up. He stretched and pulled his left arm back, his shoulder hurt like hell, he noticed he'd been sleeping on it. No wonder. Ludwig huffed and sat up, his hair was a mess, he needed a shower or a decent bath! The bath wasn't going to work, with the snow outside the pipes would be frozen and the well was at least a mile walk and there the water would be frozen for sure. He yawned and rubbed his face and scratched his head, blushing as his mind traveled back to last night.

The German looked around and his Russian comrade wasn't there. But the door in the kitchen was ajar. He got up and got dressed in a hurry. Oh, cold clothes! Cold clothes! Maybe he could use the snow to bathe, it wasn't unheard of, perhaps he could just gather enough snow and melt it over the fire, make it warm and just use a cloth to wash himself. It seemed decent enough. Or he could melt the snow over the fire and fill up the tub. No, first idea was better the water wouldn't get cold on him and with his shoulder he wasn't going to be able to carry so much back and forth like that.

"Guten Morgen." He greeted Ivan as he stood in the doorway with his own boots on and bloodied coat, he held a hand in front of his face, lighting the cigarette Ivan had given him yesterday. The deer was indeed big. "How did you get that up there?" Ludwig asked he would never be able to do that.

Posted: 01-06-2014 19:16
by LizOfTheLowlands
It took quite some energy to get rid of the skin and guts from the animal. Ivan was covered in blood and he took the guts and brought it deeper into the woods and he dug a hole into the snow and hard ground with his hands. It wasn't easy since everything was frozen solid. ["Come on, Come.. on!"] he groaned and he felt a big part of the ground crumble and he dumped the guts in the and then covered it up the snow and sand. He then walked back to the house. Ivan was down right filthy now. But the deer was clean and hanging from the tree. He walked to the door and saw Ludwig standing there.

["Good morning!" he said and smiled at Ludwig's bed head. Ivan moved up his shirt and show his missing belt. "I used my belt and then my weight and strength to lift it." he said and he patted his arms. "Now we just need to either keep it frozen, or we salt it." Ivan said and he thought holding his chin with his filthy hand and pulled a face when he smelled the blood. "But first I need to clean myself" he stated with a chuckled motioning to his clothes and face. "The pipes must be frozen solid now. So... We could melt snow above the fireplace and fill up a bath" he said and he looked around at the snow. "We do need more wood then" he concluded and looked at Ludwig for his opinion. What do you think?

Posted: 01-06-2014 19:56
by thothlover
"I used my belt and then my weight and strength to lift it. He chuckled. "Now we just need to either keep it frozen, or we salt it." "Frozen it is. I don't think there's any salt left in the house." He said in thought and looked over the other. Everything had to be washed. "I was thinking the same thing. Mom's stew pot is in the pantry, it's big enough that we can get enough snow in it to melt." He said and pointed behind himself and blew a perfect 'o' in the air. "We do need more wood then" Ludwig nodded. "We do, we can just cut some branches down from the trees nearby so we don't have to risk another near death experience without vokda." He teased and winked at Ivan, throwing the bud out into the snow and walking inside again.

Posted: 02-06-2014 14:40
by LizOfTheLowlands
Ivan couldn't help but give a small guilty smile for his actions yesterday. He had been stupid and careless the last day and that almost cost him his life, again. He reached inside his coat and he grabbed a cigarette and lit it with a match. He took a drag. "I will get the wood." he said and he motioned to the bushes behind him. "You can get the snow." he suggested and he walked to Ludwig and looked at his shoulder. "Just be careful. If it's too much I will do both" he suggested and he took another drag and let the smoke escape from his nose and he rubbed his chin. A solid stubble was forming.

He smiled at Ludwig and then he walked to the bushed and quickly and effectively he took thick branches and started to cut them off. He collected the wood in a pile and he brought the bushes inside and added it to the other stack of wood. His cigarette hanging from his lips as he breathed passed it. He looked over his shoulder to check on Ludwig. The blonde seemed to do fine for now with his shoulder but Ivan would make sure to check on it soon. Ivan was no doctor. But he knew if the wound was to be infected there would not be much he could do.

Posted: 04-06-2014 15:39
by thothlover
On his ninth trip, Ludwig had to pause, his shoulder hurt. But the tub was nearly full and the water was still warm. This was the final trip. He took a deep breath and toughed it out. As he finished pouring the water into the tub, his shoulder shook. He had strained it a bit too much and it was bleeding a little, both front and back.
He rubbed his face, he had a stubble growing. "Ivan, do you still have a knife on you?" It would have to do as neither had a razor to shave.
The blond found some rags and placed them on the side of the tub for later use. He found some shaving cream, there was just enough in the can for them both to use. "The bath is ready."

Posted: 04-06-2014 19:27
by LizOfTheLowlands
Ivan walked back to the house and he carried along the last stack of wood. He had managed to collect quite some and in the meanwhile he saw Ludwig taking it along to the fireplace to melt the snow and warm the water. He waited outside for a bit and continued to finish his cigarette. After taking a deep drag he flicked away the bud and he then stepped inside and took off his boots. Ivan was still disgusting and he now even started to smell like swear, dead deer and smoke. It wasn't the best combination.

He stepped inside he saw Ludwig bending over at the fire checking on the water. Ivan's purple eyes shot to Ludwig's behind and he smiled a bit. It wasn't a bad sight, at all~ "Hm? My knife? Yes, I got it right here" he said and he pulled it out and he offered it to Ludwig. "You want to shave?" he said and he rubbed his own chin as well. "I think I'll keep mine like this" he said and he smirked a bit and followed Ludwig to the bathroom. It was cold in the tiled room, but the bath looked really inviting.

"I suggest you go first since I am disgustingly dirty" he said with a apologizing smile. He then noticed two small spots on Ludwig's shirt and he frowned and he grabbed Ludwig by his good shoulder and pulled him closer and started to undo the top buttons of the shirt and moved the top aside to show the stitches and saw them bleeding for a bit and he then looked at Ludwig. "I told you to be careful" he said and he checked the back. "You are lucky it didn't rip! Next time call for me if it's too much" he said with a worried look and he let go of Ludwig and crossed his arms.

Posted: 04-06-2014 21:01
by thothlover
"You want to shave?" He nodded, "I do." He chuckled. "I think I'll keep mine like this" Ludwig studied Ivan's face carefully. Ivan didn't look half bad with a stubble and he couldn't help but wonder how the other would look like with a beard and he smiled at his own imagination. "I suggest you go first since I am disgustingly dirty" He was brought back to reality and he glanced over to the tub and then looked down at Ivan's hands as they opened his shirt. "I told you to be careful" The blond up. "You are lucky it didn't rip! Next time call for me if it's too much"

"It's nothing serious. It's just a little blood." He mumbled and chuckled. "Really, it's fine. We just patch it up once I've freshened up and cleaned the wound." He smiled sheepishly and took the shirt off, putting it on a chair in the bathroom and stripped off the rest of his clothes and slid into the tub. He hummed, the water was nice and warm and it felt so good.

Ludwig dove under and resurfaced, running his hands through his hair. Any soap would do to wash his hair. The water had turned just a little pink from his shoulder bleeding, but it was nothing. As a matter of fact it was rather soothing to have his shoulder under the water. "You're suddenly quiet. Do you like what you see?" The German teased and gave Ivan a wink.

Posted: 13-06-2014 13:36
by LizOfTheLowlands
Ivan couldn't help but keep the frown on his face as Ludwig waved away his worries. "I will indeed patch you up again when you are done!" he said with a slight huff. He looked at Ludwig who was undressing and he averted his eyes for a bit. Ivan couldn't help but feel a bit flustered. These feelings were rather new and especially feeling these for another man was almost a taboo.

Ivan sighed and he leaned against the wall and lowered himself so he saw on the floor, with his back against the wall. "You're suddenly quiet. Do you like what you see?" he suddenly heard Ludwig say and Ivan looked up and was met with a very smug smirk from Ludwig. Ivan's eyebrow twitched. ["Of course I like what I see!] he admitted in Russian, grinning when he got a confused look back. It was indeed nice to see Ludwig like this. Though Ivan's mind went off to thing he liked even better, Ludwig underneath him, hair a mess and moaning his na-- Ivan quickly shook his head and he took a deep breath. He had to calm down. It was just kissing last night. Maybe Ludwig didn't even consider it something. But deep inside the Russian knew it was a lie.

Posted: 28-06-2014 12:22
by thothlover
[ "Of course I like what I see!" ] Ludwig hadn't expected that, he gave the other a confused look back. Was Ivan being serious? Or was he just playing with him? The blond was left with his own thoughts, Ivan wasn't a bad looking guy, not at all, in fact he was quite the lady's man! Muscular, strong, athletic, very handsome, hairy and had the most mesmerizing violet eyes he had ever seen! He shouldn't be thinking these things but... he couldn't help but leave it to his imagination on how it would feel to be underneath him. His face flushed a little and he had to pinch himself. He hurried to clean up and dry himself, starting with his hair, the last thing he wanted was to catch a death of cold in a cold house and being snowed in! "Bath's all yours."

Posted: 28-06-2014 12:49
by LizOfTheLowlands
Ivan had averted his eyes from Ludwig when he was bathing. But he heard the other stand up and the Russian couldn't help but let his eyes travel over Ludwig's body for a bit. The skin was still fair, barely any scar beside the one on Ludwig's shoulder. Ivan chuckled and stood up and started to undress himself. His clothes, hands, hair, everything was dirty and smelly. He waited for Ludwig to step out of the bath and Ivan started to take off his pants and later his underwear. He turned around only to laugh a bit at Ludwig's hair. "Your hair, it's much better like this!" he said and he turned around again and slowly stepped into the bath.
Hissing at the warmth, his skin had been so cold that the warm water almost felt too hot. Quickly enough he adjusted and he relaxed into the tub. He dipped his head under so he could start washing himself completely. He grabbed the soap and looked up. Ludwig had been just standing there. Staring at him. "And you ask me if I like what I see~" he replied and he winked before soaping himself up.