If it weren't for these chains (romano / england broship)

The 18 Boy / Boy section where you can add your guy on guy related love. 18 Boy / Boy includes sexual themes with a homosexual couple. Finished roleplays shall be moved to "Finished Roleplays"
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Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:29

England kicked at a stone.
"I understand, I guess. When it came to it, I couldn't hurt America either. Even though Scotland never spared me a blow."
It was so unfair. He would never hurt his little brother, but he'd only get hurt in return.
He patted Romanos shoulder. "Man up, and do it kid, it's either that or staying."
He mentally added 'and face Germany' but it was obvious...
He wondered if the Italian was able of a betrayal like this. He also wondered what he thought about it, he was of course glad to have his friend with him, and he could understand he didn't want to be left at Germanies mercy...
He usually frowned upon deserters. This however, was very much different, right?


Romano could only look at the camp in the distant.
"There's no way I can ever go back now."
It was like that potato bastard had finally won, he had taken his brother away from him, a.and it was all his fault.
"Ohh God, F. feli..."
he kicked a stone and walked on in a quick pass wiping his tears away, scared to look back.
After a while, he reached out and grabbed England's sleeve while walking, for a bit of comfort.
It was really hard on him to leave like this.
It felt like the republic was falling apart.

Veneciano felt restless after he returned from the radio-room. He felt insecure and wanted to go to Romano, j.just to see him.
Then again, he needed his rest also. He decided to wait.
After chitchatting with some soldiers he could bear it no more and returned with coffee for both of them.
As he opened the door he instantly knew he was abandoned.
The world stood still as he lost the strenght to hold the serving-tray.
Italy was standing silently in the door way, spilled coffee and broken porcelain around his boots, tears running down his cheeks


England wasn't good with this sort of thing. He bit his lip and just walked with Romano. Eventually producing a cotton handkerchief from his pocket with little flowers and his innitials embroidered on it.
He softly said and handed the kid the thing. He heaved a deep breath and finally found his voice.
"Hey, listen. If you can't do this, you can't do this! Fuck, would you even survive it? You only just unified. If the republic would break now...It won't end well, will it?"
There was something really insecure in his voice. Some terrible lonelyness. It was obvious that he didn't want to leave Romano. It was obvious he actually feared what would happen if Romano left with him. He feared for the boys life. For at the moment he feared, he feared that he was on the losing side.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

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Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:32

"I. I manage.. I can do this." Romano said as he dried his eyes.
"If the republic... than that means i've done him a favor. T. then he can be with... you know. and the rest of them stupid axis. And I'll just be on my own. J. just like Spain."
he kept a quick pass even though he got pretty tired and breathed heavily. He wasn't used to march threw the sand for so long.
When he finally looked back he couldn't see the camp no more.
"I'm glad you're with me." he sighed "Is it still far from here. I'm really getting tired now. How exactly are you going to make me prisoner by the way? W. wait do you hear that sound... Is it a vehicle.. it is...is it allied or axis?" he quickly duck behind some rocks.


It took Veneciano some time to get grip on himself again but when he did he started looking for clues. He must have left threw the window and he had left fast. He had taken along some of his girls, so he must have thought he would be needing those. His eyes fell on the letters he brought and he looked what they were about. one was from his boss, that could wait, the next said something on the front of the envelop.
'Feli, leave this one for your brother'
B. but.. his fingers felt itchy.
He turned it round it just said lovino vargas and the adress,..
airmail.. ahh Esp..
This letter, it was important to his brother. He remembered how dissapointed he looked that it wasn't so. But it was! He would find him a.and give it to him. And make it all better. Quickly he wrote down a quick note on top of Ill Duces letter.

Lovi hat mir verlassen, wir hatten streit. Ich werde ihn finden.
Bitte, Wenn ich nich zurück mache vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit,
bleiben Sie nicht oben.
Ich liebe dich,


England started to feel bad for the boy. Very bad. This was a mess! This was one big mess! He was about to tell him what he had in mind about his 'inprisonment' when the other pulled him away and he realised a vehicle was approaching he cursed but went along with it.
He landed unceremoniously on his bottem when losing his ballance, after being pulled along. It hurt like hell but he managed to keep quiet.


"Ahh,.." Romano said "it's one of your boys. Never been this happy to see them. It's about time my feet are killing me. You'd better catch me England, before I escape." he grinned as he pushed him away and started running. It was all still some sort of game to him. The idea he could get shot didn't come up in that blurred mind of his at all. He ran over the road and the car made a schrieking noise as the driver pressed in his brakes as not to hit.. what was it and where was it coming from anyways? Romano ran on while looking back to see what took England that long and tripped over some stones. "ahh cazzo"
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

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Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:36

England ran after Romano and was glad the kid tripped so he could easily 'capture' him.
"Sir Kirkland? Is that you? What's happening?"
England straightened his back, dragging a sturggling Lovino with him.
He had wanted to explain to Romano what his plans were for him but the situation didn't allow him to.
He finally reached the car where the soldier came to assist him using some ropes to tie Romano up.
"Awefull good timing you have Tommy! I couldn't imagine having to drag him all the way!" England cheerfully greeted the soldier.
The soldier made a move as to throw Romano in the back of the car but England stopped him.
"He's a high general. We're making him prisoner of war, but make sure he is treated well." The soldier saluted, "Yes sir!"
He motioned for Romano to take a seat instead. England sat next to him and produced a Gun from a chest pointing it at Romano.
"Don't even think of running now Vargas." He managed to wink at the other without the soldier noticing.


Germany walked into the Italian camp. Beim Gott! What was this! The camp was a mess, there was no one on guard, people where eating pasta!
An artery on his forehead started to swell.
Italy himself seemed nowhere to be found as well. Well, it seemed the Italians had an unlucky day for if Italy wouldn't do it, he'd clean up this camp. Ans he'd do it German style.
Like he had time to be here! Stupid Italy... Berlin needed his full attention. His brother had something to say to him. Something about the Luftwaffe that would be very much to his interest. However Veneciano wanted him to ensure the south was still under control of the Reich...and that was simply something that needed to be done for vital reasons! If he cleaned up this mess that Italy called a camp he'd eventually find the boy sleeping somewhere he was sure.


Romano was complaining a big deal as he was tied.
"n. not that harsh damnit, i'll get strangled"
he was just tied to his wrists offcourse so there was no struggling at all but he kept whining about it.
"ehh.. you're hurting me stupid bastards.
When my boss hears of this there we'll be a hell lot off payback.
Have you got any idea who you are dealing with.
I'll fucking bomb the lot off you, you complete jerks!"

he got silent after he was seated into the car
and Arthur pulled his gun.
"Fine whatever, I'm tired of running anyhow, eyebrows"
After the cursing and shouting, Romano fell silent. He questioned himself, who the hell am I really? The way he was acting just now, this was the side he showed most people. Not England, not his friend. He felt all of a sudden that he was making a scene, a scene however that reflected most of his everyday life. It scared him a bit. England would understand right? That it was just a act.


Italia Veneciano ran threw the quarters like a madman, got himself armed, got himself maps and got himself a tankette. There was still a soldier sleeping inside which he pushed awake to make him start the damned thing.
"Eeey.. you're Lovino's brother aren't you?"
"Si, he's missing. Start this thing we're going to look for him."
"Any ideas where to start?"

Italia hung his head
"There, there, let's start at the beginning,
he couldn't have gone far, by foot.
there isn't an aircraft missing is there?"
"I, I don't know. I don't know anymore."

the soldier smiled "he's lucky to have you looking after him.
Don't you worry we'll find him, I promise"
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

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Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:38

The soldiers acted a bit on guard as the German walked in, as if they sobered up instantly. They were somewhat scared of him. Partly because the could sense the power of the reich, partly because they knew Feliciano was all over this guy. And they were scared to say something wrong and endure the unforgiving stare of Feliciano and fall out off grace with him.
So the soldiers made way for him as he walked in and fell silent, only speaking when spoken to. Though some would gossip as soon he had passed. As much as the soldiers knew Feliciano favored this guy, they knew Lovino hated him. And everybody seemed to have his theories about it.


England didn't speak much during the drive to the camp. He seemed to be waking from a dream. A weird dream that involved mediterenean food and sleeping under a date palm. A cowards dream.
The soldier had told him there were messages waiting for him. He had grown really scared of messages. He could barely stand to touch an envelope. All of them seemed bad news lately.
He remembered having to sink Frances marine. The way France had cried and stomped his foot... The marine was just to likely to fall in German hands at the moment. The current state France was in- such powerfull ships within the grasp of Germany was the last thing he wanted.
France had acted like a stubborn child, not wanting to weaken himself. The painfull thing was, he understood.
France had shouted foolish things, that he'd declare war on him. While moments before they had been allies. In the end, it didn't happen of course. France was in no shape to fight. France belonged with the allies.
What would they tell him now when he got back? That France had died? That he had to kill France? That America wouldn't help him?
He was so scared of messages.
When they arrived at the front he took Romano to a building. Once they were alone and inside he visibly relaxed.
"I'm afraid you have to stay here...There are some soldiers on guard to. I'll fix you a meal. Then I need to check those-"
He frantically pulled his sleeve.
He gestured at the room, it contained a desk and a bed, but there were bars at the window.
"The guards have instructions that if you need anything they must come to get me at once. I'll be in the kitchen now."
The british camp was organised. The guards were on sharp and needed to be told lies. England didn't mind, he didn't mind at all.


To his horror Germany discovered neither of the Italies were in the camp. A small voice in the back of his head immediately told him 'they've been captured again'. Yet there was still hope. He told the control room to telegraph the outposts and ask if the brothers Vargas were there, or if they had been seen out fighting.
Something he found hard to believe. Those two, being out there getting work done.
He impatiently waited in an official room while enjoying a meal and some wine. He was usually more fond of beer, but Italian wine was of great quality. Yet he didn't seem happy that he had to wait and all soldiers and even officers seemed anxious to be in the same room as him.


"Ahh that's ok, the room aint bad. Will you take these ropes off now?
Or do I need them to call you whenever I need my sack scratched.
Damnit just thinking about it makes it itch"

He looked at England and giggled

"Hey Arthur. Did you know?.. When people get into situations where they might die... this instinct activates wanting them to leave behind offspring. That's why they want to do pervy things while on the battlefield so badly."
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:45

After a while one italian kid came to Ludwig, he couldn't have been older then seventeen. "ughm sir,.." (wehh don't hit me) "Feliciano was seen outside he's out to seek his brother, they say. He took a tankette, West" the kid pointed east. His eyes fell on ludwigs weapon "I. is that a luger, c. can I see?" (wehh don't shoot me)


"Tsk, don't get your panties in a twist! I'm working on it!"
England laughed and started pulling out the tight knots in the rope.
But then the boy said something- of dear! Shame rose to his cheeks and he promptly dropped the now lose rope to the ground.
"C-come again?"


Germany sighed deeply. Romano was gone missing. That meant he was captured. It always meant they were captured.
and Since Veneciano went after him, and given Veneciano's compatibility with a tankette he would probably be captured by now as well.
And who was coming to get them? Yup... Germany.
He tossed the gun to the soldier boy.
"Have fun with it. Don't shoot yourself."
This was the first Italian he met with an interest in guns. It was an improvement actually, and he had reserves on him. It's always wise to bring a second gun.

He massaged his lefst shoulder. He wondered if he'd gotten a little paranoid lately, but it was so damn hard to determine where prepared stopped and paranoid began. Time to go get those two and teach them a lesson!


Romano looked at the dropped rope on the ground around his feet
and with a smile turned to find England with his cheeks blushed, again.

"Uhuh it's true..." Feli had been astonished as well.
Romano bend to get one ropes end and stood up tall
winding the rope up while studying the look on Arthurs face.

"Well,... technically...
I am your prisoner so nobody would hold it against you, if you...
I don't really feel like making a whole scene about it either
because it's tiring.
As long as you're gentle and we keep being friends,
actually, I don't think I'd mind at all"

Really had it been that long?
He kicked out his boots and sat on the bed. "do you?"
Romano thought to himself;
I should wank off this day either in solitude or company
cause I can't take this much longer.


Italia in the meanwhile had managed to get his tankette stuck in a ditch. And they tried to fight the sand in order to get it out again. Only digging it in deeper as they did. Feli kicked at the thing and climbed on top. The other soldier sighed heavily. "It will get cold tonight" he said figuring all they could do now was wait now until somebody would find them.
"I'm not staying here" Veneciano replied "My brother is out there... somewhere"


England trembled slightly, he was breathing fast, you could see his chest rise and fall.
Slowely he stepepd up to the bed but suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. He frowned deep.
"I'm not like that!"
He needed to take a deep breath in order to explain his sudden outburst.
"Yesterday night. You- you told me, how everyone just wants you for your lands, how they just want to use you... I'm not like that!"
He couldn't believe it and had to bite his lip to keep himself from trembling.
"Are you testing me Romano?"
It wasn't that the other wasn't desirable, he even found it unbelievable Romano wanted to do that with him. It wasn't like he didn't need it as well...


Romano just smiled and shook his head.
“I know you’re not… that’s why I trust you, right? I already knew back then you won’t hurt me to get the things you want. Why would I flee for my brother just to get assaulted by you? Your logic is flawed, England. I’m not testing you, nor judging you or anything. I’m just,.. well… eghm excited a. and if I won’t wank off I’m sure I’m going mental.”
He took off his socks
“S. so.. either the sock gets it or you.” He blushed up now as well “eh… well you know, we don’t need to go far anyhow, I’m q. quite positive it will only take a couple of minutes…” He wasn’t really sure if that was a good thing or not.
“No need to take over and command the other. It’s more like uhm.. plucking tomato’s together. It can be fun, really.” Romano didn’t want to make England feel uncomfortable. This, this was something different. M. maybe England just didn’t like him that way.
“It. It’s not because I’m fat, is it?”

ohh precious little self doubt, that’s been a while!
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:49

England shuddered slightly. Truth was, after that morning the desire hadn't completely gone away. The urge had remained, bothersome and insisting. He had already planned to touch himself sometime tonight.
This however... Why not? He felt nervous, but he couldn't think of a reason not to do this. No one would come in without permission... It was a human- it was someone other than France- Romano was really attractive actually.
He got down on the bed, kneeling on it and he unzipped his trousers.
Suddenly he found himself very eager.
He leaned closer and silenced his Italian friend with a shy kiss.


Germany had soon a search expedition set up and drove around in a kübelwagen trying to spot the tankette. The tracks had dissapeared because of the dessert winds filling them with sand.
After a long and fruitless search he finally managed to spot the tankette...Stuck in a ditch.
That explained why Italy hadn't come back for a meal of pasta yet. There was no way Italy would walk home.
However when he talked to the Italian soldier he got surprised. Italy did walk. But not back home... He had walked on. Now he was out there somewhere.
Germany felt his annoyance change into worry. Getting captured by the English was one thing, but dehydration or being eaten by a crocodile were a lot harder to reverse!


That kiss seemed to come out of nowhere and Romano's eyes were wide open by sheer choque for a brief moment, then returned one, softly onto his lips. He was shaking a little also, this was very weird yet very exciting and it made him giggle a bit. He carefully trailed his fingers over Englands face as if he had never saw him before softly brushing his brows "they're s. soft..." he said in wonder and smiled as he laid his head onto his neck, inhaled his scent then licked to taste him. All Romano's senses where sharpend to draw a perfect map of England into his memory to last there. The italian put his hand down and into his own trousers and a warm soft sigh came from him as he did.


Italia had been walking until he had passed the same stupid rocks for a fifth time, he simply had to admit he was walking in circels. "Romano!" his throat felt sore and his voice didn't reach far either. Why, why had he left? He simply didn't understand. B.but they were a republic together. He got up again and walked on, his boots heavy with sand until he could no more and simply collapsed.


The soldier understood Doitsu’s worried stare into the lands. “The Brits have a post, in that direction. I hope either you or them find him before nightfall. It quickly turns cold here when the sun sets,.. that is when the snakes come out also,… snakes and other things. He had taken a little water, only because I made him to, I suppose. W. why is it they are always fighting, these brothers... do you know German?”


England made a little upset noise. "Of course they are...what did you expect?" He murmered softly.
His voice died away in a groan when Romano licked him. He quickly grabbed for his fly and dragged his pants down until they were pooling around his knees.
He felt so liberated without them on, he only now realised how badly he had needed this.
"C-can I- touch you?"
His hand was already half reaching for Romano. He was curious, this boy was new to him. He had no clue what would make him respond and what not. It was very different from a familiar body, where you knew just where to touch and how fast and-


Germany huffed. "The day I understand Italians, I'll let you know. Now if you excuse me I have a bunch of fools to rescue."
He would need a search party, he walked over to the car and send his driver back to the camp with instructions that if he didn't come back by morning they needed to send reïnforcements.


Tim had been assigned with the crappiest watch on their furthest post. He cursed and tried to use his army knife to scrape the excess butter of his poorly made sandwich. It was the most boring thing in the world to watch a desert at night. Yet if they'd catch him sleeping he wouldn't even get gross sandwiches anymore. No slacking!
Still...Like an Italian would wander around here at this time. They would be absolutely retarded if-

Well he be damned!
"Don't move! You're under shot!"
He realised it was useless, the kid had already collapsed.
He walked over to the radio.
"Uhm- outer watchtower to base- I have captured an Italian. A high ranked Italian. Yes. Yes at this time. No I'm not joking so I can go to sleep! Just send someone over to pick him up ok? Ok thanks. Ok I'm sorry for waking you!"
Stupid crancky radio opperator...
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:52

Romano nodded slowly. Did he really ask him permission, he did.
"Si, I'd like that." The boy was pretty fastforward and stroked over Englands underwair. Meanwhile he hold himself with a firm grip and felt it grow real hard within his boxers. He was to much in a hurry to take them off.
He gave England a real sexy look as he took his hand and made him hold onto his member. "Do we kiss also, or no?" He soon followed carefully slipping his hand into Englands underwair. "Hmn,.. it's so nice to feel someone else hold it, dios. Mmn, please put it in next gear, England"


England seemed nervous like he wasn't really sure what to do. Kiss? Or not? Touch? and how much?
He clumsilly stroked Romano a little and realised he himself was completely out of control already. He let out some desperate strangled noise and pushed Romano down onto the matrass.
He wasn't rough, just needy.
He laid down between the boys legs rubbing their bodies together. It felt great, this motion this friction. It was like doing it with clothes still on.
"Oh god...R-Romano!"


Romano giggled "P. please... England. if you don't mind... my full name... I. I really like that a lot... I know it's stupid, right, but.." The kid twirled his curl around his fingers and bit his lip to surpress a moan. He started jerking off England slowly, teasingly, skillfully and even though Romano didn't know England that well he was experienced enough to tell he wasn't quite as used to all this. Romano with a grand smile turned England onto his side and unleached his italian skills onto him. Romano was good for nothing except when it came to treasure. If there was a map, he'd find x after x after x, with either tongue or fingertips.


England felt Romano pushing him off and was only a little upset he wasn't on top anymore. He had to admit he was better at lying back and enjoying.
At one point he rolled onto his back. He pulled Romano in a heated kiss. He was so close! His hands cluthed Romanos hair, tangling the curl between his fingers as well, unaware of the consequences.


England kissed very different than he was used to and he liked it a lot.
It was like making out with a 15 year old choir girl, at the backseat of a car, scared to get caught and beat up by the girls daddy.
If he had been a normal boy,
he would have been scared for his very soul.
But for nations other rules applied, amen!
As England got hold of his hair he started moaning deep and quickly shifted Englands shirt up, scared for an early release and fuck up his uniform.
He started shaking and closed his eyes.
"Ahh si, tug it harder"
he simply couldn't concentrate on jerking England anymore and looked at him desperately
"Hgn.. curl it around.. fuck.. Ahh I.. I'm."
It just built up fast so suddenly so strong.
Romano just let his body fall onto England and gasped for breath,
his body salty of sweat... Englands chest glistering by his load.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:54

England didn't really understand what was happening but obeyed the others half shouted orders. Not long after he felt Romanos release on his chest. It was warm and cooled rapidly. He pulled Romano in a tight embrace.
He needed release to! Why had Romano stopped touching him? Probably because he was coming himself. That had to be it.
To his greatest embarasment a whiny sound escaped his lips, a begging sound that made it clear he needed the other again.


Romano looked up to find Englands worried eyes
"heh, don't worry I haven't forgotten about you."
He took a deep breath and softly bit his lip.
He drew some figures in the cum, hardly noticible what it were,
because the slicky stuff didn't stick out enough at the pale skin off England.

He then trailed his fingers south teasingly,
rufling the tiny hairs that run down from Englands navel
and further still until he got to his member screaming for a bit of attention. He took it firmly and started stroking slowly,
far to slowly, giving England a dirty smirk.


England gasped softly when Romano touched him again. Oh he needed that- but- oh god why so slow?
It made him moan with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He tried to buck up his hips and thrust up into the boys hand.
"Oh- come on! I- I need this!"


"Ahh... do you now?" Romano silenced him with a fiery kiss, his tongue curling around his, licking his lips, little sounds of pleasure escaping him.
He teased less and speeded up quite a bit. But not giving it all still. Romano was a major tease when he really wanted the other to enjoy he gave as little as possible, building up dreadfully slowly, to make them longue so much they nearly snapped. A present needs a great wrapping.
Romano took his kisses lower far lower. His hand slowed just a little, making room to press his tongue onto the tip of englands shakend cock. Romano looked up a sec to see Englands reaction.


England was going mad from the pleasure. He had wanted to shout something again but Romano shut him up before he even could and the kisses left him to breathless to say something.
Suddenly he realised what Romano was about to do but before he could react he already- licked- there- oh god!
His eyes rolled back a little and he let out a helpless wimper.
He didn't want to be this weak! He wanted most to just pin romano down and have his way with him, or at least fuck his hand or mouth as hard as he wanted, but somehow he was completely unable to move.
He would come like this! He wouldn't even be able to warn Romano. He knew that in advance.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 22:58

Romano felt amazing, he felt like Italia had grown beyond it's borders, he felt so much control. Still he had teased England far enough allready and their friendship should be more or less evenly balanced.
Romano helped England up onto his knees and took a mouthfull of him. He led Englands hand onto his hair in doing this giving the old piratefriend free reign.


Usually England would've objected to something like this, thrusting freely into someones mouth wasn't exactly gentlemanly. Now however, it seemed like he had snapped.
His eyes were unfocussed and his breath hitched. All it took were a few hard sharp thrusts.
A moment of pure bliss and release, his eyes widened and he gasped for air. When he realised he was coming he paniced and tried to pull away from Romano to keep it from getting in his mouth. He was a little to late though and ended up getting it on the others face instead.
He fell back panicked still.
"Oh god! I'm so sorry! I meant to pull away and- oh god."


Romano felt Englands muscles contracting as he pulled back and shut his eyes almost instinctly. He carefully opened them again and found a panicing England, a sight he couldn't really place that easily. He felt the cum gliding down his cheek and whiped it away with his hand easily enough with his other reached for England to pet.
"Shhh.. it's all okay England. I know right, the consience is the part that hurts when all other parts feel so good. But it's okay because we are nations we can do this and so much more. God doesn't mind I know for sure. And we both wanted this to happen, si? D. don't you feel relaxing just now?" Romano laid his hand onto Arthurs chest. "Pfff.. I know I am feeling better allready."


England quickly cradled Romano in his arms.
"I- it's just- I was afraid I might fuck up. And in the end I did because I messed up your face."
He was flushed and for one moment it really showed how insecure he really was. He never really enjoyed control in sex because he was this insecure.
He knew better than to ask if he did good. It was the stupidest thing one could ask.
Control in other things had never been a problem. He had controlled the world! Yet here...


romano laughed at England.
"You didn't mess up a thing, silly fucker. How can you ever enjoy anything when you hate yourself like that?"
Romano turned England down flat on his tummy.
"Lay still and try not to fall asleep." it sounded somewhat like an order, but sweet as well.
"I'll show you something my grandpa left me, you'll like it I'm sure."
Romano warmed his hands by rubbing them together and placed them on Arthurs body giving him a massage. He did it a lot for sweet girls he met, but hardly ever for guys. He knew all the muscles by hard in Latin and named them for England. "You really should drink some water after this. Do you feel your arms glowing yet?"


England stiffened under the boys touches and orders but once he realised what Romano was doing he relaxed.
He sighed softly and let out a noise of appreciation.
"T-this is nice..."
He mumbled embarassed. He liked this and it felt great.
All those complicated feelings seemed to be shallowed down to just one: Happy.
"Why do I have to drink water?"
He was curious.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 01-06-2014 23:02

W. well... because you have been building up a lot of tension and toxins in your muscles over time. And now they are released, your body needs water to get them out of your system. It will prevent muscle aches after. Water is good for your skin also. A good massage dehydrates the body somewhat and in these weather conditions well..."
Romano just chatted a little further as he put his weight on england and cracked his back. He was quite sure he'd become all tense if he'd told him up front "there, better eh?" It was like being back home again, naked and free, relaxing with friends at the sauna. Now with a good glass of wine it would be perfect.


Italia's lashes lifted somewhat as he regained conscience, he felt a bit nauseas. Offcourse he had drank far too little. When he paniced and started looking for his brother he had forgot about his own safety entirely. Then again there had no one to remind him, unlike usual.
"Ehhh,... ho sete..."


England listened carefully. it was true that he never really took care of his body. It seemed one of the least priorities in life to him. You throw in fuel at one end and keep it running so you can bother with more purposefull pursuits.
The physical, he never had been fond of it. It confused him.
Now however he felt good, healthy... He started to understand it a bit more.
England sat up a little, this feeling was so new to him, he finally understood intimacy, he wanted to kiss, to hug...
He got up completely now, tidying himself up. "Uhm, thank you. For what you did...and uhm. Just really thank you."


"Hello little guy!"
A cheerfull british soldier greeted Feliciano, assuming he wouldn't be able to understand him anyways.
Feliciano was lying in the back of a car lightly bound and they were driving to the main camp.
"Almost didn't believe that winey outpost guy when he called you in! Oh well, never know what to expect when dealing with Italians.
"We're almost at the camp mate! I'll ask Kirkland what to do with you."


Romano started to get his clothes back in order in a rather nonchalant matter.
"you're welcome, grazie for keeping me sane" He had used his socks for cleaning and was now fixing his hair carefully. His scalp was still sensitive.
"We never made a solid plan.. now what do we do..
return to the mainlands before shit hits the fan, or what?
Keep radiocontact...
I don't really feel like leaving after all this time but I guess it's inevitable under todays conditions. What do you say England?
I'd like a way out off this war. I wanted to bring us all togheter, heh..
but not like this...
I hope one day we we'll be one empire.
C. cause I still want to trade with you and everything.
Even though I don't know if there's still things usefull now you got friends with America who kinda has it all"
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

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