finding a way in. (OC's Zeeland and Sicilia and Romano)

The [18 ] (Boy / Girl) section where you can add your straight related love.
[18 ] (Boy / Girl) includes sexual themes with a straight couple. Finished roleplays shall be moved to "Finished Roleplays"
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Post by dernhelm » 19-03-2012 17:43

Romano didn't think much about it and walked on. He guessed it was just one of her lady friends asking what brand mascara she should buy or whatever.
Romano walked ahead and treatened a waiter enough to get him the nicest spot for himself and his girl, replacing a reservation to do so.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1245
Joined: 23-01-2012 22:16

Post by BeyondReaper » 19-03-2012 19:35

Sara kept an eye on when Romano left.
"Ok I can talk now."
"Yes.. he is here... as well as Romano."
"No.. South Italy."
"W-What? I don't understand? What's wrong with him?"
"R-Really?! Drugs transportion?"
"I will keep an eye on him. Thank you."
"You too... ok I'll look out for it. Bye!"

She closed her phone and stared at the pavement for awhile. Romano was here to seduce her into a deal for his drugs transportion?! How could he?! She was so hurt that he tried that! She wished it wasn't true, but she had to believe Netherlands.
Sara sighed sadly and made her way into the restaurant and sit down at the table Romano ordered. She decided it perhaps would be good if she gave him a scare.
"That was Netherlands." She commented dryly while pretending to scan the menu.
Main RP character: England
Minor characters: France, Lithuania, Italy, Canada, Russia, America
OC's: Costa Rica, Zealand

~Planet Earth I need a friend
'Cause I'm on the outside looking in
I'm an Alien~

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 19-03-2012 21:35

"Netherlands" he repeated "Y. you didn't mention I'm here did you,... you DID... cazzo" he hit the menu softly at the table
"S. sorry Sara it's just that... Netherlands.. I know he's your friend... but he's always so over protective to his girls... When I go hangout with Belgium, she's like a sister to me,si? Then Netherlands always comes to fuck it up... excuse the swearing, fuck! I bet he's here in 15 minutes to scream at me again. Ehh.. just like always... Romano, jij bent stoute jonge... Wat ik gedaan? weet nog niet maar ga wel weten en dan krijg je slaag.. ja egt. Looking all mean with his flaming hair. He hates me just because I was Spains colony."
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1245
Joined: 23-01-2012 22:16

Post by BeyondReaper » 19-03-2012 22:49

Sara couldn't help but chuckle about the very funny way Lovino spoke Dutch.
"He won't come here now. Said something about discussing issues with Belgium." She tried to sound nonchalant, adding a little shrug.
"Somthing about.." she made sure to drag the last word out. "Transportion."
Main RP character: England
Minor characters: France, Lithuania, Italy, Canada, Russia, America
OC's: Costa Rica, Zealand

~Planet Earth I need a friend
'Cause I'm on the outside looking in
I'm an Alien~

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 21-03-2012 23:05

"oh really.. hm" he was getting a bit nervous now, scratched his neck then took the menu again. "yeah Neth ships like a boss these days huh..." change the subject this is annoying. There is nothing to do now but waiting anyways. "Hmn, would you like a starter or no? Either is fine, it's just.. you see..." Hmn how should he bring this "See,.. I've dated this girl once who was on this terrible diet and hardly ate and I'm always eating like it's my last day on earth,. heh well that's what others tells me, Feli and Antonio anyways. And I don't want to make it harder on you if you are on a diet, i mean not that i think you should,.. ohh fuck i mean you are beautifull and you shouldn't, period. Don't starve yourself because guys in fact like a girl with an appetite and all the extra's." he winks "Well I do,... s. so yeah we should do starters if you like... and desert also." he smiled again.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1245
Joined: 23-01-2012 22:16

Post by BeyondReaper » 22-03-2012 06:38

Sara chuckled and shook her head at him.
"I'm not on a diet, Lovino, don't worry. I'm happy with the way I am and I can't accept the possibility to faint because I'm starving myself. Certaintly not as a province. So yes, I'll take a starter. I'll taakkkeeee......uhm.... toast with salmon(hope i spelled correctly)."
However, Zealand kept a close eye on Romano now. She wasn't one to mess with and her siblings knew that all to well.
Main RP character: England
Minor characters: France, Lithuania, Italy, Canada, Russia, America
OC's: Costa Rica, Zealand

~Planet Earth I need a friend
'Cause I'm on the outside looking in
I'm an Alien~

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 25-03-2012 21:42

"Ringrazia dio, finally a girl that appreciates food.
Dio li Fa, poi li Accoppia"

He carefully moves his leg until it strokes hers.
After staring in her eyes for a brief moment
he replies to her with a most sensual smirk.
"I'll take a dutch schrimp cocktail and I believe we should order a beautifull wine
so we can have a toast on a most special lady, si?"

he flushed a bit.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1245
Joined: 23-01-2012 22:16

Post by BeyondReaper » 25-03-2012 23:04

Zeeland nodded at Romano, wine sounded good, but she couldn't get drunk!
Wait... there was a plan... maybe she could get Romano drunk and get information out of him!! Ooh she was so smart!
She smiled sweetly at him.
"We have some good French wine here, even some Spanish wine I think... or are you more a South African wine type?"
Main RP character: England
Minor characters: France, Lithuania, Italy, Canada, Russia, America
OC's: Costa Rica, Zealand

~Planet Earth I need a friend
'Cause I'm on the outside looking in
I'm an Alien~

Posts: 1011
Joined: 27-10-2011 21:41

Post by dernhelm » 25-03-2012 23:20

Romano grinned "naturally, I'm more the italian-wine type, Bella. But today I'll settle for a South African one... So,... Now I've heard the dutch have become rather adventurous and got quite a few winegards themselves these days, is this true?"
Romano ordered for both of them.
Main: quess that's Romano, for now.
OC: Sicilia, quite a bastard (love him)
Likes: north italy, spain, america, netherlands... scared to get a list as long as yuria's (halp?!)

Posts: 1245
Joined: 23-01-2012 22:16

Post by BeyondReaper » 25-03-2012 23:22

"Sounds fine." She answered
Sara nodded at his question.
"That's correct. We own a few, though I'm not sure how it's going with that at this very moment. As you may have heard, I'm focusing on a different project right now."
She'd put him to the test to see if he knew things about it.
Main RP character: England
Minor characters: France, Lithuania, Italy, Canada, Russia, America
OC's: Costa Rica, Zealand

~Planet Earth I need a friend
'Cause I'm on the outside looking in
I'm an Alien~

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