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Festival Levende Geschiedenis LPLG

Posted: 04-11-2011 20:31
by dernhelm
Each year in the Netherlands there is a huge historical festival in September named LPLG. All re-enactment groups from a broad range of time periods attend under the lplg-umbrella.
All participants try to be as historical correct as possible in clothing and attributes. It is a great festival to go to.

Romans, Vikings, Celts, High and Late Medieval, Napoleontics, WWII, Cold war, etc.
In time they will release more info on their website for 2012.

Posted: 05-11-2011 01:25
by yuria-chan
Looks impressive O-O I don't have any accurate clothing... I can dress 'medieval' but that's improvised :P
Do you participate, or do you just watch? And pictures? ? If you do I'm curious for your costume!

Posted: 05-11-2011 23:03
by dernhelm
this is one of me in action:P
not on lplg however.


pity for the visitors, the best part of the festival is when they are gone,heheh.
Then we drink beer together. It's insane. bourgondian medieval girls dancing with WWII germans, vikings playing cards with napoleontics. It's kinda like a hetalia episode really, hahaha.

feathering Jos, a friend of mine (all girls LOVE him)

some guys showing there vihicles:

This is Bas, a allied friend of mine (he's also a roman)
Image ... order.html
This is me talking with another friend of mine: a real Doitsu, his name is Werner. Really a nice guy. Only have an url, because the pic won't load.

I'm with the Dutch 15th Century group named GravenvanHolland.

Visitors usually don't dress up for the festival. They just watch the shows. There are quite some battles and demonstrations every year.

Posted: 07-11-2011 20:34
by talkenia
It. . . .

seems so awesome..

Posted: 07-11-2011 22:00
by yuria-chan
Why isn't Pru here yet to drool over all those awesome airforce uniforms and stuff?

Posted: 07-11-2011 23:15
by dernhelm
perhaps he fainted, lol