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Hallo !

Posted: 05-06-2013 23:34
by Eisprinzessin

I just joined this forum and I'm goning to introduce myself to you a bit.
(Yes, I don't really know where to begin xD )

Well, I'm a weird 19 years old girl from GeRmAnY :germanydancing:
I've been searching for a good Hetalia RPG forum for quite a while now and when I found this forum I decided to join it.

As probably all of you, I love Hetalia and Animes and Mangas in general.
I'm also addicted to RPing and I write many different RPG genres.

History is one of my biggest interests, I've been interested in history since I was an innocent, cute little child *nostalgia*
And that's the reason why Hetalia is my all time favourite Anime :charmingfrance:
When I got to know Hetalia (some years ago) I was like :" Yes, finally ! That's what I've been waiting for all these years <3 "

I'm really interested in other countries and cultures.

My favourite characters in Hetalia are: Prussia, Britain, Germany, Denmark and Russia.
My favourite pairings are: GermanyXPrussia, GermanyXBritain, PrussiaXAustria, RussiaXGermany and Denmark X Norway, SpainXRomano.
(Ja, many of them are totally unpopular I know) :cryingspain:

[[ I write RPs in English and German (I apologize for all the mistakes in my English :scaredlatvia: ) ]]

Anyhow I hope to find many people to write RPG with or to have good conversations about Hetalia and other stuff :happypoland:

Best regards =3

Posted: 06-06-2013 16:37
by Weronikus
Hello! I'm Weronikus (Or Weronika, I don't mind~) From Poland!
'm quite interested in history, too! Maybe we could do a history-accurate Hetalia RP? I so wanted to do one!

And yeah, when I was first introduced to Hetalia... Well, let's say that I loved it right away. But I was a bit disappointed with how some of the facts were twisted, or not even taken under account.

That's all from me... Oh! Wait! I forgot! *facepalm* Have a nice time here!!!!

Posted: 06-06-2013 19:47
by Lokitama
Salve !

I'm Lokitama from Belgium ! ( You can call me Loki, if you're too lazy to write down the "-tama" ! )

I like History-accurate stories/RPG when it comes to Hetalia it always give a dark background that can be used for good ( or bad ) ~

So you're interested in other countries and cultures, huh ? What's your favorite ? :happypoland: I really like Italy's history and culture. But I love Nordic Mythology. It's just awesome !

Here's a famous quote from Thor !
If I wear a wedding dress like this,
Gods will think that I became a
:charmingfrance: Sooooo much philosophy in this :yaygermany:

Don't worry about mistakes in English; we're quite a lot from non-english speaking countries on this forum ! We all make mistakes, even native-speakers ! But with this, I think it'll be easier for everyone to speak English.

Let me ask you some questions !

- Do you like eating ?
- Have you ever been to the carnival of Cologne ?( Kologne ? Dunno how to write it in German only in French ^^" )
- Do you like kitties ?
- What's your favorite kind of RP ? ( AU, History-Accurate, etc. )
- Do you play any instruments ?
- Do you associate yourself with your country ? ( ex. : Do you have one of the same habits as Germany, or look in someway like him ? )

Oh ! If you want to RP with everyone - even if it's kind of dead because of the exams - I show you in this right moment the Mass Roleplays section

If you have a great idea, you can propose it to future partners

But if you want to RP with some specifically, this will help you. You can search for the kind of character you want in the list ( second post ) and if one of them interest you, go see for further details in the posts below, and then PM the wanted player !

Ah... But it sounds scary like this... :searchingitaly:

I hope I didn't scare you... :searchingitaly:

I-I wish you a great time here, too ! You're a part of Hetaliarp-family, now ~ ( You've got no choice :pervengland: )

I hope we'll be able to roleplay together one of these times ! After the exams, for example !

@Weronika ~ :
That's all from me... Oh! Wait! I forgot! *facepalm* Have a nice time here!!!!
Aha ~ You're not a Pro-Facepalmer for nothing, neh ?

Posted: 06-06-2013 21:42
by Eisprinzessin
Thanks for the nice welcoming you two =3


Sure we can write an accurate historical RP, I'd totally like to :happypoland:
Just tell me which time you'd like to write about (there are some times I know more about than about others)
I normally Play these characters : Prussia, Germany, Russia and I also would try England but I've never played England before.


So you're interested in other countries and cultures, huh ? What's your favorite ? :happypoland:
I'm totally interested in Great Britain, Norway (Scandinavia in general), Russia and Poland.
Japan is fascinating too.

I really like Italy's history and culture. But I love Nordic Mythology. It's just awesome !
I LOVE NORDIC MYTHOLOGY :charmingfrance: (Ja, this was scary I know) It's pretty much the same as Germanic Mythology, which had a huge influence on the German culture. Have you read the Edda yet ?

I'll answer your questions now :yaygermany:

- Do you like eating ?
Never thought about it xD Ja sure when it's some food I really like.

- Have you ever been to the carnival of Cologne ?
I've been to Cologne (Köln) but not on carnival. But I've been to their carnival rival City DÜSSELDORF on carnival ! I like Düsseldorf much better, I'm not a fan of Köln anyway.

- Do you like kitties ?
I don't dislike them. But I prefer dogs, I also have a dog and no cat ^^"

- What's your favorite kind of RP ?
Many ! Dark, History, Military, Yaoi, Comedy, Drama and some more.

- Do you play any instruments ?
Nein, I don't. But I used to play the flute in elementary school (not by choice, by order)

- Do you associate yourself with your country ? ( ex. : Do you have one of the same habits as Germany, or look in someway like him ? )

I'm a Prussian German.
Indeed I have some habits like Germany and like Prussia, what I think is quite funny XD

Well, I tell you how I look like and then you can decide if I do look a bit like a female him.
I have long, lightblond hair, huge blue eyes and I'm more than pale.
My height is 1,78m .
And, do I look a bit like a female Version of him ?

Ah... But it sounds scary like this... :searchingitaly:

I hope I didn't scare you... :searchingitaly:
Not at all, it's hard to scare me :neutralswitzerland:

I hope we'll be able to roleplay together one of these times ! After the exams, for example !
I'd really like to RP with you ^.^

Posted: 06-06-2013 22:12
by Weronikus
@Loki-chan: Hah, of course~! But you know, I was born a pro-facepalmer xD. Only now people came to respect that fact. :P

@Eisprinzessin: Hmmm... I know the communism, World Wars (though mostly the II) and the Polish Underground Nation quite well. I guess I'd like a roleplay between Poland and Russia in the communism times... but before 1953, since afterwards USSR doesn't have such a tight reign on other countries. (For obvious reasons :P) If you don't mind this, I'd like to ask if you'd be alright if Poland is more... masculine. Since, truth be told, I don't see my nation running around in a dress on a pony holding a pistol in one hand and yelling out: "Like, totally for Poland!" It's so... so... so... totally wrong. I hope you understand. :P

Posted: 06-06-2013 22:13
by Lokitama
Oh ! Japan is fascinating indeed ! But I've got some difficulties with their culture. It's hard to understand and it's so confusing, sometimes. That's why I'm gonna go to Japan to learn on the job !
I LOVE NORDIC MYTHOLOGY (Ja, this was scary I know) It's pretty much the same as Germanic Mythology, which had a huge influence on the German culture. Have you read the Edda yet ?
YOU LOVE NORDIC MYTHOLOGY ? :charmingfrance: I unfortunately didn't read the Edda, yet, since we don't have that much books about it in our library. The guy behind the desk almost laughed at my face when I asked where were the books about Nordic Mythology. :angryromano:

Plus ! I haven't had the time to read all of the books there was - about four books ? - because I always had something to do at school, or either was in vacation. ( Vacation meaning meets all your family. )
And when it's summer holidays, I can't read Swiss German, so... TTuTT

By the way ! Which god do you like the best ? ( I won't tell you mine, it's obvious )

Questions !

What's your favorite food, then ?

I never been to Düsseldorf, only Cologne ( should I say Köln ? ). ( It was pretty scary the "City DÜSSELDORF" it looked like you were saying this like this :

- CITY DÜSSELDORF ! :angrycuba:
And I would answer : - Y-Yes, Ma'am :scaredlatvia: I don't mean to be rude, but German is such a strong language... *You can hit me, if you don't like that comment* )

Oh ! You're very German indeed ! From now on, I'll dub you as Printen or Fem!Germany, can I ?

Posted: 07-06-2013 01:54
by Eisprinzessin
I have to admit that I’d need to do a lot of research before I could write this.
I don’t know much about the Polish and Russian relationships in time of communism. :embarrassedhre:
When it comes to communism I know most things about the DDR and Russia and the relationship between the DDR and the USSR.
When it comes to WWII I’m more than well informed. Since I’m interested in history I knew most things before we had this in school. And then it happened to be, that WWII is the only topic which is properly discussed in German history classes. Again and again, in history, politic and German classes. :sweatdropgermany:
If you don't mind this, I'd like to ask if you'd be alright if Poland is more... masculine. Since, truth be told, I don't see my nation running around in a dress on a pony holding a pistol in one hand and yelling out: "Like, totally for Poland!" It's so... so... so... totally wrong. I hope you understand. :P

Ja, I totally understand you and I think a masculine Poland is better anyway.
I never understood why they made Poland like this, it doesn’t match. (Well, in my opinion it doesn’t match)
I picture Poland as a brave, strong and proud country and I have a huge respect for the polish history and culture.
So when I first saw Poland in Hetalia I thought “Honestly ?! Nein, not really ....” :facepalm:

YOU LOVE NORDIC MYTHOLOGY ? I unfortunately didn't read the Edda, yet, since we don't have that much books about it in our library. The guy behind the desk almost laughed at my face when I asked where were the books about Nordic Mythology.
Yes, I do love Nordic Mythology.
I have the Edda at home and I’ve read it.
Nein, we don’t have the Edda in our bookstores too but I asked them to order it for me =3
When it comes to Nordic/Germanic mythology in general you’ll find many books about it in Germany.
Also masses of books about the Vikings and the people of ancient Germania, their culture, life and believe.
By the way ! Which god do you like the best ? ( I won't tell you mine, it's obvious )
Loki is my favourite, he always were one of my favourites but the Thor movie influenced it and ranked him even higher :D
But I also do like Odin and Thor for sure (not the Thor in the movie)
Questions !

What's your favorite food, then ?

My favourite dishes are:
Königsberger Klopse
And I don’t want to confirm a stereotype but : Schnitzel or Bratwurst with Bratkartoffeln (roasted potatoes)

And what’s your favourite food ?

( It was pretty scary the "City DÜSSELDORF" it looked like you were saying this like this
I’m really sorry :(
I just used the huge letters to “underline” the word .....
It’s also not like I’m a huge Fan of Düsseldorf or anything, I just like the city much better than Köln (I don’t like Köln .... the only thing I like about Köln is the Dom, nothing more.)
In fact you can say : I kinda like Düsseldorf (especially cause of the Japan Streets and Japan Day) and I dislike Köln :shinesweden:
I don't mean to be rude, but German is such a strong language... *You can hit me, if you don't like that comment* )

Nein, I don’t want to hit you cause of this comment. It’s actually true that German, compared to other languages, sounds pretty strong.
And believe me, saying it’s a strong language is one of the nicer things I’ve heard about my language.
I’m also used to words like “rude, evil, mean, angry.... and so on” What I think is 1. not true and 2. impolite. :glaregermany:
Oh ! You're very German indeed ! From now on, I'll dub you as Printen or Fem!Germany, can I ?
Printen are really tasty but please don’t dub me like food xD
You can call me Fem!Germany if you’d like to :happypoland:
But I hope you don’t picture me as the common Female Germany now, cause I don’t really like her design.
I’m feminine you know, long hair, make-up, feminine clothes and styling.

Posted: 07-06-2013 06:26
by Weronikus
Really? The Second World War is given to you in such a detail? Why?
I mean, sure, i understand why that had to happen, like, 40 years ago... But the process of denazification had ended a long time ago. Hadn't it?

Hmmm... Then we can write about the Second World War. But I'm not sure if I'll be correct with all the facts. I'm gonna have to do a little search myself~
I must say that from the WWII I know the Battle for England best xD. Oh, and the Warsaw Uprising. There's the Polish propaganda in history, it seems. Making us learn more about things in which we excelled at :P (Though the Warsaw Uprising didn't succeed in the end... Well, I think we did a pretty good job trying anyway xD)
What else... Oh! I think I know the pact Ribbentrop-Molotow well... And the Polish Underground Nation...

Posted: 07-06-2013 13:45
by Lokitama
Nein, we don’t have the Edda in our bookstores too but I asked them to order it for me =3
When it comes to Nordic/Germanic mythology in general you’ll find many books about it in Germany.
Also masses of books about the Vikings and the people of ancient Germania, their culture, life and believe.
I'm jealous, there ! Here, we've only got Roman and Greek Mythology. Egyptian, too. And of course Celtic, one. *Grumble**grumble*
Loki is my favourite, he always were one of my favourites but the Thor movie influenced it and ranked him even higher :D
But I also do like Odin and Thor for sure (not the Thor in the movie)
Haha ! I hope my name don't bother you, then ! I never watched the Thor movie as... I dunno, I just don't like it.
I think all gods are awesome !
My favourite dishes are:
Königsberger Klopse
And I don’t want to confirm a stereotype but : Schnitzel or Bratwurst with Bratkartoffeln (roasted potatoes)
Ach ! Schnitzel ! I like Schnitzel ! Well, I don't think it's abnormal to like our own country's dishes !
And what’s your favourite food ?
Let's confirm a stereotype, too ! I love waffles (*actually eating one* ) ! And fries ( which were made in Belgium, most of the Frenchies just can't cook them. ) and maybe mussels ( I like eating them, but I'm not especially craving for them ). I don't like beer, tough. Even, if we make pretty good beers.
I like chocolate ! ( Côte d'or :charmingfrance: )
I love cookies and brownies, and pasta, and rice, and...

Well, I love a lot of thing ^^" I don't really have a favorite.
I’m really sorry :(
Please, don't be ! I never know how to take a word in big letters ... :searchingitaly:

I see... I only went to Köln, to yell 'candies' and 'flowers'. Did you know that getting a candy in the head hurts ? ( Hooray for Dumb&Clumsy Loki at the age of 6 )
I’m also used to words like “rude, evil, mean, angry.... and so on” What I think is 1. not true and 2. impolite.
I agree with you. These comments means nothing, it's just that they don't know what you Germans are talking about ! :angryromano: Plus, it looks like they're insulting you. You see my point ? By saying it's mean, for example, it looks like they're saying that you're mean... But as far as I see, you're not !
I'm kind of happy that no-one is like the sound of the language. Think about that, if it was, I would already have raped you all. ( I speak French ! //scon'd// )
Printen are really tasty but please don’t dub me like food xD
Aaaw, but I like Printen ! I wanted to nom you :happypoland: //kol'd//

I'll call you Fem!Germany, but since I don't like that much the common Fem!Germany, I'll call you 3PFem!Germany ! :yaygermany:

Posted: 07-06-2013 22:11
by Eisprinzessin
I mean, sure, i understand why that had to happen, like, 40 years ago... But the process of denazification had ended a long time ago. Hadn't it?
Haha, ja that’s how it should be !!!!
The reality is, that our government wants us to feel guilty and wants to kill any patriotism. ( I hate our government, everyone younger than 40 does :angryromano: )
But they fail when it comes to us young Germans xD
I never understood why I should feel guilty for something I haven’t done and never had the chance to do something against it you know.
I’m 19 not 90, I’ve never ever done anything to anyone in my whole life, I like everyone who treats me with respect and is nice to me.
We are fed up with this. I remember when we charged our history teacher. We said to him:“We know everything about this, why do we have to discuss this whole thing over and over again and again. What sense does it make to keep on repeating and repeating it. We KNOW about it, more than knowing is simply impossible. Why don’t we talk about some different topics, what’s about Prussia or old Germania ?”
And the teacher said :” Believe me I would totally love to teach something else, I’m not happy with this either but it comes right from the ministry of education, I HAVE to discuss this ... again.”

Ähm, what I forgot to ask you yesterday, would you mind if I’d play my country in an accurate history RP (Prussia or Germany) ? Cause I can do that much better. :searchingitaly:
Besides I never played Russia in an accurate history RP yet (I played Russia in some Random RPs or Yaoi).

Okäy then something about WWII, there are a lot things where we can RP about.
Oh, and the Warsaw Uprising. There's the Polish propaganda in history, it seems. Making us learn more about things in which we excelled at :P
I would be so happy if they would talk about all the positive stuff about my country's history, we have a beautiful history.
But we always have to learn about 12 truly awful years from 1933-1945,and the movies we had to watch were terrifying, not every person can watch something like this, one girl ran out of the class because she couldn’t stand it anymore and she cried.
We tried to exhilarate her in the breaks but we failed, she was totally sad and felt bad the whole day.

I'm jealous, there ! Here, we've only got Roman and Greek Mythology. Egyptian, too. And of course Celtic, one. *Grumble**grumble*
Greek and Roman history is really popular here too.
The Roman Empire is something were many people here are totally interested in (me too) =3
But I’m not really interested in their mythology.
I love the Latin language by the way
I also like many gods, also some where most people ask “What ? Who was that ?” and they don’t even have a clue that I’m talking about mythology xD

By the way, do you know runic script ?
I do, I learned the runic alphabet.
I like chocolate ! ( Côte d'or )
I love cookies and brownies, and pasta, and rice, and...

I love cookies too and chocolate of course. :charmingfrance:
Honestly who doesn’t like chocolate ?
I never met someone who doesn’t.
Plus, it looks like they're insulting you. You see my point ? By saying it's mean, for example, it looks like they're saying that you're mean... But as far as I see, you're not !
Yes, they want to insult, some also call our language ugly or Nazi language.
As a German you get insulted pretty often, mostly on the internet.
I remember that one time I had a message from someone I didn’t know. This person was American and in his message he just insulted my country and said how evil and brutal we are and that he hates us and wishes Germany and Germans wouldn’t exist and stuff like that.
I was really angry about that. :angrycuba:
Another time someone posted something like that under a German video
“ It would be good if it wasn’t in Nazi language.”
“ Cold people, cold country, cold language.”

Someone also went way too far and made fun about Dresden Bombing.
And that was when I felt real pure rage and anger ! Dresden bombing wasn’t funny, it was horrible so many civilians, innocent people died and Dresden wasn’t even important to be bombed, no heavy industry, nothing.
I hate it when people make fun about something were so many people lost their life’s.
Such things aren’t funny. :angryromano:

People who insult someone’s country like that are just ignorant, dumb idiots.
The funny thing is when you ask them :” Have you ever talked to a German in your life ? Have you ever been there ? Do you know anything about us ?”
The answer is always no.
Aaaw, but I like Printen ! I wanted to nom you Happy Poland //kol'd//

I like to eat Printen too <3
We always eat them at Christmas time ^.^
I'll call you Fem!Germany, but since I don't like that much the common Fem!Germany, I'll call you 3PFem!Germany ! Yay Germany
So you don’t like her design as well ^^