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Posted: 15-09-2013 22:43
by Lcatgril
I'm new to these forums and so I just wished to say hi~

Posted: 17-09-2013 19:26
by FreakyJingles
Hi~ Welcome to the family~

I'm Gil from Lithuania, 17, first year in uni.

What's your name? (you don't have to say it, you can even use a nickname~)
Where are you from? (again, it's up to you to tell us that)
How old are you?
Who's your favourite Hetalia character?
What's your favourite animal?
Do you have pets?
What's your favourite dish?
Do you have a favourite fashion style?
Are you a girl or a boy?
Am I already annoying you?
What's your favourite piece of clothing?
Do you like poetry?
Do you write poetry?

Sry for getting carried away~ Answer any questions you like, or none at all, I don't mind either way. We just want to know you better, that's all =^.^=

Posted: 17-09-2013 21:17
by Lokitama
Salve !

I'm Lokitama from Belgium, I'm 16 ( almost 17, tough ) and I suck at pretty much everything I do, except cooking, drawing and writing ! Oh and waffles are the best ! Here, have one.

Welcome into our family. The forum's kinda dead for the moment, but I blame it on the holidays/school starting up again.

Annnd... That's not fair, because Gil' stole all my questions ! *pouts* :angryromano:

I'm a Italy Veneziano and Italy Romano roleplayer, I usually play both in the same time ( beginning with one and the brother come along ). I strongly believe that they both wear masks, so my stories and RPs usually turn kind of dark since I'm a huuuge fan of Angst/Drama/Hurt/Comfort and the Hurt/Comfort is more like the Hurt without the comfort.

When I grow up, I'll be older ! And a famous writer. You may have seen me around on FanFiction, under the name of Lokiitama, if you care about the names of the authors ( I don't, so don't be ashamed that you too, don't remember the writers' names of the books you read ).

If you don't know me, well, it's okay ! I'm not known yet. So ! so ! I think I've got questions !

Do you like cooking ?
What kind of character are you roleplaying ?
Would you like to roleplay with me ?
What are your hobbies ?
Do you play music ?
Why do I keep forgetting what I wanted to say in the middle of my sentence ?

Hope we'll get along smoothly and have a great time together !



Posted: 01-10-2013 21:16
by dernhelm
hi welcome to the forum

Posted: 06-10-2013 16:10
by knightofbootay
hello friend! you can call me KoB. I'm 13, almost 14 and I'm an American. I can't really say who I rp the best, but I can try my very best with every and anyone! Feel free to ask questions! :)

Posted: 30-05-2014 01:32
by yuria-chan
Welcome LCatgril

Welcome to the forum!
I wish you a great time over here!
If you got any questions you may ask them over here:

Forum questions

I am the admin so if you ever encounter any problems I'm the to go to person! Enjoy your stay!