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Just another human saying 'hi'

Posted: 06-06-2015 22:24
by RufusIsTrueBeauty
As of writing, I have just joined. Call me Rufus.
I am a trans boy (pronouns: he/him/his) who has been into Hetalia since... Let's see... 2011! I live in the UK (I'm going to be brief because of Internet safety and all that) and am in my teens. I like to draw, write and read, and climb when possible! I mostly roleplay as Russia and South Italy. I myself am Russian (and Ukrainian... And somewhat Belorussian... And I'm a middle child... Coincidence much?) and was raised bilingual as such, so if I am roleplaying Russia it may be better from an informational and linguistic point of view. Another one of my hobbies - using long words. I shall attempt to refrain from doing so.
I have some roleplaying experience, and am quite flexible in terms of characters. I am willing to try new spins on canon characters and may try an OC someday. Acting is my thing, so roleplaying is really quite useful!
Thank you in advance for any replies~! :germanydancing:

Posted: 14-06-2015 00:03
by Weronikus
I'm Weronikus, or Weronika, or Nikki, or whatever, from fabulous Poland!
It's so cool you're Russian! I mean, we don't have a Russian here yet~! And I'm happy you're good at roleplaying him, 'cause I've dreamed of a comedy setting for Russia/Poland! ... If you'd be up to it, that is :D

Posted: 14-06-2015 12:20
by Lokitama
Salve Rufus ! I'm sorry I was so long to reply to you !

I'm Lokiitama, I'm from Belgium, so Belgian I am ~ ! I am now officially a young adult... with a mind of child, probably. That's what I like to think, after all.

When you say a 'linguistic point of view' what do you mean ? Oh and what kind of long words do you use ? Are they English or Russian ?

I mainly play the Italy Brothers, but I could be anyone. ... aNyONe :creepyrussia:

Kidding, kidding. I think I can be fine with playing anyone, I'm just better at dealing with Italians, I guess.

Question time ~~~ Or : OMG Lokiitama, why are you such a stalker?-time

Don't worry, you don't have to reply to anything, if you don't want to :) Heck, you could even just tell me screw you if you feel better that way :p

You're talking about acting- do you act ?
Did you play out some acts ?
What kind of characters are your favorite ?
Could we see few of your drawings ? :D ( If it's Hetalia-related, you can post them in the Fan Art section, if you wish to ! )
Do you play any instrument ?

How did you discover Hetalia ?
What did you think of your country/countries when you first saw them ?
Any headcanon ?

What's your favourite color ?
What's your favourite food ?
Do you like waffles ?
What's your favourite country ( non-hetalia ) ?
Anyplace you advice us to visit ?
What's your favourite animal ?

What kind of roleplay do you write, usually ?
Angst, Fluff ? Anything ?
What's the length you usually roleplay with ? Short ( Few description, and dialog ) ? Middle ? Or heavy-description ?

Welcome on the forum ! Hope you'll enjoy your time here ! <3

Ciao ciao ~


Posted: 13-08-2015 05:21
by Yasojaki
I understand and will be distributed later.

Posted: 23-06-2016 14:47
by Tvcambing
I do not much want you to help me a little bit.

Posted: 05-09-2016 14:18
by Jangongo
You are the master of all What you most want to be like.