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Nice too meet you~

Posted: 02-05-2011 14:23
by Ari-chan
Name's Ari-chan, 17 years old from Sweden, will be 18 in a few weeks!!

Umm, I really have not much experience with RPing, and none at all with Hetalia, but I hope we'll have fun anyway~ I look forward to RP with you, and hope you will tell me if I do anything wrong. And tips are always welcome.

Also, sorry if my English isn't the best, it's not my first language after all ^^'

Posted: 02-05-2011 14:25
by Mirlin
welcome~~ <3

Posted: 02-05-2011 16:14
by Zakulf
Hey Ari-chan !

Welcome to the forum!
I wish you an nice time over here! If you got any questions you
may ask them over here:

Forum questions
Roleplay questions

If you're new to Forum roleplaying, here's the tutorial:

Right now you should pick your main Roleplay character and maybe add your minor characters as well. Your main character is the character you're most confortable with when roleplaying, if you have no idea you should pick one that's for example closest to your own personality. Or the one you like a lot, you're free to pick anyone you like.

Posted: 02-05-2011 21:47
by LizOfTheLowlands
Well hello Ari-chan,

welcome on the forum i hope you'll be having lots of fun~
Feel free to just ask around. a lot of us are all to glad to help you out.
No worries about mistakes everybody makes them~
i'll see ya around the forum i hope.

Greetz Liz

Posted: 06-05-2011 14:44
by talkenia
pretty awesome that you're from sweden..
you must be happy with his character.. XD

i wish you a lot of fun RP'ing~