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Posted: 17-04-2011 14:43
by talkenia
He felt something shaking his shoulders, slowly he woke up. When he opened his eyes he saw HRE standing in front of him in a very nice outfit.
"H-HRE... veh~ you look really nice now! We really can go now and have lots of fun!"
He jumped up and stood in front of HRE.
Suddenly he noticed something W-wait.. its only afternoon.. a-and we can only go when it is dark. .. a-altough.. the dark is scary, really scary... b-but you will be there right!? He stood there moving his weight from one leg to the other, being a bit nervous, which is logic, it was only the first time to go trick and treating for him as well, and he didnt know what scary monsters the night would bring.

Posted: 17-04-2011 14:59
by Zakulf
He watched as Italy woked up, she was giving a kind feedback on his outfit. He was glad that she liked his outfit. "Thanks, Italia-chan" he chuckled slightly. He looked at her, her expression changed from happy to a bit scared look. He gave her an confused expression back, he saw her body shivering as she told him. "W-wait.. its only afternoon.. a-and we can only go when it is dark. .. a-altough.. the dark is scary, really scary... b-but you will be there right!?" she sound so nervous all of a sudden. Is she afraid of the dark?

A confident voice of HRE was sounding, telling her : "Worry not, Italia-chan. I shall protect you, without a doubt. I shall be with you and shall guide you through the dark area's to gain what's ours.". He sounded mature for a moment and started hugging her. Just to calm her down, he would protect her no matter what! Even if it cost him his life, he would do anything for her. The girl of his dreams shall be protected, he would never let her down!

(To gain what's ours: He meant the candy)

Posted: 17-04-2011 15:17
by talkenia
(darned i keep referring to ita as a girl as well.. XD)

Suddenly HRE hugged him, and told her he would protect him. He suddenly sounded so.. mature. He slightly blushed and hugged back. "Thank you HRE, I hope we get lots of candy tonight! and not so much scaryness.. veh~" His face turned happy again, at the tought of all the candy.
Italy grabbed HRE's hand and pulled him towards the shore of the lake their house was built at. "We can see the sun sinking here! If the sun is gone, we can go right? Ah.. i really really cant wait to go!"
Italy sat down and petted the ground beside him, he then looked over the lake where the sun was beautifullly setting between some mountains, it colored the whole area in an orange glow.

Posted: 01-05-2011 15:55
by Zakulf
(Weeeirdooo~! I only mistook Hungary for a guy, that's all for me.)

HRE followed her to the lake and heard about her plan for tonight. "We can see the sun sinking here! If the sun is gone, we can go right? Ah.. i really really cant wait to go!" he told him. HRE blushed it was pretty romantic how she described it. He really liked this girl a lot.

Italy took a seat on the ground, nearby the lake and patted the ground beside her. HRE looked down at the movements of her hand which catched his gaze. He stepped closer by and took a seat next to her, where the hand was patting the ground, as he lowered himself she moved away her hand to make some space.

He saw that Italy looked away and searched for what she was looking at. His eyes widened as he saw the perfect look in the sky, everything was so pretty. He moved his gaze a bit lower and noticed the mountains with the sun in the middle, which left a pretty orange glow in the area. "This is so pretty!". HRE was happy, this day was just getting started for him and it's already so perfect! Nothing could go wrong like this with Italy on his side, sitting SO close to him. He looked back at Italy, watched how she enjoyed the beautiful sight. HRE moved his hand closer to Italy's and hold it carefully. He needs to make his move now he could! "Italia ... This is so amazing here ... With you ...". HRE spoke shyly while moving a bit closer to Italy.

Posted: 01-05-2011 20:42
by talkenia
"This is so pretty!" Italy glanced over his shoulder as he heard HRE say this. The only thing he could do was nod in agreement. Italy stared off toward the beautiful view again, when he felt HRE coming to sit beside him. Slowly he felt a hand slip on top of his own. "H-Hre... your hand... .. its so warm.." He shuffled somewhat closer to HRE and leaned against him as a comfortable pillow. A slight blush appeared on Italy's face, and he quickly stared off in the distance where the sun was slowly setting behind the mountains.
It started to get dark already and Italy got more and more exited the darker it got, he really couldnt wait for all the candy to be his~

Posted: 02-05-2011 13:11
by Zakulf
He watched how Italy looked at the beatifull sky and how excited she got from it, she kept smiling more and more. HRE was really amazed by it, she really was into this. She really DID like this, he did so well. Now this was his chance, now that his girl was distracted. He slowly shoved his hand on Italy's chin and turned her face closer to his. HRE leaned over and kissed the girl of his dreams on her lips.

"Mmmm..." he closed his eyes.

Posted: 07-05-2011 21:42
by talkenia
They were sitting together for a little while when he felt HRE moving a bit. A hand slipped under his chin and turned Italy's head towards HRE's. Italy was surprised.. Even more so when he felt HRE kiss him.. Italy wanted to pull away.. after all they were both boys! But.. Italy felt happy.. he kissed back.
The dark slowly settled, and Italy had his head in HRE's lap.. He had almost even forgotten about Halloween, and was just happy laying there.

Posted: 12-05-2011 00:01
by Zakulf
"Italia-chan, I wish I could be with you forever" HRE let out, losing some of his shy act. He was becoming more confident for the moment. She didn't seemed to act strange at all by the kiss, though it seemed like she was about to pull away. Still she did not do it, lucky him!

Italy moved down and let her head rest on his lap, it was so relaxing. Seems he really does have a chance to get the girl of his dreams. Maybe tonight he will tell that Italy is the girl of his dreams straight in her face, once he gathered the confidence. Or had the perfect moment to tell her how he really felt.

HRE gasped softly and smiled, it was getting darker. Their adventure was about to begin. "Italia-chan, it's time." he smiled as he looked down to her, on his lap.

Posted: 13-05-2011 16:48
by talkenia
Italia-chan, I wish I could be with you forever" Italy blushed, never had anyone uttered such kind words towards him. He was always bullied, and grandpa Rome knew he had to leave some day.

The dark was settling when he heard "Italia-chan, it's time." For a second Italy did not know what he was talking about, but then he remembered..

The candy!

Italy jumped up Veh! I cant wait till the candy! B-but where shall we go first? He started fiddling with his dress, getting nervous because it was his first time trick or treating, and he didn't know what to expect..

Posted: 19-05-2011 23:15
by Zakulf
HRE stood up and turned to Italy. He smiled at her kindly and raised his voice a little to make him sound manly and tough. "We'll head for that street first" he pointed at the city near them. "I bet they celebrate it as well, I can see some people dressed out there too." He took her hand and pulled her along. On their way to the city.

Once they reached the place he pulled Italy to the first door where he knocked on. The person opened up his door and slowly looked down on the two kids in front of him. "Trick or treat!" he said while he gave Italy a small push, hinting at him to say it as well.