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Summer Camp [FrUk]

Posted: 27-06-2014 14:42
by Absobloodylutely
Name: Arthur Kirkland
Age: 16
Appearance: Image

RP Plot: (Human AU) Arthur and Francis enroll in a summer camp. During their time there they end up developing feelings for each other.

Arthur tapped his foot impatiently. He was standing at a bus stop, one hand clutching his overstuffed duffel bag and the other a paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice. It wasn’t as if he had agreed to going to summer camp, on the other hand it was his Father that had made him.

Mr. Kirkland thought that the best way to for his unsociable son to meet new people and ‘get a bit of sunshine’ was by sending him away someplace far away with lots of cabins and teens and bears or something. Did they have bears anyway? Arthur wasn’t sure, he wasn’t a nature person but he hoped not.

If he had his way he would be at home, lying on his comfortable bed. Asleep. But then again nobody ever listened to what he had to say, not the kids at school, not the teachers, not even his parents.

The British teen was brought out of his thoughts at the sound of the bus pulling up beside the sidewalk. With a heavy heart, he dragged himself onboard. The only seat that wasn’t already occupied was one beside a wavy-haired boy. He looked to be at least Arthur’s age, maybe a little older.
“May I sit here?” He asked anxiously.

((sorry if it's too long, it's only a starter so its reply can be 2-3 sentences long, though I don't mind, anything goes ^-^))

Posted: 27-06-2014 15:43
by Teabrows
Name: Francis Bonnefoy
Age: 17
Country: France


Francis let out a soft sigh as once again the bus stopped. He'd been in this stuffy bus from nearly the start of the journey. And oh boy was it a long ride and they still had probably a good hour to go.

Anyone who knew Francis would say he didn't like camping. And they'd be right at that. He was used to more luxerious vacations including at least an apartment close to the beach. But this year his parents decided to go to their vacation home in the south of France without him.

They said something about meeting kids from your own age and some exercise outdoors would do him good. Before Francis could say no, he was already put on the stupid bus.

He was flipping through some fashion magazine when someone interupted his reading. He closed it and looked up. A boy around his age with messy hair and large eyebrows was looking down at him. He quickly scanned the bus, Francis had wanted to sit alone on the ride but it wasn't that he could say no now.

"Sure, suit yourself." he said and grabbed his shoulderbag from the other seat and pushed it under his own chair, making room for his new travelpartner. "I'm Francis, and you?" he asked bluntly, breaking the ice. He was supposed to make friends right? Not that he would want to be friends with the other, but since they'd be sitting next to each other for awhile, he ought to be at least a little nice.

Posted: 27-06-2014 17:30
by Absobloodylutely
Arthur slipped into the seat, it was rather full what with his annoying duffel bag and all so he made do with trying to make himself smaller. "I'm Arthur, Arthur Kirkland." He muttered, moving his head forward slightly to hide his eyebrows. It wasn't like he was embarrassed of them, it was just that they gave him some sort of grief wherever he went.

His mind started to wander once the bus got up and running again but upon seeing Francis in his field of vision he figured keeping the conversation going was the right thing to do, just so the other wouldn't deem him a freak.

"So..Where are you from?" He asked. "Not that I'm going to hold it against you, I mean, I don't, but it would be nice, you know, to know, yeah." He blabbered nervously. As soon as the words were out of his mouth he immediately wished he had kept quiet. Now Francis was going to think he was funny in the head.

Posted: 28-06-2014 19:53
by Teabrows
Francis offered the boy a small smile. "Nice to meet you." more to put him at ease and appear friendly. He couldn't be making enemies so soon at camp already, though Arthur still had failed to capture his interest.

Just when he was about to continue on the gossip page, Arthur spoke up. Francis raised an eyebrow at Arthur's rambling. Admittedly, it was a little weird to assume someone would hold it against him where he'd be from.

Perhaps Arthur was just nervous to go to camp? Francis chuckled softly at the rambling. "Are you sure you wouldn't hold it against me? I'm from France after all." he stated with a grin. "And you're from England, non?" Arthur's heavy British accent gave most of that away.

Posted: 29-06-2014 15:32
by Absobloodylutely
Arthur inhaled sharply. He didn't like the French, that was true. It was the way he had been brought up. During his childhood he had thought that French men and women were nothing but wine-loving cheese smelling frogs.

But then again he had never really known anyone who was French, so who was he to judge? In the end Arthur let his more gentlemanly side get the best of him.

"That's right." Arthur said, nodding stiffly and forcing the corner of his lips into forming a halfhearted smile. How long ago had it been since he had last held a proper conversation with anyone who wasn't family?

"I am from England." He paused, the gears in his head whirred quickly to think of what he would say next. "Is this your first time going away to summer camp?" He asked finally.

Posted: 29-06-2014 16:11
by Teabrows
Francis tried his best to not judge the other right on the spot. He never really liked the British. They seemed more stuffy and boring. Though he never had an English friend.

Arthur didn't seem like a bad person. That didn't automatically mean he wanted to hang around with him for the rest of the camp. Though the rest of the busride would be fine.

"Thought so, I mean you have a thick accent." Francis said. "Not a bad thing by the way." he quickly added. He didn't want to sound sassy or rude.

The French boy nodded. "Yes, it was my parents idea. And you, also first time?" he asked him. Somehow Arthur did seem like someone that would go to camp every year. He seemed a bit like the outdoorsy type. However he could be wrong.

Posted: 29-06-2014 19:22
by Absobloodylutely
"It's fine, I'm used to people commenting on my accent, and yes, this is my first time, as if my idea of a fun time would be." Arthur gestured around him. "This." He finished. "But you know, new experiences, that would be.. fun? I guess" He threw in the last part because he didn't want to come off as a snobby British kid.

"And, well, that's funny because I was kind of forced to by my Father." Arthur said. "I'm not an outdoors person.. exactly, I rather be inside, reading, or something, I have never been good at sports, are you?"

Posted: 29-06-2014 21:01
by Teabrows
Francis didn't expect that. "Really? I thought you'd been camping before. You sort of seem like an outdoors person, I guess I was wrong." he said with a chuckle.

"Well I wouldn't say I dislike outdoors, but more like going to the beach or the park or something. But I guess a new experience wouldn't hurt." he said with a shrugg. "I play softball but I'm not exceptionally good." he admitted.

"What other things do you like to do?" he asked curiously. He was starting to enjoy this conversation, forgetting his prejudgement earlier.

Posted: 30-06-2014 16:18
by Absobloodylutely
"Hmm." Arthur smiled a little and nodded. "Softball's a great sport." He complimented, he too was starting to enjoy talking to Francis. Maybe all French people weren't as bad as the stereotypes deemed them to be?

"Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a nice long walk just as much as the next person though being outdoors for too long .. not so much." He admitted. "And as for your last question, I like to write literature, as in poetry and the like, oh! and I play the guitar and sing, I also like to embroider."

He sighed and wrung his hands. "Though I suppose.. some people find those kinds of things girly.. I do play football though if that helps." He said, his expression brightening.

"Back home I used to play it some days with a boy next door, his name's Alfred, I'm an only child so he's practically the only person I talk to, he and his twin Matthew, I um, I don't have a lot of friends, speaking of which do you have siblings?" He asked.

Posted: 30-06-2014 17:10
by Teabrows
Francis smiled a bit. "Thanks." though he wouldn't say it was great. He did enjoy playing it but there were a lot of 'cooler' sports. But Francis wasn't the sporty type. He just played because it was okay and to keep in shape.

He let out a soft laugh. "If it helps, I like to cook and draw and have an interest in fashion, so we're in the same boat." He didn't think they were really girly hobbies.

"I think it's cool you write, do you also write stories like novels?" he asked honestly interested.

"Oh are you in a band then?" he asked when Arthur mentioned he liked to play the guitar and sing. Though Arthur didn't seem the type that liked to go up stage and perform. He could be wrong just like earlier.

"Ooh I see.." Francis nodded, he in return had quite a lot of friends but he just had two real best close friends. "I'm only child too and live with both my parents and we have a cat. Do you have any pets?"