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First school day (Japan/China)

Posted: 02-05-2011 19:26
by Ari-chan
AU, school setting. Japan/China

Posted: 02-05-2011 19:33
by Mirlin
Name:: China (Wang Yao)
Age:: 17

Posted: 02-05-2011 19:52
by Ari-chan
Name:: Japan (Honda Kiku)

Posted: 02-05-2011 19:56
by Ari-chan
.... the picture became really small.....

Posted: 02-05-2011 20:05
by Mirlin
((I saw 8D it's good now right?? 8D))

Yao quietly walked into the school. It was the first day of a new school year on a new school and he had no idea where he had to go to.

He had a piece of paper in his hand with small map to direct him to the dorms, but he noticed he took a wrong side way during his search and ended up lost.

He stared at the piece of paper, trying to figure out where he was. What frustrated him the most was that there was no one to be found in the hall he ended up.

In the end, he start walked a certain direction, hoping to find a spot that he recognised on his small map.

Posted: 02-05-2011 20:15
by Ari-chan
Kiku looked around, trying to determine where he was. When new to the school, there wasn't easy to find ones way, even if you have a map.


Now, he couldn't go further down that corridor, so the other way is the only way. If only there were someone to ask for directions...

Posted: 02-05-2011 20:38
by Mirlin
Yao quietly stared at the map while he walked through the halls and before he knew it, walked against someone. He was shocked and quickly looked what had happen.

He noticed he pushed another asian male against the ground and quickly sat down on his knees. "Are you already?" He asked a little shocked and helped the boy back on his feet.

Posted: 02-05-2011 20:45
by Ari-chan
"Yes, thank you..." He said while getting back on his feet. Finally someone.

"Excuse me, but do you happen to know the way to the dorms? I seem to have lost my way."

Posted: 02-05-2011 20:52
by Mirlin
Yao who just wanted to ask the exact same question sighed softly. "I'm lost too." He said and turned his eyes back to the piece of paper in his hands. Do you have any clue were we could be right now? I don't even know where I came from."

Posted: 02-05-2011 21:01
by Ari-chan
Sighs as well "Not really. I know it is not that way at least" Motions towards the way he came from. "But not much more.... Maybe we should try finding and exit?" He suggests. "Then maybe we can find the main entrance, and find our way through that"

Maybe it's easier when two?