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Jealousy [Denmark X Iceland]

Posted: 05-05-2011 23:40
by Mirlin
Norway and Iceland are a couple and Denmark is extremely jealous about it. Normally he can control his anger but after they had a Nordic day with all the 5 nordic's, Denmark can't hold himself from bursting out towards Iceland.

((Something like that.. XD))

Posted: 05-05-2011 23:43
by Mirlin
Name: Iceland
Age: 17


Posted: 06-05-2011 00:16
by Louise
Name: Denmark
Age: 22

Posted: 06-05-2011 10:39
by Mirlin
Iceland sat down on the soft couch with a sigh. It had been an exhausting day. Finland had offered all of them to spent a day together. Of course it had been fun, even though he had denied it the whole day.

On the moments they had been sitting quietly on a grass field, Norway had kind of forced him to sit together with him. Even though he had acted like he did not want to, it had been the best part of the day and the warmth of Norway's body was the thing he remembered most of the day.

He felt a little drowsy and slowly slide on his side with his eyes closed, almost falling asleep.

Posted: 06-05-2011 23:06
by Louise
The day had been horrible for Denmark.
What he thought could have been an occasion to get closer to Ice, seemed to be all the contrary. Ice had spent most of his time with Norway, completely ignoring him.

Of course, Denmark wasn't unaccustomed to being ignored by the other Nordics. He could tolerate it. But this time, it was different.

Even though he knew Norway and Iceland had a close relationship, he also knew their closeness as it was today wasn't usual. What was happening? Were they in love? What did Norway had that he didn't?

He had to know.

He went to Iceland's house, and knocked on the door.

Posted: 06-05-2011 23:31
by Mirlin
Iceland shock when he heard someone knocking the door. He hadn't expect something to come over this late. Never the less he pushed himself slowly of the couch.

'It was probably Norway,' he thought. As if they hadn't been together close enough that day. He walked to the door and before he opened his he fixed his hair and clothes a little. When he noticed that he did so he quickly messed his hair up again. He wouldn't allowed Norway to see that he wanted to look good when he was around him.

Then he slowly opened the door, only to find Denmark instead of Norway. He felt slightly disappointed and looked at the much longer Dane. "What are you doing here?"

Posted: 07-05-2011 02:02
by Louise
Noticing his expression of disappoint, Denmark's eyebrows furred.
"Who were you expecting?" he said and went inside, not waiting for the icelander to invite him (if he even was going to do so, which Denmark highly doubted).

"So. When did it started? When did you two got together?" he added, sitting on the same couch Ice was sitting on before. As he tried to sound as normal as possible. He didn't want his jealousy to show. But it didn't work as well as he wished, and his voice revealed his anger despite his effort.

Posted: 07-05-2011 09:29
by Mirlin
Iceland directly noticed that Denmark wasn't his normally cheerful self, he even seemed to be a little angry about something, yet Iceland had no idea what that could be.

He wasn't planning to Invite Denmark in directly, not did he consider to let him stay outside, but it seemed it wasn't even to him to decide that because Denmark was already in before he even had the change to think about it.

The questions of Denmark flushed him a bright red. He couldn't handle the idea that people would knew about Norway and him.

"I-I don't know." He said while looking away from Denmark. And it was true, he really did not knew, they had grown to each other. Maybe he should start counting the days starting with the day he first kissed, but in all honesty he had no idea who long ago that was.

Posted: 07-05-2011 18:06
by Louise
"You don't know..." he repeated, thoughtfully. How couldn't he know? So he didn't deny it. They were together. He had considered the possibility that everything was just a misunderstanding. Now, he was sure.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he added, staring at the young adult. They were a family, weren't they? Shouldn't they share everything together? If Denmark were to be together with Iceland, he'd brag about it all the time. If Denmark were to be together with Iceland...

"Do... do you love him?" he then asked.

Posted: 07-05-2011 19:41
by Mirlin
Iceland flushed, he felt a embarrassed by all the question Denmark was asking him. It made him wonder why. "Why do you want to know?" He asked carefully.

Iceland saw something in Denmark's expression. Something that could be jealousy or something like that. Suddenly he understood what was happening. Norway and Denmark were already friends for such a long time. He could understand that Denmark got feelings for Norway.

He turned his face away when he searched for words. "I'm sorry." He said almost whispering. "I didn't meant to take Norway away from you. He came too me."