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How difficult can it possibly be? [Turkey x Greece]

Posted: 12-01-2012 18:07
by Sentaro
Summary: Turkey and Greece were assigned to plan the next upturning world meeting. But being as they are they start quarreling over every little word the other says. After the long word-battles weren't enough anymore they decide to settle everything once and for all by physically fighting. It doesn't work out as planned and leaves them in a embarrassed situation.

nations name: Greece
human name: Herakles Karpussi
age: 25

Posted: 16-01-2012 04:16
by Silvermoonwings
Nation: Turkey
Human Name: Sadiq Adnan
Age: 27
Appearance: Image

Posted: 16-01-2012 20:37
by Sentaro
It was shortly after one of the world meetings the nations hold now and then. Greece was currently at his home with an unpleasant guest, Turkey. He starred at him with displeasure. That guy really got on his nerve and Greece wanted him out of his house as soon as possible.
The others wanted them to plan and organize the next meeting. Actually Greece had fallen asleep during the meeting and just got to know what was going on when he couldn't do a thing about it anymore.
"Alright let's get it other with. First we should plan what the theme is going to be." Herakles demanded grabbing some papers and crayons. When he was going to do this then he's going to do this his way and not let that stupid Turkey let decide anything.

Posted: 23-01-2012 00:55
by Silvermoonwings
Turkey frowned at his host, his eyes darkening under his mask. The stupid lazy nation just HAD to fall asleep during the meeting, so now they had to plan the next upcoming meeting together! Since he was asleep, he couldn't object and Turkey had been quietly talking to Egypt about something else, so he hadn't been paying attention either. But still! He blamed the other brunette. He frowned right back at Greece when said nation stared at him with displeasure. Obviously, the cat-lover wanted him gone as quickly as possible, and Turkey, for once, agreed with him.
Turkey frowned again. The other seemed like he thought since they were planning this at Greece's house that it meant the lazy nation was in charge. As if.
Turkey stood up straight from where he had been lounging against the wall and walked over to the other. "Yeah, Let's decide the theme, but we both gotta agree on it. It ain't gonna be somethin' stupid like 'cats' or 'napping' or 'cat-naps'." He said, adding, "And use some proper writing utensils! You aren't five years old! Geeze." The older country frowned at the younger one, handing him a few mechanical pencils and a few ballpoint pens.
This is gonna be a lot longer than I want it to be... Turkey thought to himself, repressing a sigh of frustration.

Posted: 24-01-2012 22:48
by Sentaro
"Those themes aren't stupid at all! You're the only stupid thing here!" Greece replied grumpily and glared at the other nation. 'How could that stupid idiot call cat and naps stupid!',he thought only hating the fact, that he has to cooperate with Turkey this time, even more. Couldn't the others understand that they don't get along.
Well but fighting won't make all this end any sooner so Greece just takes a ballpoint pen Turkey gave him. Even if he would prefer not to. What was so wrong about using crayons!? "By the way I didn't want to suggest those themes anyway. But they're probably better then anything you could come up with." he said again starting to insult Turkey as a payback for the comment about him being like a five-year-old.

Posted: 25-01-2012 22:34
by Silvermoonwings
Turkey gave the best skeptical look he could muster with his mask on as Greece spoke. Yeah... keep telling yourself that those aren't really stupid... he thought to himself. He scratched behind his ear, which was a small quirk he had devolped when he wasn't listening very closely. Turkey obviously didn't give a crap what Greece had to say. He managed to not smirking as Greece actually took a pen. Small wins, big wins, whatever. It's still a win no matter what. One of Turkey's eyebrow quirked up as Greece spoke up again. "Oh, really? Is that what you think?" he growled. He barely kept himself from smacking the younger nation on the back of the head. "You have any ideas that aren't stupid, huh? Didn't think so." he added.
He took a few seconds to calm down, and was really obviously holding himself back from hitting the other in the face. He took a deep breath before continuing in a much more calm voice, "Actually... I did have an idea. I was more thinking of a Medditteranean-Middle East theme. That would take care of the types of food, and it leaves more room open for creativness in the design of the room and other options."
As he spoke, Turkey leaned over Greece's shoulder to begin to sketch a design of what the meeting room might look like on a spare peace of paper with a mechanical pencil.

Posted: 30-01-2012 22:25
by Sentaro
"Pfft! Well of course! I got a lot of intelligent ideas. I'm way smarter then you anyways." Greece snapped back with a light growl leaving his throat. That Turkey really got on his nerves and he wishes he could just throw him out of his home.
Greece felt the actually comforting heat against his back as Sadiq was leaning over him and drew on the paper. He really didn't want to feel it but he couldn't bring himself to lean forward so the contact was broken. Greece felt that he blushed softly at the thought of kinda liking it but he didn't wanted to show it to the other so he came back to being mean to him.
Herakles nodded as Turkey presented his idea as if he would approve but he didn't. So as soon as the other finished drawing he grabbed the peace of paper and hold it up. "You know this idea is's really crap." Greece said after a short pause then threw the paper away. "We already got that theme last week and it was really lame. I thought more of the South-American room. We talk about it far to rarely. The decisions about food and the room decoration isn't so hard too. So is that the best idea you ever heard or what?" He asked proudly, feeling like he had the best idea in the whole world.

Posted: 31-03-2012 20:17
by Silvermoonwings
Turkey's patience ran out. From his position behind Greece, who he was surprised hadn't leaned away yet, he shifted his arms just a little and caught the other country into a headlock. He literally growled into the other's ear, using the other's human name to get his point across, "You really are annoying, Herakles. If my idea sucks so much, then yours is even worse than mine!" All of Turkey's words were coming out as snarls, but his voice level was at normal speaking tone. He was so frustrated with the other that yelling at him just didn't seem like it would get anywhere. He kept the other in the headlock. "And, for your information, I wasn't at the meeting last week. If you weren't such a lazy ass, always being asleep and never paying attention, you would have known that!" Turkey added on, in reply. However, though he loathe to admit it, and probably wouldn't, Turkey actually thought the South-American room was a good idea. Greece was correct when saying they hardly ever talked about it or used it at all. But he refused to tell the younger nation that he approved the idea. Because the little snot would be even more of an asshole. And Turkey had forgotten, in his annoyance, that he wanted this meeting over as soon as possible.

Posted: 01-04-2012 20:01
by Sentaro
Greece gasp as the other put him in a headlock. He struggled to get free but he couldn't free himself. Greece frowned as he heard Turkey growl and use his human name. On the other hand there was a slight feeling of satisfaction that he could make Turkey loose his tempter that easily.
"Well even when I wasn't asleep I never would have noticed if you were there or not. I don't care about you so I never pay attention on you anyways." He replied angry as he softly bite down on the others hand that was the closest to his mouth. "Let go of me you brainless idiot" He added growling as he totally forgot to about the meeting.

Posted: 13-05-2012 03:15
by Silvermoonwings
Turkey felt the younger struggle, and tightened his headlock slightly to make sure he didn't break free before he wanted him to. Arrogant welp. The brunette really did know just how to piss him off. He didn't flinch, or even blink behind his mask, when the other bit down on his hand. He just quirked an eyebrow in response. How childish, biting on his hand. Turkey could barely undersrand Greece through the hand he held in his mouth. Somehow he managed anyways.
"Whose the brainless idiot? It sure isn't me, you stupid, arrogant, lazy welp." Turkey snarled right into the younger man's ear. "And I'm surprised such a lazy moron like yourself can even remember to go to the other meetings." he added, coldly. He was so sick of the younger nation's shit attitude and by the gods above if he wasn't going to do something about it.