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Raudonis Vakarais [PrussLiet]

Posted: 21-03-2012 01:41
by yuria-chan
Human Au, Gilbert and Toris live together and share an appartment. Their life seems happy until Gilbert hears he's dying.

Name: Gilbert Beilschmit
age: 23

Gilbert walked trough the halways of the appartment complex. He was humming to himself and just being particulary loud. He couldn't help but automatically get in a good mood when coming home, knowing he would find Toris there, all serious and hardworking!
He looked forward all day to tease Toris by interupting his studying by pinching his nose or ninja-sneak-kiss him.
He let himself in and set down his bag with sports clothes with a heavy thud.
"Toris~!" He grinned and quickly made his way into the small livingroom.

Posted: 13-05-2012 20:16
by NightlyCapa
((Can I join? I haven't done an RP on here before... so I'm not sure how it works. :3))

Posted: 28-05-2012 08:05
by FreakyJingles
(Sorry, you can't join. Those are only one-on-one rps. Just read the manual ^^)

(yuria, please change the title to gramatically correct one. Thank you ^^)

Name: Toris Laurinaitis
Age: 21
Appearance: Image (uh... how do I make the pic smaller?)


Toris had been working all day, enjoying every second without Gilbert. Yes, he loved him, but he was a pain in the ass when it came to cleaning. So when he heard Gilbert go out early in the morning, Toris was more than happy to hear that.

Now he was sitting in the living room, finishing his studying and trying to solve some of the harder problems. Just when he was about to get up and make himself a cup of coffee, he heard the front door open loudly. With a sigh, he plopped down into his beanbag and waited patiently for Golbert to come into the room.

Posted: 24-06-2012 22:47
by yuria-chan
(( I'm so sorry I didn't reply to this! The thingy didn't turn orange! O-O ))

Gilbert spotted his boyfriend in the beanbag and grinned widely. Perfect for a luftwaffen attack!
He practically jumped Toris, landing in his lap and kissing his face while laughing happilly.
He glanced at the table and saw a lot of homework.
"Working hard?"

Posted: 20-11-2012 17:27
by FreakyJingles
(I'm so sorry for being so late! >.<)

Toris felt so startled when Gilbert jumped on him, but happy nonetheless. He smiled when Gilbert kissed his face and looked back down to his work.
"Working hard?"
"Yes. Now please, get off of me so I could return to my work." Toris looked up to his boyfriend with a stern look on his face.

Posted: 25-11-2012 21:28
by yuria-chan
Gilbert snickered and kissed Toris nose.
"Weeellll I was going to refuse, but you have an important test coming up right?"
He got off of Toris and streched his limbs.
"Hnn, I was so awesome at football! I scored such a nice goal! I got the perfect pass from Antonio and then Bam! Goal!" He walked to the small kitchenette and poured himself a glass of milk.
"You should praise me for such an amazing feat! Say I did a good job! The great me accepts all sorts of praise, a kiss from the lovely Toris, or just a pat on the head!"

Posted: 26-11-2012 10:55
by FreakyJingles
With a sigh Toris closed his notebook got out of the beanbag. Slowly he walked to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Gilbert.

"You're gonna be the end of me..." Toris whispered to his boyfriend's ear and lightly kissed it.

Posted: 03-12-2012 21:13
by yuria-chan
Gilbert smiled widely and put a hand over the others hands. He quickly drained his glass and put it back on the counter.
"Oh~ You're in the mood to cuddle after all?" He turned around and gathered Toris against his chest.
"I don't mind at all~"

This had been their life for a while now. Two students on a scholarship sharing an apartment. Living together. Being together. Gilbert didn't worry about anything except what would be for dinner. And now, holding his dearest in his arms, he wasn't anything but happy.

Posted: 09-12-2012 22:27
by FreakyJingles
However, all good things come to an end. This once again proved to be right for one day Gilbert's and Toris's lives took a 180 degree turn.

(Sry, I really didn't know what to write xD)

Posted: 11-12-2012 04:11
by yuria-chan
(that's ok~ I tend to take it a bit slow. )

It was that same evening. Gilbert was sitting on his bed and gently massaging his legs. Did he over do it during training? He frowned slightly. This wasn't the first time that his legs hurt like this. He really didn't want to quit football though.
It wasn't just because of football, a week ago he had taken his brother to Köln and walked around there all day. In the train back the pain had almost been to much to bear. While he wasn't in a poor condition.
He had to have his brother help him up the station stairs because he'd lost all strength in his legs.
It was all gone the next day so he hadn't been thinking about it that much, until now.
For on his calves really big bruises had started to form. He stared at them with a blank expression.
He hadn't been tackled today. He hadn't had any impact whatsoever. Those things weren't supposed to be there!
He got scared now- what was happening? He didn't like this! He was used to his body being strong, he was used to being able to take care of himself!
"T-Toris?" He finally called his boy for a second opinion. "Can bruises just... appear?"