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Your love is more important than my cancer (Frain)

Posted: 30-05-2012 07:48
by Returnmemory
Name: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Age: 24

Antonio is having a horrible end for his life at beautiful day he was told about that when he suddenly collapsed and couldn't almost stay awake. He's been at hospital for over a half year now and then suddenly he meets someone who fells in love with him, same does Antonio to him. Even though the cancer is still slowly making his body more weaker. Still....he can smile.


Antonio had his medicine, the doctor went outside the room to get something. It was a extra bed. ".....Mr.hopper...Am I getting a room mate?", brunette asked tiredly, because of the medicine. He was always getting flavorless when the medicine affected to him.

"Yes don't have to tell him anything about your condition of he wants to know because...we're running out of space so we had to move him here. He belongs to other side hospital, but..yeah..if you listened then you understood what I meant.", Spanish man just nodded and closed his eyes, #....sleepy.....unh...#, he thought and still heard some noises.
Someone was being brought to the room.....a man?...why not a cute girl...

Posted: 24-06-2012 22:35
by yuria-chan
(( OMG sorry for the late reply! Don't be shy to spam me if I forget about things... I can get a little fuzzy headded and you need to poke me XD))

Character: Francis Bonnefoy
Age: 26

Francis wasn't really sure what had happened. He had been stressed lately, constantly tired. He would get nauseous, and thought he had some sort of flu but last thing he remembered he was walking away from his bakery aster closing up and he was out like a light, hitting his head on the pavement.
When he got by he was already at the hospital, a kind stranger had called him an ambulance. A doctor had told him that he had anemia... Nothing severe. It explained quite a lot actually. However, he also managed to get himself a severe concussion from hitting his head on the pavement. The doctor wanted to keep him a little longer for observation.
He was half awake when they rode in the bed. He was following in a wheelchair, a previous attempt at walking had resulting in him half collapsing agains a nurse.
He was driven in and tried to get a look at his new roommate, he understood that he was probably a burden to this man since he originally had this room on his own.
"Hello, I'm Francis, I'll be bothering you for a while. I'm sorry." he offered a kind smile and made it sound a bit like a joke. Of course he wouldn't bother him for real.
He got out of the chair and was able to walk to his bed and climb in. His head was spinning a little and it hurt so he was glad when he was able to lie down.

Posted: 25-06-2012 07:42
by Returnmemory
(( Haha~ I won't kill you >U< <3 I'm happy that you got replied. I understand that sometimes we forget something (like me...X3)

More talking started to be heard as his ears catches a voice of the french man, "......??...¿qué?", brunette slowly opened his eyes as he saw this blonde haired man.maybe couple years older staring at him. Oh!..He had said something, "...hmmh...nice to", Antonio heard like he didn't care anything, but he just had to blame his medicines which made him like this.
Spaniard turned his side to another so he couldn't see others...he had to sleep...his eyes closed slowly as he started not to think anything.

Doctor, Mr.Hopper as Antonio had said his name, came to the room and stared at Antonio, tried his pulse and heart. "...", then man took his gaze at Francis, "Welcome Mr.Bonnefoy, I've heard about your bakery, but maybe you're overworked a bit too much. You should get someone to help you", Doctor smiled just a bit at Francis and walked next to him. "I'm Marion Hopper, but you can call me Mr.Hopper", he told to other and shook his hand. "I guess your roommate started to sleep already, don't worry about bothering him, you'll see...", Man started to leave the room, "You should go to sleep right away, you got already your treatments so, good night." , as he said that, he left the room.

(I put morning too to his so you can reply to it a bit more XD)


Sun started quickly to rise. Antonio felt it on his face so boy opened his eyes. slept well~#, he thought and sat up slowly, but then suddenly he froze. "....I got a roommate~!", his smile grew as he looked at French man. Slowly boy walked next to the other, sat on the chair and stared right at his face at the same time he leaned his hands to his cheeks with bright smile. He liked to stare others.....especially when he had roommate now...

Posted: 28-06-2012 11:03
by yuria-chan
France just nodded what at what the doctor said, sleep seemed the best option to him now as well.
His head hurt from hitting the pavement and his concusion was pretty bad. Since his roommate seemed in a much worse condition he didn't bother the man any further.

Somewhere in the middle of the night he had woken up to a terrible nausea. He pressed his hand to his mouth. Oh dieu! He would throw up! He needed to get to the bathroom fast.
He had forgotten his general weakness though and when he was on his legs he found that he couldn't run, he could barely stand.
It was to late then and he vomitted on the floor.
He called for a nurse with the button and he got cleaned up and they put a bucket next to his bed, just in case.
As a miracle his roommate slept trough it all.

The next morning his nightly adventure had made him quite tired and grumpy. The sun however had no intention of letting him sleep. Slowely he cracked open his eyes and made a small groaning sound.

Posted: 28-06-2012 11:49
by Returnmemory
Suddenly that French man let out some noises and opened his eyes, "Buenos diaz, Francis~", boy smiled wide and stared a quite closely to others face. "Are you feeling well!?", Antonio had checked others name from somewhere.

Mr.Hopper came in and brought some food, "Antonio....don't walk without someone watching you.
"Oh, I'm sorry Mr.Hopper....", boy looked a bit sad but soon smiled as other tugged him gently on his bed to eat.
"Here Francis, your medicine and food", doctor spoke to french boy.

Posted: 02-07-2012 22:31
by yuria-chan
Francis heard he was being spoken to and sat up with a start, which made his head spin again.
He stared at the plate the doctor handed him.
"Ah- what would this be then?" He stared at the medicine.
The doctor smiled. "It's just something against the headache, and an iron supplement. You need to strenghten a bit before we can release you. Take better care of yourself in the future. Have you been eating properly?"
Francis sighed softly.
"Well, I've been rather stressed lately...and to be honest a good meal, it's been a while since I had one."

Posted: 02-07-2012 22:53
by Returnmemory
Spaniard stared at Francis with his big smile, he's been really lonely in his room and he didn't even know why he was alone.
Doctor didn't want Antonio to get any friends, because it was absolute 100% that he was going to die, sooner or later. Maybe this Francis, won't, he seems so "I don't care" type..that's what doctor thought.

"Are you a baker!~?", brunette asked with shining eyes and happy smile. Tonio wanted to ask so much, because his parents were only ones who visited him and only once a week. "I love tomatoes~ I grew up those in my garden~"

Doctor chuckled, "Now now Antonio, don't get know your take your medicine", after that, Antonio stared with a frown at his medicine and looked quite sad, "...Si...", he mumbled and gulped those quickly, after that, his smile came back, "Tell me Francis~", he asked hastily.

Posted: 02-07-2012 23:54
by yuria-chan
Francis eyed this extremelly cheerfull other questioning. How did he find out? Then he looked down and noticed there still was flour and icing on his shirt. He'd been brought in directly from his job.
"Yes I am, and tomatoes are nice... Though I don't use them that much, at my work that is. In my own kitchen though, they're quite essential"
He smiled a bit.
"but this is a bit unfair, you know my name, my job, and thanks to the doctor you also know that I have anemia. I only know your name and that you like tomatoes, tell me who are you!"
He smiled at the other and scooted over a bit so the other could sit next to him.

Posted: 03-07-2012 07:33
by Returnmemory
Doctor was gone until Francis started to ask him some questions too, spaniard sat next to other with his pretty smile, "Mmhh...Si...I know a lot, and I can easily read you", he chuckled with a grin.
"Mmh..Let me tell you some, I'm Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, my job is gardening, I have my own business of my tomato farm which I take care of by myself. Everyone loves my tomatoes", Tonio laughed quietly and tried to think something, ".....I have..uh...nevermind~!", he grinned widely and stared at others eyes, "You look a bit like a girl because of your hair~!", brunette smiled and touched Francis's hair slowly, "......feels nice...."

Posted: 13-10-2012 23:06
by yuria-chan
Francis frowned slightly as he pushed his hair back.
"A girl? With such manly stubble?"
He grinned and ran a hand over his chin.
"Also, a girl with my amount of chest hair would be downright frightening!"
He was joking.
Also, it didn't escape him that Antonio didn't say what was ailing him. It was probably rather bad.
If he hadn't hit his head while fainting his hospital visit would've been brief. Now they were going to keep him three days for observation.
"So, dissapointed that I'm not a cute girl?"