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Find the Admirer [Germany x Estonia]

Posted: 23-06-2012 16:41
by internetgeek
Character: Eduard Von Bock
Age: 17
Appearance: Image

Plot: At Gakuen Hetalia, Ludwig finds a letter from a secret admirer, will he find out who it is in time for prom?

It was an ordinary day at Gakuen Hetalia..but not for one Eduard Von Bock. The Estonian student had decided to finally muster up his courage to confess to a crush that he had for the longest time. But of course he had to do it anonymously. At least at first, he didn't want to cause a scene or anything. Besides..what if he got rejected? He really hadnt gotten accepted by any of his previous likes and there was definitely no guarantee when it comes to his admiration of the German student Ludwig. Nonetheless, he had to make a first step and decided to start with a simple confession letter that he placed on Ludwig's desk when no one else was around. It read:

"Dear Ludwig.

There's been something Ive been meaning to tell you. To be honest I've had a crush on you for the longest time and I think you're really interesting, smart and .uh quite good-looking if I may add. Just wanted to let you know that i have quite a bit of feelings for you..

An admirer."

It was under a plain piece of paper and in an ordinary white envelope with the other boy's name on it. Eduard hoped that no one but his crush would find the letter but he could only wait and see.

Posted: 23-06-2012 17:27
by Sentaro
Character: Ludwig

Age: 17

Appearance: Image

It was a quite morning like every over day as usual as Ludwig walked camly into the class room. It was still pretty empty as he got straight to his seat, putting his back next to his desk before sitting down. Looking down while rethinking today's scedule he noticed a white envelop in front of him.He picked it up before opening to see what the content was. The only thing that was writen on the piece of paper was his own name so it left him wondering who put it there.

After reading what the letter said a soft blush spread over his cheeks and painted his face red. Was this supposed to be a joke? Or where those words really honest. Well for now he would believe it.

Putting the envelop away quickly the German boy looked around the room who might be this admirer. Well there were a few students inside here but no one seemed supisious. Seeing Eduard only a few seats away, which was the most decent person in this room, he decided to simply ask if he saw something. "Good morning. I recieved a misterious letter today did you maybe saw who put it there?"

Posted: 23-06-2012 17:43
by internetgeek
Eduard was minding his own business when he saw that Ludwig had gotten the letter. He kept his grin to himself when he recognized that the other student had blushed a bit at the content.

When Ludwig had asked him about if he had seen anything, he was a bit tempted to just be honest right then and there. But no, that would be much too forward and the Estonian was still rather nervous about revealing himself like that. "No.. I didn't see anything. Maybe you might hear from the person again sometime..?" He opted to respond calmly like he had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Posted: 23-06-2012 18:10
by Sentaro
A soft frown formed on Ludwigs face as he looked at the other student as he listened to him. Well he already expected to not get the anwser he wished for. Why would that admirer be so stupid and let himself be seen while putting a love letter on his desk. Ludwig sighed and then shock his head softly as the frown disappeared from his face again. "Oh Ok. It's alright. Ja I think you're right. As long as it wasn't just a stupid joke the person would probably send me another letter." He replied with a soft smile actually feeling slightly embarrassed but honered too that someone was in love with him.

The teacher then entered the room and with the school bell ringing the class began. "Oh well then let's talk a bit more afte class then." He suggested before walking back to his own seat and sitting down to follow the teachers words but somehow he couldn't concentrate today. The letter and it's content swirling around in his mind. Sometimes he also noticed that his gaze wandered to the Estonian boy, but without really knowing why.

Posted: 23-06-2012 18:21
by internetgeek
Eduard couldn't help but smile reassuredly at the other student as he mentioned that the person would probably send another letter. In his mind, he was already planned what to say on the second one. Maybe leave a slight clue to who he was..but nothing too obvious. Yes..that is what he would do. "Indeed after class would be good." He replied politely.

Once the teacher arrived, Eduard had to draw his attention back to class. Which for the most part he was able to do. At the same time, there was another letter he had to write and picking a time to deliver it was most challenging indeed. It would be done one way or another, he was intelligent enough to get it accomplished.

Posted: 23-06-2012 19:32
by Sentaro
With Ludwig not really paying attention to what the teacher said the lesson ended pretty fast. The bell rung as the students streamed out of the class room. The German was still lost in his thoughts and forgot to get up and walk to their next class. Well almost because he once again turned his head to look at the other boy he saw that most of the others had left.

"Oh!" He gasped while getting up, grabbing his bag and then quickly head to the next room. With all the confusion he got from receiving that letter he forgot what exactly his next class was. Luckily he saw Eduard in front of him. "Hey wait. U-Um could you tell where our next class is?" Ludwig asked him looking slightly embarrassed and confused. Not what he normally looked like, but it wasn't quite the normal day anyways. He still had to smile though as he walked next to Eduard. He didn't know what it was but somehow he felt really comfortable around him, well at least more then around certain other nations.

Posted: 23-06-2012 19:39
by internetgeek
Eduard had finally planned out something for the next class when Ludwig had approached him. "Oh our next class is right down the hall," he replied patiently while slowing his pace to be understood by Ludwig. He was pretty comfortable ni the other boy's presence despite his feelings. It would be necessary to maintain a calm poker-face after all.

Now where to plant the next letter, and when.. he thought to himself while waling alongside the other student. After all, he didn't care to remain to anonymous for long. There was an event he hoped to the get the German to accompany him to. But that was only the farthest point of his planning.

Posted: 23-06-2012 20:01
by Sentaro
Ludwig chuckles softly as he finally remembered his organization for the day. "Oh right. Thank you Eduard. I was still absorbed in that letter from this morning so I somehow forgot what came next." He admitted while his cheeks turned slightly red. Ludwig never in his life before felt so embarrassed as now. He knew that the other boy wouldn't judge him but still he was always very strict when it came to his attitude towards others.

As they kept walking Ludwig noticed the many posters on the walls showing an advert for the upcoming prom night. "Hm the prom is soon huh? I think I won't go though." Ludwig mumble as he shook his head softly thinking that probably no one wanted to go with him anyways. He wasn't the type to attend such events anyways so why bother with it. "Are you going?" He asked Eduard thinking that doing some conversation would get him away from letting his thoughts wander off to that letter and who the person that gave it to him might be.

Posted: 23-06-2012 20:09
by internetgeek
"You're welcome..," he replied patiently.When he heard that Ludwig wasnt planning on going, he was a bit crestfallen but he couldn't let it show. For obvious reasons."Ah..that's too bad really, someone might be interested in having you go with them.." Eduard said with a casual shrug. "For me, I'm thinking about going. Providing I actually manage to find a good reason to go in time." The Estonian added this knowing full well that he had to get this letter out immediately. Oh goodness. He never knew being anonymous could be so stressful.

Posted: 23-06-2012 20:49
by Sentaro
Ludwig blinked a few times as he heard the other boy say that there might be someone who would like to go with him. Well if he thought about it maybe that secret admirer would to ask him. But if that was right Ludwig had to hurry and find out who that exactly is. "Maybe you're right. Well if someone would ask me out then I wouldn't say no I guess." He replied with a chuckle as he then stopped in front of the door to their next class room.

"Oh that's good for you. Do you already asked someone to join you then?" Germany asked somehow feeling his heart hurt slightly as he heard that the other wanted to go to the prom and probably with someone else then him. ...Wait what!? It doesn't matter who Eduard wants to go with. So why doesn't Ludwig care them. "Um could you please tell the teacher that I'm coming a bit later?" He asked before running of to the bath room. He just needed to cool of a little bit and sort out his thoughts before he could attend class normally again.