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Posted: 30-07-2015 01:01
by Weronikus
Eh, 'kay, I'll get my excitement down... I'll try, at least :P

Ooooh, Turkey! What're you up to there? Some exchange programme?

Haha, now you don't kill me! :D
But yeah, I'm really excited for it, too.

Danish and Korean? Dang, you must have some mad language skills to pick up two so very different languages at the same time!
(Hahahaha XDDD)

Only if you promise to peek in here from time to time!
Otherwise squeezing you to death is the only option to make you stay >:D

Posted: 30-07-2015 01:52
by FreakyJingles
No, we're going there for a competition with our folk dance group. Though I don't dance, I play kanklÄ—s (a Lithuanian folk string instrument).

Not that mad, I just had to choose a second foreign language as part of my studies, so I happened to choose Danish (even thouh I wated Norwegian; no regrets though, Danish is amazing), and in April, I believe, began a project where foreign students tought their mother tongue, and I chose Korean. It's difficult, but fun :)

'Kay, I promise. And you wouldn't kill me, 'cause you've got no use for me dead xD

Posted: 30-07-2015 10:15
by Weronikus
OOooh, that's gonna be fun! I wish you luck!

I see now. Still, seems like a lot of work. I can barely keep up with one foregin language, and you've got TWO... But I guess if there's some eye candy involved, it can't be that bad ;)

Oh ho ho, you underestimate me, my dear Gil-chan.... You completely underestimate my imagination... >:D

Though I guess if you promised there's no need to turn to any drastic measures ^^

Posted: 18-11-2015 21:30
by dernhelm
I case someone was wondering why I haven't checked on the forum for quite a while it's because I'm expecting. So don't expect to much from me ;)
Everything is going great with me and the chibi-parasite.
If you want to contact me better sent a PM here or at my cosplay blog.

Posted: 18-11-2015 21:40
by FreakyJingles
Dernhelm, congratz! -glomps her- I wish all the best to you and your little one :) I hope your gestation is normal and healthy :)

Posted: 13-03-2016 23:52
by dernhelm
Hi all. Just a quick post to tell you...
The baby girl is born and she and mom are doing great!

Posted: 17-04-2016 14:00
by FreakyJingles
This is really late (shame on me :D) but CONGRATULATIONS!!! We're so glad to hear that you're both doing great! -big hug to both of you-

To the others - come on, guys! We miss you! Pop in once in a while, just to let us know you're still alive :D

Posted: 13-05-2016 18:49
by Weronikus
*Pops up, as ordered*

Congrats, Dernhelm~ I only just came on, so I didn't notice before... I hope the both of you are doing well!

And on the topic of doing well... How are all of you guys holding up?

Posted: 23-05-2016 17:25
by dernhelm
Both doing great. I'm working on a new cosplay: aph rome! And I'm going to make my baby some romano chibi clothing to match, haha!

I really should update my rp's here. Are you guys still playing or not?

Posted: 16-06-2016 15:20
by Weronikus
Oh, that's fantastic! Send some pictures when you're done, maybe?

I think I might be. I mean, the forum's pretty much dead, but I'd be more than willing to leave my hiatus if someone shows up.
Truth be told, I'd have to look through what RPs I have started with whome and see if I need to reply to any... Goodness, it's been such a long time...