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[Traveling] Loki's trip to : LONDON !

Posted: 09-05-2013 19:54
by Lokitama
I'd like to have your comments, I love these, even if it's just me telling you how was my trip !

I'll put some photos I did during the trip

This is my trip's book.


7.04 P.M. : We just climbed into the train going to Liège-Guillemins.

Notice how we were going to arrive at Liège-Guillemins at 7.25 P.M. ( 19:25 ) and how we arrived at 7.55 P.M.

7.55 P.M. : Arrived into Liège-Guillemin, we're waiting the EuropaCar in front of a shop selling erotics objects. I'm wondering what people entering this looks like, or what they're thinking for that matter.

7.58 P.M. : I've just noticed that the shop opens pretty late. A man just came out, holding a red bag. He's kind of old and his cheeks are falling. It was an object quite big and rectangular. When he saw us, he had a sudden movement with the bag, as if he was trying to hide it from us, maybe embarassement, since we weren't here when he entered the shop.

8.03 P.M. : A guy with a black hat near his eyes with a khaki coat - the collar was up -, a backpack stripped blue and white on his back just entered. A little girl looks at the display, I don't know if it's a good idea. She's really energetic - and ask what's the handcuffs for.
Another guy with white hair exited the shop, looking suspiciously at us. I'm supposing that he was wondering if we did saw anything. He had square-glasses, falling on his nose, and his car's key in his right hand, ready to go, and a black coat.

8.19 P.M. : I've just sit into the bus, he's almost full, but all of us managed to sit down. I'm next to a black woman with a red blanket I think she wasn't happy about me sitting next to her. On my right is Clarisse :happypoland: She's next to someone who won't stop burping, from what she says.

Weeee ! :charmingfrance: We're going to London ! We're going to London ! Look ! Look ! We're into the bus !

8.31 P.M. : The bus had just started. It's all black around ( they switched off the lights ) and I can't see where I'm writing.

I was in a middle of my sentence when these stupid lights were switched off to help people to sleep. Look at the result : My handwriting is pretty messy and scary - as if it wasn't enough before ! :kolkol:

8.39 P.M. : My left neighbor is arguing with the person in front of her because he's inclining his seat too much.

8.42 P.M. : I think I'll close my eyes a little bit. Clarisse's MP3 just bugged; she've lost all her musics :cryingspain:

9.05 P.M. : Clarisse started drawing.

9.09 P.M. : It's already pretty much sketched :yaygermany:

9.11 P.M. : Her sketch represent her sitting in the bus.

9.15 P.M. : The guy in front of me just inclined his seat and won't stop making it move. I think he doesn't care about having someone behind him. My movement's space just have been reduced of 3/4. :cryingspain:

9.17 P.M. : The man in front of Clarisse is playing since an hour on a game where he have to break blocks. He's got a light brown T-Shirt with big square-glasses with a black rim and he's got dark brown hair.

9.19 P.M. : He just yawned.

9.21 P.M. : I'm thirsty; Dilemma. Should I drink or not ? I don't know if I'll be able to go to toilet. Clarisse seems to have the same problem as me.

9.24 P.M. : The guy just let his phone fall when he wanted to put it in his pocket ( The guy in front of Clarisse ) :searchingitaly:

9.25 P.M. : Clarisse just started a new drawing.

9.28 P.M. : I've just put away my coat, I'm way to hot. The geek in front of Clarisse is playing once again.

9.30 P.M. : Try of the position of her neighbor for sleeping by Clarisse. Conclusion : "'t's not comfortable." ... I believe you. It made me laugh.

The position Clarisse's neighbor was sleeping into. These two are unknown women. The one by the window was my neighbor before we passed the custom house.( This picture had been took after 9.30 P.M. )

9.32 P.M. : I hear Nicolas in the back. Clarisse's neighbor just redressed herself. Did she understood that her position was uncomfortable ?

9.33 P.M. : My neighbor sleeps almost in a way facing me. It's scary.

9.34 P.M. : Clarisse put away her sketch-notebook.

9.38 P.M. : The geek has got beard !

9.39 P.M. : El Ktibi is the number 7 on a PS list from an unknown town. We just passed in front of a metallic filing.

As the time passes away, I'm bored, and have nothing to do in the bus.

9.40 P.M. : I do not dare looking at my neighbor's way, she's scary.

9.41 P.M. : We're turning to the left, and we stop. The guy in front of my neighbor says things I don't understand. It seems to wake my neighbor.
Nicolas says : "'Ve been pee-pee, but 'm sure that the one before me had diarrhea."

How poetic

9.44 P.M. : The Geek stand up and wear a red cap.

9.45 P.M. : The bus stops to pause a little bit; a lot of people are standing up. We'll go back to the road in 10 minutes.

9.46 P.M. : I've just got out. It stinks cigarette, and there's big buildings everywhere. I'm cold. From what Mr. Orban is saying, we're gonna be in Calais at 10.00 P.M.

9.48 P.M. : Clarisse says we'll be back on the road in 30 minutes.

10.00 P.M. : Clarisse's neighbor won't stop bitching. Mine's still scary.

10.04 P.M. : Clarisse's neighbor speaks German, and bitch on the guy in front of her, who was the one in front of me - the one who like reducing people's vital space. Florence went behind me and is eating a Kinder Bueno.

Loki's mind starting to freak out.

10.11 P.M. : The red's blanket of my neighbor is actually her coat. Clarisse put out her sketch notebook once again. Come on, Clarisse ! All the village count on you to win against our terrible and worst enemy : boredom.

10.14 P.M. : Woe ! Clarisse is going to fight without the will to win ! Will it be a failure ? Let's hope not !

10.15 P.M. : Mr. Orban, the Village's sage, propose us a ingenious solution; sleeping to act better. Maybe I should follow his instruction ? I'll finish my Orange juice Capri-sun before.

10.20 P.M. : My neighbor's still scaring me out of my skin. More and more, actually.
Funny comment after a sudden stop. "We're all going to die !"

Loki's mind just stopped working. ( I went to sleep )
Unfortunately, the beast will be pissed off when it'll wake up.

11.34 P.M. : I've just woken up. My neighbor is importuning me and do not seem to know the definition of 'Vital Space'. The bus is really uncomfortable. Clarisse's neighbor changed. Someone is snorring, I don't know who. Florence is doing something luminous. I think she's listening music. My back hurts, but I don't want to put myself back correctly; my neighbor has got obstructing legs. I'm hungry and Clarisse's sleeping.

When in boredom, and in a bus, you'll start remembering the rush it has been to prepare your trip. And then, you'll wonder... Why the hell did you rush, when the road to the selected place is so damn LONG :angryromano:

11.43 P.M. : Clarisse's neighbor ( the old one ) is just three seats in the front. Surely too importunated with the Vital Space's thief. I think it's him snoring.

11.48 P.M. : A shake woke up my neighbor. She's seeing my at the end of my seat, but do not move from an inch. I think that I could die in front of her she wouldn't even pity me.

11.55 P.M. : I'm looking through the window and see big fields of nothing punctuated by luminous points at the horizon. I find that pretty.

12.00 P.M. : The guy snoring... is still snoring.

12.01 P.M. : I hope we'll take the ship.

12.04 P.M. : I think we're in Germany :sweatdropgermany:

12.05 P.M. : I'm bored.

12.21 P.M. : There's really some people without any shame into this bus.

12.43 P.M. : We stopped at the custom house for them to verify our identity cards.

12.45 P.M. : The guy at the counter wasn't sure it was me on the identity card.

My identity card me VS my now me ! But hey ! I was 12 back then !

1.31 A.M. : We've just passed the UK custom house. The toilets were shitty; there was urine on the plank, the locket was sticky...

1.34 A.M. : We've switched places with my neighbor without her consentment; it's now Clarisse, my neighbor.

1.40 A.M. : Someone's eating garlic salami. It smells really bad. :angryromano: :glaregermany:

1.43 A.M. : We now have to put our watches/mobiles one hour early.

2.21 A.M. : ( 1.21 A.M. ) Sleeping head against the front seat seems to be fashion... Even if it's really uncomfortable.

The photo showing the position was took at this point of the log.

2.24 A.M. : ( 1.24 A.M. ) I've understood. They're vowing themselves to the cult of the front seat, which consist into being in trance with the... front seat.
Clarisse's drawing and hides her notebook entrails to the passerby.

2.43 A.M. : ( 1.43 A.M. ) We're on the road again ! So, ship or tunnel ? :charmingfrance: :dotdotjapan:

2.45 A.M. : ( 1.43 A.M. ) We're into a tunnel really tight. It feels like we're into a sci-fi film, ready to go to the future, or the past, who knows ?
There a lot of orange line, the bus nearly fits in it. Too bad we can't make photos here. It goes really well with the music from Atlantide : The Lost Empire. It seems to be a tunnel-ship.

5.19 A.M. : ( 4.19 A.M. ) Are we in London ? Are we ? The bus is uncomfortable as ever. My whole body hurts.

Since we arrived in London, I'll now write with London's hour

4.59 A.M. : This has to be the more uncomfortable drive I ever been into.


That's all for now ! It took me a good 3 hours to make this, so I'll take my time updating, see ya ~

Next time :


Posted: 09-05-2013 20:28
by Valentino
next part please, It was really pleasant to see all of that !

I already seen most of your photo's but with your commentaries it's a lot funnier :happypoland:

more ! èwé/

Posted: 13-05-2013 20:52
by Weronikus
Loki-chan... As always, serving us with your best humour xD.
God, I can't wait for day 2! ESPECIALLY with your comments!
I'm surprised you took a bus, though. Wouldn't it be better by plane? If you used WhizzAir it probably would've been cheaper, too.
Sleeping with your head against the seat is uncomfortable, I know :/ The bumps on the road keep rattling the bus, and your forhead hurts.... What I do is pull up my knees and rest them against the seat in front of me - now, that's a more comfortable pose!

Posted: 14-05-2013 17:43
by Fruitish-Stars
That was entertaining to read! Post day 2 up! o w o

Posted: 19-05-2013 20:59
by Lokitama
Hehe ~ Happy my trip's log please you all ~

@Wero : I don't know, apparently, my math teacher always went to London by bus, so... well...

About the sleeping pose, I always end up having a crook in the neck, and if I put my knees on the front seat, I always slip - and in this one, it was impossible, since the guy in front of me had put the backrest of his seat down -grumble, grumble-

@Val'&Star : Well, here's Day 2 ~ !

If the pictures are shitty, it's because most of the time, I was walking while taking them.



5.04 A.M.: We're waiting in front of a fence not really welcoming. There's a pigeon inside. There's also a man with long hair who's waiting in front of us. He's got a blue pullover a.k.a. "Hippie with long hair with a blue pullover with Harry Potter's mantle." ... thanks Nicolas.

5.28 A.M.: After being late of 30 minutes, someone eventually came to open up the door, the place is cold and still not welcoming. The first shop we meet is "Délice de France" Is it there for us to not miss home ?

What's the point of travelling, if you meet things you would find nearer ? I mean... I'M IN ENGLAND ! NOT FRANCE ! :angrycuba:


... Is...

... This ?!

5.32 A.M.: A weird guy is staring at me. I think he has just came into our group like this.

5.35 A.M.: I think he's not okay in his head. He makes Thaï's greeting, put his cap backward, plays with his feet, and he's now taking a advanced posture on his chair. He still has got this creepy jovial face...

5.46 A.M.: The weirdo cough, as if he was saying "Hey ! Look at me !"

5.48 A.M.: He lift his arm before putting it back down. His cap is on the ground, he seems to not care. He's doing weird sounds with his throat, claps three times in his hands and voilà.

5.52 A.M.: He's stretching his arms and place them in parallel to his legs. He looks happy to be noticed. He's clapping once again in his hands and do the same pose as a girl sitting on the bench.

5.55 A.M.: He picks up his cap.

5.56 A.M.: He does the thinking man while looking at his watch and throw is cap on his bag.

5.57 A.M.: A woman is running at my right. She's quickly passed.

6.01 A.M.: Other people notice the worrying behavior of the guy, too. Good Point ! We're going out of here in one hour...

6.05 A.M.: He's doing a yoga position with his arms, while staying on the bench.

6.07 A.M.: He stands up, and go away while walking strangely.

6.09 A.M.: A girl in pajama is walking, look at the time and goes away.

6.11 A.M.: Pigeon !

Nothing to do... I'm bored... And still haven't really sleep...

6.15 A.M.: Two women in pajama with 5kg of makeup are going to toilet. English's machine are smart; they're giving back the money.

6.43 A.M.: I've just finished a hot chocolate. It was dripping, but at least, I'm not cold anymore.

We had to put our baggage away for the day, for us to not be bothered. I don't know if the reception's guy was upset or anything but when I went, my luggage got hooked and he yelled at me "Come here faster !" And when I want, ashamed, he just told me "Go away" What did I do, exactly ? :angryromano:

7.32 A.M.: English roads stinks. Someone just talked to us and said "Bonjour" for nothing. It was scary. :searchingitaly:

?.?? A.M.: English are rushed people; the escalators are fast, the underground is even faster, and their doors close in less than a minute.

10.00 A.M.: We're visiting the Cutty Sark.

?.?? A.M.: The English loves running. There a lot of them ( "Il y en a vingt à la pelle" There's twenty by spade )

This guy was too "handsome". He looked like he just had been mugged or something. But he was just running. And it was rainy that day !

12.53 A.M.: The museum on Astronomy is really interesting.

1.29 P.M.: A girl his looking at her eyes in the mirror.

5.30 P.M.: I'm waiting in a coffee of the London Museum.

6.39 P.M.: We're waiting for our drinks at the Bella Italia, where we were supposed to have pizza, but they just sold the last one. Pasta it is ! :italyrave:

7.28 P.M.: End of the supper.

8.16 P.M.: Mr. Orban is taking tickets for tomorrow.

8.55 P.M.: Underground direction to the hotel.

10.00 P.M.: We arrived to the hotel room. The bed's disposition reminds me some things...

10.53 P.M.: After showering and having stitched my handbag, I'll go sleep, I've put mom's shawl and my stuffed lion on the bed.


Since it's kind of short, I'll put my photos :searchingitaly: Don't kill me.
If you want to see one of them more clearly, don't hesitate to click on it ~


Posted: 19-05-2013 22:32
by Weronikus
*Impatiently reads Loki's post* *LOL's multiple times* *flits through photos*.....
*stares at photo of a squirrell*.

...Loki-chan, that squirrel's purple. No really. It's PURPLE. A purple squirrel.
It's... It's...
Purple. O.o
*has to take a moment to process* *has to keep down emotions that suddenly come* *fails*

:happypoland: :happypoland:

(If you ever had any doubts on if I was Polish - I'm pretty sure that outburst totally cleared any such thoughts. xD)

Anyways... Great post, once again! Even if it was short xD
The man was freaky, but hilarious. :P
And of course...
You can't forget about the purple squirrel.

Posted: 20-05-2013 00:05
by Fruitish-Stars
Omigosh love the piccies and the qualite de France made me LOL x'DD Too funny in England!

And your right Weronika that squirrel DOES look purple in fact!

Posted: 20-05-2013 00:52
by Lokitama
Since I was annoyed by the uploading time of the pictures, here's some more ! Plus the videos, too.
(I'll post the videos later, it's a bit long to update)

And the squirrel's purple... Romano, what did you do ? :angryromano:


Posted: 21-05-2013 20:25
by Fruitish-Stars
I'm not surprised it's raining xD
Love the piccies! :D

Posted: 23-05-2013 11:35
by Dia-Owl
These pictures are beautiful! ♥
I hope you had a marvelous time there!

A friend of mine is in England at the very moment. I cannot wait for her to show me her pictures!