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Posted: 17-03-2013 08:50
by Weronikus
He grinned, noticing the way she was fumbling with her hands. Did she already steal something?
"Hey, like, what do you have there?" He said, putting down his things and grabbing at her scraf/belt. He was quick, and managed to grab the object she was holding, and noticed it was his flute.
"You totally wnated to play? You totally know how?" He asked excitedly, though his thoguths were slightly different - now what exactly did you want to do with my belonging, hm? Sell it?
His stomach rumbled again, and he giggled, putting his flute away.
"Let's make something to eat!" He said cheerfully. "You'll make a fire and I'll prepare the birds!" He said with a grin.

Posted: 17-03-2013 09:18
by kutiekitsune213
"You totally wanted to play? You totally know how?" Tadeusz asked excitedly.
"Y-Yeah, I can totally play! I was.. I was just too shy to ask!" Luna fumbled with her words.
"Maybe I was too quick to judge him." Luna wondered, "Maybe that flute is from a family member.. Or maybe he just has more goodies in that bag that I don't know of."
His stomach rumbled again, and he gave a small giggle as he put his flute back into his bag.
"Let's make something to eat!" He said cheerfully, grinning all the while, "You'll make a fire and I'll prepare the birds!"
"F-Fire?" Luna gulped, "Y-Yeah, for sure! You get everything ready, I'll get the wood."
She stood as calmly as she could and wandered off into the woods, leaving her bag behind with Tadeusz and clutching her patch clad eye.
Once she was far enough away, she leaned against a tree and sighed.
"Why does it still hurt.. even after all this time?"
After some time of scrounging around in the forest, Luna returned to the lake shore with an armful of branches, perfect for a small fire.
"Tadeusz, are these good?"

Posted: 19-03-2013 14:56
by Weronikus
Yup, seems she wanted to steal it. He could tell by her stammer.
Tadeusz laughed, to hide his thoughts.
He went away plucking the birds, glancing at her bags. No, he won't look through them. He wasn't a thief. Although the tempation was strong, very strong, and he would only peek into it...
His thoughts were disturbed when Luna returned.
"Taduesz, are these good?"
"Like, they'd look totally better being pink, but nature totally doesn't like pink. Like, I always wondered why." He shrugged, but grinned. "Other than that, they're totally good!" He said. He finished plucking the birds and started building a fire and a stand for the birds to roast on. He handed the various roots and nuts to Luna.
"Like, chop those up and shell those, so we can totally have a feast!" He said, preparing the wooden stand.

Posted: 19-03-2013 22:30
by kutiekitsune213
"Like, they'd look totally better being pink, but nature totally doesn't like pink. Like, I always wondered why." He shrugged, but grinned. "Other than that, they're totally good!"
"Not a big fan of pink myself, but ya never know. They might actually look nice with a burst of colour." Luna smiled, glancing into her bag as what she had said reminded her of the stories. As she reached into her bag to move the items covering the journal, Tadeusz handed her a couple palm fulls of roots and nuts.
"Like, chop those up and shell those, so we can totally have a feast!" He said, preparing the wooden stand.
"Oh, alright."
Luna spotted a slab of drift wood on the shore and snagged it, deciding it'd be good to use as a cutting board. Taking out one of her daggers, she began to slice, dice, and crack open the nuts and roots, amazed by how nature managed to take care of itself so well.
Looking up at Tadeusz from time to time, she thought it might get his hopes up if she mentioned a small something from the journal.
"You know," she took a deep breath sighed, "I've heard of a place where everything is really bright and colourful. There're tons of flowers in every colour and everything is clean and sweet. I bet in that little patch of heaven you might be able to find everything in pink, eh?"