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Posted: 19-05-2011 23:49
by Mirlin
"No Russia don't give england vodka aru!" China called out shocked. He was really going to regret this.

Posted: 19-05-2011 23:52
by Sunflower
"Aw Come on China, ve can surely controll him even if he is drunk. You know i have a good control over people dont you?" A somewhat creepy smile crept on his face

Posted: 19-05-2011 23:54
by Mirlin
China felt goosebumps covering his skin when he saw Russia's creepy smile. "That is exactly what scares me aru."

Posted: 19-05-2011 23:55
by Sunflower
"Ahahaha... Now now China, don't be so afraid, I can not even harm a fly." He laughed softly and poured himself another glass before gulping it down again.

Posted: 20-05-2011 00:00
by Mirlin
"Maybe not a fly, but certainly humans, aru." China mumbled and tried to move to another subject. "How do you manage to drink so much vodka so fast without getting drunk." He asked. He would never be able to drink that much without getting drunk, let alone that the liquid would probably burn his throat away.

Posted: 20-05-2011 00:08
by yuria-chan
England stared at the many filled glasses. Now that would be a problem... He had kind of vowed to himself to give up drinking after that one night...Ugh France was even less atractive in the morning then... Different thought!
"Uhm, I don't want to be unpolite but I don't think I can drink more than two of those... Especially since these are rather big for Vodka glasses..."
the liquid looked temting and England picked up the first glass, not yet throwing it back but looking at Russia first.

Posted: 20-05-2011 00:10
by thothlover
[Good lord I'm sorry for being such a late replier!]

The german shrugged and took his drink, taking a sip. Not being used to the vodka it was always rather strong for him. "Fine, ja, I'll stay."

Posted: 20-05-2011 04:52
by internetgeek
The Estonia sipped at his vodka, wary of the host and the whole situation..but still there was a drink and sometimes it helped him keep calm.

Posted: 20-05-2011 05:29
by Sunflower
"Ahahaha... Vodka runs through my veins almost like blood. Vithout it it is even hard for me to function normally." He closed his eyes and a small smile appeared as his cheeks flushed with a alcohol rush. Ivan's hand raised and rested on England's shoulder, he didnt try to scare England but somehow his smile turned creepy as he leaned closer. "I did not take you for a scaredy cat England but I must be wrong..."

"How nice of you Germany, now everyone do gather around and refill your glass!" He softly laughed and kept pouring people glasses, unconsiously trying to get them drunk bigtime. "Oh my, even Estonia visits for a drink, velcome velcome!"

Posted: 20-05-2011 10:51
by Teabrows
[I hope it's okay for me to join in as France]

France walked inside the room, he was fashionably late as usual. 'Achoom, 'y is it alway zo cold in your country, Russie?" He brushed the snow of his coat and out of his hair. France wasn't the bestest friends with Russia, but he wouldn't decline an invitation. "Anyway, desole I'm late." He took a seat next between Germany and his favourite English speaking country: Angleterre.