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Posted: 23-06-2011 02:47
by internetgeek
Estonia looked over.."Not a word will come from me." If nothing else, he could be rather discrete. And knowing the kind of things that went on, he knew he would have to be. Now semi-awake, he went over to drink some juice.

Posted: 23-06-2011 02:50
by yuria-chan
England knew that Estonia wasn't very likely to hug him now. "Estonia..." He tried peeking from underneath the blankets. " Can you make me tea ?"
He mymbled a bit but hten added "Please?"
England actyally saying please was the 8th world miracle...

Posted: 23-06-2011 02:59
by internetgeek
"Sure.., it's no problem." Estonia responded as he attempted to make some tea the way England wanted it. He heard numerous times about the things he would have to avoid due to England's complaining about someone else's tea."It should be ready pretty soon."

Posted: 25-06-2011 02:20
by yuria-chan
England curled up on his side and tried to keep focussing on the same point at the wall to keep the nausea from returning. Thank god for Estonia being a quiet person...Last thing he needed now was America shouting or France singing. Didn't those blokes know the meaning of the word hangover?
Just thinking about them made his head hurt.
"I -I'm sorry...'bout last night."

Posted: 25-06-2011 02:31
by internetgeek
"Hmm it's fine, things happen," Estonia responded as pouring a cup of tea for England and leaving it on the small table there before going back to his juice and looking for something to accompany it.

Posted: 26-06-2011 22:50
by yuria-chan
England gratefully warmed his hands on the cup of tea. It would be alright again... Estonia didn't seem like the type to create a spectacle out of his mistakes and even tough he still had a headache and was extremely close to vomiting it was one of the better morning afters.
He took a small sip of his tea.
"and thus ends the Russian vodka party...Another episode I'll be happy to forget about"