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Posted: 19-06-2012 21:55
by internetgeek
"Sounds alright to me," Estonia replied starting to walk alongside Japan while they made their way towards the center part of Tokyo. A city, that the bespectacled nation had always been rather fond of visiting whenever he got the chance.

Posted: 20-06-2012 02:50
by teleozoicGlissando
Iceland had also been following Japan, and was now somewhat flattered because of his remark. As they walked towards the center section of Tokyo- or downtown, he was still very much enjoying the tour, even though he had already seen some parts. Iceland was also able to spot quite a few things that he hadn't before on their first trip around.

After noticing his impoliteness, Iceland gave the Estonian a rather belated greeting, blushing a bit in embarassment.

Posted: 20-06-2012 06:00
by Weronikus
Japan showed them the most interesting parts of Tokio, telling them their history. He suddenly noticed something changed - the music died. It seems the parade finished, he thought. He also noticed that it was alreacy very late, so he turned to his guests. "Wourd you rike to continue the tour tommorro, when we are fur of energy? I wourd be grad to invite you to have a rest over at my house." he said politely, feeling guilty he didn't notice the weather changes earlier.

Posted: 20-06-2012 15:18
by internetgeek
Estonia returned Iceland's belated greeting like it was no problem at all. Which it wasnt really, he didnt blame the other nation for nt getting to him earlier. "Ah yes, continuing the tour tomorrow would be good, after we're refreshed."He replied politely.

Posted: 20-06-2012 16:50
by Weronikus
Japan guided them back to his house, whre he politely asked them to wait in the living room (do the they have a living room there? I have no idea...) and went to prepare the guest room. He then returned to them. "The guest room is ready, the towers are in the croset opposite if you want to bathe. If you need anything, I wir be in the kitchen making supper." And this said, he did just as he said - wet to prepare a good meal for the end of the day.

Posted: 20-06-2012 17:17
by internetgeek
[pretty sure that they do.]

Estonia waited patiently in the living room before listening to Japan's comments about the guest room and the towels if he thought it he was necessary. "When Japan had left to go prepare a good meal, Estonia started to go fnid the guest room that was mentioned.

Posted: 20-06-2012 19:05
by Weronikus
When Japan noticed that Estonia was searching for the guest room, he immediately scolded himself for not giving directions to it. "I am sorry, I forgot. The guest room is on the end of the corridor on the right - the croset on the reft. But remember not to open the door on the end of the corridor. As i aready tord Icerand, that is China's room when he is visiting - he might not be happy soebody was going through his corection of panda bears. Other than that, feer free to take a rook around." He said, gesturing the house with his hand. He then returned to making japanese tea. I hope they wir rike it, he thought. Not everybody rikes our tea.

Posted: 20-06-2012 19:51
by teleozoicGlissando
Iceland then thought for a moment, where would he be sleeping? He wasn't exactly too comfortable sleeping with Estonia, if that was implied, so he asked Japan about the guest room as he poked his head into the kitchen to do so, "Uhm.. Japan, where shall I be sleeping- not that I'm trying to sound rude or anything. The couch would also be fine." Iceland mentally scolded himself over and over. Why must I make myself look even more stupid than Denmark is, he thought.

Posted: 20-06-2012 19:59
by Weronikus
Japan looked at Iceland. He quickly noticed Iceland's uncomfortable with sleeping in the same room with Estonia - for the other's sake, he didn't say it out loud. He kept his voice low as to not hurt Estonia. "You can sreep in Taiwan's room probabry... or you can choose Hong Kong's or Korea's. It is your choice. Unless you rather sreep in my room or on the couch." he said quietly to Iceland, glancing to see if Estonia heard any of the conversation.

Posted: 21-06-2012 01:32
by internetgeek
Estonia, having heard the directions, thanked Japan before heading off to find the room and maybe look around a bit. Thus, he was out of frame to hear any conversation Iceland and Japan could have had. Not that he really minded, since he had thought there would be another room for the Nordic nation to be able to stay in anyways. Or some kind of other sleeping arrangement, opting not to worry too much about that.