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Posted: 26-01-2013 11:29
by Weronikus
[This isn't my idea; I took it from, where the exactly same roleplay was formed by a different user, though not Hetalia-related.]

It's been 50 years since what people thought the end of the world - for in a way, it was. It was the end of lives as the people knew them. A massive, world wide black out occured, closely followed by fires and floods, sometimes even earthquakes. Nothing electrical from then on worked - transportation stopped, factories closed down, even monarchs and presidents were taken down by the panicked mob. People fled the city and started farming - knowing it was their only chance of survival. Villages were formed here and there, by people who trusted each other not to steal their food. Military forces formed by themselves - known as Militia - brutal forces plundering through villages and stealing anything they found. Those clever and intelligent enough to survive on their own became nomads, travelling the earth far and wide, stopping only shortly in passing villages to trade. But earth lives on - and people moved on; Moved on to being a life forgotten to them, having had no contact with it for hundreds of years.

You may choose between three forms of life:

The Militia - you own the lands and may steal from and destroy other villages without getting punished. You can also give or take orders, but you are very poor in collecting food yourself and hunting, though very good in combat. The Militia need only worry about other Militia sections, which may want to take the lands you own. You own the last guns useable.

Village Folk - You have a mostly peaceful life as a farmer, though you have to watch out for the Militia. You may trade with the nomads that pass hough your village, though you have to keep a watchful eye that none would steal from you. Very good at farming and animal breeding, but poor in combat. You own farming tools and knives.

Nomads - Safer than the village folk, you don't need to worry much about the Militia, since you may simply walk around the soldiers. You are mostly lonely, though, stopping by the villages to trade - or steal, though not on such a large scale like the Militia. You may also trade with other Nomads (or steal from them). Better at combat than village folk, but worse than the Militia, you are very good at hunting and know most edible plants around. You own a hand made bow and arrows, and a small dagger.

Once you choose a way of life, you stay to it. There's no turning back, so better choose one you won't regret.
Every group can have it's exceptions, for example a kind Militia soldier or a nasty farmer. But you have to face the consequences, like getting kicked out of the Militia or village.
There no killing. You may severly wound another, (chop off his leg?) but no killing.

There is a form you should fill out before starting:
Character: The character you intend to play, e.g. Poland
Name: It doesn't have to be the given name, but you should stick with the country's names (e.g. instead of Fel. Łuk. it could be Szymon Zając)
Way of Life: Here you write which of the three groups you choose.
Equipment: You can equip your character with:
-Militia- combat weapons
-Village Folk- farming tools and small combat weapons (knives, daggers)
-Nomads - Hunting weapons(without guns) and small combat weapons (knives, daggers)
Other than that, on the start you may give your character any set of 10 or less objecst, e.g. a tent or rope. At the beginning, you can't equip him with food. You have to find it yourself. Keep track of your equipment as you gather more.
Appearance: You don't have to give a pic, but if you don't - desribe it, e.g. jacket, snow boots, warm trousers etc. (You don't have to desribe their body appearance, unless you want to)
Skills: You may give any set of 5 or less skills to begin with to your character, but stay withing the limits of your chosen group, e.g. a Militia can't have hunting skill and a Nomad can't have great combat skill. Just think what skills you think such a group would have and choose your favorites. Afterwards you may collect skills just as you can collect items, though it will take longer.

Posted: 26-01-2013 11:46
by Weronikus
Character: (a tad more serious)Poland
Name: Tadeusz Morawicz
Age: 35
Way of Life: Nomad
Equipment: Dagger, bow and arrows, rope, Edible Plants book, travel bag, sleeping bag, flute, warm cloak.
Appearance: Long sleeved cotton shirt, fur jacket, hair back in a ponytail, brown trousers, dark brown boots, bead necklace, fur scarf and hat. (The cloak is in equipments for it's stowed in the bag.)
Skills: Hunting Skill, Healing Skill, average Combat Skill, Tracking Skill

Tadeusz panted lightly as he went up the steep rocky hills. It's been three days since he last saw water, or food. His last hope was find a valley beyind these hills where a river or lake might have formed. It was colder by the minute, and he hoped it would rain or snow - any water would be gratefully accepted. He finally got to the top and looked down - and smiled with relief. A lake formed in the valley - just what Tadeusz needed. By the look of it, he'd be there in one day. He braced himself for another day of dehydration and continued his journey downwards, new hope inside.

Posted: 15-03-2013 06:43
by kutiekitsune213
((If you would kindly accept me :3))

Character: The Nation of Celestial Space.
Name: Luna Starling.
Age: 24.
Way of Life: Nomad.
Equipment: Twin daggers, rope, messenger bag, water bottle, old journal.
Appearance: Long sleeved white button up dress shirt half unbuttoned, red tube top, faded navy jean jacket, black tights, brown work boots, red scarf tied as a belt, green bandana tied around neck, black fingerless gloves, black eye patch covering right eye, black hair tied in high ponytail.
Skills: Hunting, average combat, tracking, average crafting, thieving.

Luna sat in a tree, flipping the pages of the old journal carefully. The book had been exposed to the elements for many years and she could only hope that'd it'd stay intact until she found the world at the end of the book. The journal held the dear dreams of a farm girl years ago, how she knew there was a place somewhere where she could be free with all the food and water she could ever need. Luna, her imagination getting the better of her, believed the writings and thought the girl was writing of a real place she had once been to. Now, her goal was to track it down, no matter how long it'd take.
She slid down from her post, tucking the worn, leather bound book back into her bag and set off to the lake only but a few hours away to refill her water bottle, which had been dry for some time now.

((if theres anything I've forgotten, please just let me know and I'll change/add it right away :3))

Posted: 15-03-2013 16:42
by Weronikus
(Nope, everything seems fine :P)

Tadeusz had too little energy to run. But if he could, he'd run up to the lake and plunge into the probably icy cold water, and laugh to the sky. He licked his dried, cracked lips, impatiently awaiting his meeting with the water. Finally, finally he was a few steps away. He was too tired and thirsty to see the woman on his right, some fifty meters away - instead, he used that last bit of energy to fall into the water on his knees and to lower his hands into the water. He had enough sense, though, to check how clear it was: upon closer inspection the water was just as clear as from afar. Perfect.
He took gulp after gulp, drinking as much as he could, until he couldn't drink any longer. When that moment came, he sat on his feet, satisfied.
Now that he replenished the water in his body, he felt the energy seepong back to him - and with it, growing awerness, and the clearning of his mind. He suddenly realised just how vulnerable he was, and shot to his own two feet, looking around. And that's when he spotted the woman.
He grinned and walked in a leisurely manor towards her, through the water. His reasoning was simple: if she didn't shoot him yet, then why would she do so now?
"Like, hey!" He said cheerfully. "I totally didn't meet another nomad in, like, ages!" He said.

Posted: 15-03-2013 19:23
by kutiekitsune213
Luna carefully made her way down to the side of the lake, bottle in hand. Crouching down by the water's edge, she inspected it carefully. For once, it was pure but no life could be found within. She dropped the bottle into the water, waiting for the small waves to fill it, when something unexpected happened.
"Like, hey!" Luna froze. "I totally didn't meet another nomad in, like, ages!"
She jumped to her feet, whipping out her daggers and got into a defensive position.
"If your intention is to thieve from me, you'll find nothing of value on my person." she said, a bit panicked, "If your intention if to befriend me.. We'll have to see."
Luna looked over the man a few more times, taking in his attire and childish grin. She slipped her daggers back into their sheaths but kept a hand on one.
"..Yeah, you're not gonna be a problem, that's for sure."

Posted: 15-03-2013 20:57
by Weronikus
He pouted.
"I can totally be dangerous!" He said in a slightly hurt voice. Best for her to underestimate him, after all. If she thought of him as a child... well, like everyone did, his chance of surviving this day rose dramatically.
He extended a hand, keeping the other hand in his pocket - a seemingly laid back motion, when really, he was readying himself for a possible attack, since he held a small dagger in his loose pocket - loose enough for him to take it out with ease, should the need come.
"I'm Tadeusz!" He said with a smile. "But, like, those who totally know the totally cool me mostly call me Tadeus, 'cause they say it's sooo more easier to say... But I totally think that, like, it makes all the coolness escape the name, don't ya think?" He said.

Posted: 15-03-2013 23:16
by kutiekitsune213
Luna stared blankly at the strange man before her. 'Is he serious?'
Batting his hand away, she turned sharply on her heel and took a few steps forward.
"It's an interesting name to be sure." she chuckled, glancing over her shoulder at him, "I'm Luna. If you want, you can stay with me 'till the next town. But from then on, it might be best if you stay behind. Could get pretty dangerous from then on out and I wouldn't want a kid like you getting hurt."

Posted: 16-03-2013 06:05
by Weronikus
"I'm not a kid! I'm totally manly!" He whined. "But... I totally whish to stay with you, like, it's sooo boring being out there on my own." He said, rolling his eyes to underline the statement.
He was about to speak when his stomach growled. He patted it, and looked at her with a grin. "You have anything to eat? My stomach is impatient for food..." He said.

Posted: 16-03-2013 19:20
by kutiekitsune213
Luna sighed, "I was actually about to ask you the same question."
She dug around in her bag, checking for any crumb of food from her last meal, but found none. Unless they could eat the leather from the journal or the scrap of rope she had on her, they'd have to find something else.
"The next town over is about a day or twos journey from here, and.. I'm not exactly the best at hunting. Getting by on theiving, you don't exactly have the need to hunt, now do you?"

Posted: 16-03-2013 20:18
by Weronikus
Taduesz grinned. "Yeah! Yeah, I've got loads of food... Oh, wait, I ate it all." His face soured, before brightening up again. "I totally know~ Like, I'll find some plants to eat!" He said happily, heading towards the nearby clump of trees. Only seemingly he didn't think of leaving his bag on the ground by the lake, in reality processing what she said about stealing... He'll have to double check his posessions everytime.
He sat down cross-legged in front a bush, took out his book on edible plants, and checked what nature here has to offer. Before long, he had gathered berries of many kind into his scarf he used now as a kind of sachel, some nuts and dug up roots. He stepped a bit deeper into the small clump of trees, searching for traces of life - and found the trees loaded with birds, which ignored him completely. Carefully, he laid his scarf-sachel on the ground, pulled out his bow and an arrow, and shot down two with one arrow. Smiled with glee, he got his catch, the greens and the rest of his belongings and raced back to Luna.
"Like, totally look!" He said, holding up what he found.