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Rapture's Cruise (warning HORROR!)

Posted: 27-07-2011 07:20
by Armadili
Greetings and Salutations, my friends from the land and welcome to my cruise ship, I'm Rapture, the one you all forced into the sea. Now I believe it's time for me to return that fine favor...

If it wasn't obvious yet, this is a horror/mystery RP, not a common setting for APH RPs, but it will surely be one to remember. This RP involves my Crossover OC Rapture, based off the Bioshock series. If you don't know about Rapture or the bioshock setting, here's a little info MEDIUM TO LONG POSTS ARE PREFERRED!

This RP will be rather violent and might result in the incapacitation of characters >.>. Here's the plot:

An announcement goes out across the world, advertising a new cruise ship named Hephaestus, to be made for countries alone. All countries have been invited to come to the first voyage, for free! but for a select few countries, this is truly a revenge plot, set up by Rapture, who has appeared from the ashes of the latest World War. For most countries this mysterious Cruise will be enjoyable, for others it may be a nightmare. Rapture will start to trap and torture his targets, who must be saved by their fellow passengers. If Rapture is caught, the story ends and the ship returns to port, all passenger's safe, if not...*evil laughter*.

So how about you nations of the world, Will you come and enjoy yourselves on my fine cruise?

Rapture sat and waited at the port for the countries to come flooding in, of course there was a rather long list of attending members and he wanted to deal with admissions himself. He was a young man, probably around the age of 20. Rapture wore a pair of dress slacks, a white dress shirt which was rolled up to his elbows, a tan vest, and a black tie. He was average height, not short, not tall. He had brown hair and Blue eyes, a scar visible on his right cheek. For some reason, his hair was naturally...Wet, never tending to dry, causing it to look rather dark. The nation was carrying a belt, a loaded revolver visible in the side holster, a little something he had stolen from America. As he waited he said to himself,"What a busy day it has been...But all of this work will be worth it..."

Re: Rapture's Cruise (warning HORROR!)

Posted: 27-07-2011 17:31
by Zakulf
Gilbert stood up from the couch as he heard the doorbell rang. He sighed deeply and was slightly irritated when he opened the door. "Guten tag ..." his sleepy voice said. There stood a man in the door, wearing a neat black suit. Gilbert looked from up to down, then up again to meet his face again. Who is this guy? "Hello." a low voice said. "You are hereby invited to join a cruise trip, there are two invites. One for you and one for sir Ludwig. It is all up to you whenever you will come or not, it's all for free. For more information ..." the tall man stretched his arm with the two letters, which Gilbert took from him. "It's written in here ...".

Then the man turned his back on him and walked away, calm and cool. Gilbert just stood there in the door opening, watching how the man walked off. "This is strange ..." he said to himself. "When was the last time I got invited? ... Oh well! Better than none at all~!" he smirked, he turned and walked back inside. Closing the door behind him.

He placed both letters on the kitchen table and went on to the fridge to get his breakfast. This was so exciting! He has never been on anything like a cruise before! Would Ludwig join him? "Hey WEST, you home?!" he shout.

(Long enough?)

Posted: 02-08-2011 01:15
by thothlover
Ludwig jolted awake when he heard his brother shouting. "Verdammt! I fell asleep at the desk again." he thought to himself and got up, changing into his pajamas quickly and rubbing the sleep from his face, he yawned big as he walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Ja, I'm home. And don't shout so early in the morning." He said to his brother and walked over to the coffee machine and made himself some fresh coffee, scratching his head and still trying to get the sleep from his mind. "When did I fall asleep? Gott... my back hurts, my neck hurts." He thought to himself again.

Once his coffee was ready he poured himself a cup and made himself some toast and sat at the kitchen table, staring a good moment at some rather odd tickets and pamphlets. "Bruder.. was is this?" He asked, tapping the tickets and pamphlets, giving his brother a questioning look.

Posted: 05-08-2011 17:45
by Brushflare
Mongolia looked up from the magazine she had been reading when the doorbell rang. She set it down and got up to answer it. "I wonder who that could be?" she muttered to herself as she reached the door. When she opened the door, no one was there. She looked around and then looked downwards to see a letter. She picked it up and looked at it. It was labeled for her. "How odd." she murmured, as she shut the door. She walked back to her chair, still examining the letter. The handwriting on it wasn't one that she was familiar with. She decided to open it. She sat back down, making sure not to wrinkle her white Asian-style mini dress that she was wearing as a shirt, with black slacks as bottoms. She opened the letter quickly, and pulled out a... cruise ticket? What the heck? She pulled out the pamphlet that had come with it. As she read it through, she was undecided about going until she reached the end. She hadn't read anything about having to pay for the cruise ticket that had come with it. So, she shrugged. What could the harm be? She read through the pamphlet a few more times. So the ship was called Hephaestus then. Sounded Greek or something like that. She shrugged. Whatever. She went upstairs to pack. A free vacation sounded like just the thing she needed.

Posted: 06-08-2011 00:10
by talkenia
It was a nice and sunny morning when Italy woke up from a doorbell ringing, he found himself laying close to his brother who had apparently come in somewhere halfway the night. He softly slipped out of the bed and put on some underwear pants and a t-shirt that was laying around. He ran down the stairs not wanting to let the person wait. He unlocked the door and opened it.

He would've wished he hadn't.. There was a really really scary man at the door, He was dressed in a very neat black suit, nothing wrong with that, but it was just his way, ... he looked scary.. Italy almost wanted to slam the door but he was too scared.
Good morning sir, You are invited for a cruise aboard the Hephaestus, other countries are invited as well, it is free and there are no catch backs Italy got a letter, Good day The man walked away, and Italy closed the door quickly. He walked to the kitchen and opened the letter, It had a formal Invitation and some pamphlets. They looked nice and Italy got less scared and more willing to go.

Posted: 06-08-2011 08:28
by VanDerZanden
Technically she wasn't even supposed to be around the place, but hanging out with all those 'dead' nations was really a drag. Especially when that fighting, boozing, womanizing egotist from the west was around. Much better to find a way to slip out and pay a visit to the old stomping grounds. Persian Empire had uncharacteriscally crashed the place in Teheran in a quiet manner (instead of kicking the door in or flying through a window on a rope). Its current owner was out on business, which made it easier for her to lounge about and enjoy the benefits of the 20th century.

Iran was a good kid, but sometimes he took things way too seriously. Ever since his bosses had changed he'd been less fun to visit, though occasionally more fun to tease. Boy did he ever take offense to weird little things anymore, though. Which was why she was glad he wasn't home right now. Of course, it was hard to maintain a low profile when someone was knocking on the front door. What did they want? Maybe, she thought, if she just stayed quiet and read for a while the visitor would go away. Nope. Just more knocking.

With a shrug she stood up, stretched out as she'd been on the couch for a couple hours and yawned. The knocking continued. A normal person would've headed to the door by going around the couch. Not so for her; she took a couple steps back and then vaulted over the furniture, nearly catching her foot on it and crashing. Yet she didn't. Yeah she stall had it. That person at the door sure was insistent. Persia headed to the door at last, opening it only slowly since she felt entitled to take her time. She was an old woman, after all! An old but hot woman, of course.

She found herself staring at some guy in a black suit, extending something in an envelope to her. What was this? Some strongly worded warning for her kid most likely. He'd probably decided to continue building stuff that the west didn't want him working on. That annoyed her. Iran had as much right to build what he wanted as she had in the past. Just as long as he calmed down about it.

"Hello, this is an invitation for a cruise aboard the ship Hephaestus, all expenses paid. Other countries have also been invited," the man explained coldly, then handed her the invitation and parted with, "Good day."

"Man, what's his problem?" Persia wondered, then looked around with shifty eyes before closing the door. Just in case someone else had seen her.

Inside the envelope were materials relating to the cruise, tickets, the works. The invitation was addressed to Iran, but Persia was pretty sure she could swing it her way. He was a busy boy anyway, and wouldn't enjoy a nice cruise. Better that she take it for him and relax out of his way. Hepaestus, eh? Someone had named their cruiseliner after the Greek god of fire; that wasn't a good combination. And she had problems with Greece. The Greece she'd lived next to had been almost as bad as Rome, though with slightly less invading. On the other hand, old Greece had thrown some pretty good parties. Not that she'd ever admit to have gone to them.

"This is too good not to take up! Guess I'd better pack some things.. or buy them first, then pack them," Persia thought aloud, then decided she should go to Turkey's place to buy stuff, since Iran's was too conservative for her tastes.

Posted: 20-12-2011 23:00
by Armadili
(Seeing as I've left this open for quiet some time I'll post to the ship. Anyone else willing to join may 'appear' on the ship, assume all countries accepted their invitations to said ship.)

Opening day! As all the guests flood into the large ship, it prepares to set off for the sea, a voyage that will last many weeks. It's definitely a 'deal' for anyone who decided to take advantage of the offer. The ship is very large, as stated, and features some of the newest attractions available. Hephaestus held within it's multiple chambers entertainment for every fancy. There were music halls, restaurants, ballrooms, Jazz rooms, Casinos, bars, everything someone would want in a cruise and more.

The opening Ceremony took place on the deck of Hephaestus, everyone was invited to come, but it was not mandatory. A band played music as the guests filled the deck. Waiters walked through the crowds passing out hors d'oeuvres and drinks.

Rapture was browsing through the deck of the ship, he talked to a few special guests and friends, but he never stayed around for very long. There was something wrong though, he avoided a select few, America, Canada, Italy, Germany, and Russia. These were his hated enemies....So he talked to other guests.