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Posted: 30-10-2011 19:03
by dernhelm

Frankly he didn’t know where to look anymore. His quest seemed to have last for centuries and still he had found no answer. Not that it was an easy one off course, trying to find track of your father with only the slitest description of a sinile mom. The only clues she had left him were useless: “he was a great kisser and had curly hair” Just as useless as the things his father left him before he vanished: some stupid island and an awefull name on top of that. The bastard most have thought it was quite a joke naming him Sicilia. “sissy?” Yeah really funny, and not a drop of wine in that fucked up place as well to drown his sorrow. Sicilia made a vow to kill the bastard who gave him that awefull name.
He wanted to travel abroad and was hoping to enjoy a well earned holiday with Croatia.
Croatia declined because of preparations for the upcoming soccermath. Just a laim excuse to pick a fight with his lost brothers, off course, but that’s a different story. A bit annoyed Sicilia sailed to Spain instead. After spending some time at Valencia drinking wine and speaking with the local Cosa Nostra, 2 barely dressed girls asked for a lift to a town nearby by the name of Buñol. There seemed to be some kind of festival there. Sicilia was all too eager to bring them in his Lamborghini offcourse.

Posted: 02-11-2011 22:53
by dernhelm
The girls were trashy and giggly and Sicilia was smiling thinking how lucky he was as one off the girls was casually snoring cocaine from the dashboard. He kept staring at her while changing gear and only saw this pedestrian as he almost hit him and had to turn the steering wheel like a madman not to. This caused the car to spin till it finally came to a halt against a tree. One of the girls looked at him with a mean glare, holding her lipstick in a tight crasp. A thick reddish stripe was all over her face and she was screaming at him in Spanish. He couldn’t quite follow, but he figured she was angry because now most probably they had to walk the remaining distance to the festival and there would be less time to make out.

Posted: 03-11-2011 00:14
by yuria-chan
(( Can I be Spain as well? ? I thought you were going to be him but then you played Sicillia...and I want Spain XD ))

Tomano had spent tha last few days somewhat like this: 'Romano, por favor, please come?' 'non' 'Please?' 'non' 'siiii?' 'non'.
He had been very persistent and headstrong, he'd shown Spain who was boss! However...somewhere something had gone terribly wrong for now he found himself waiting at the trains station for Spain to pick him up to be smeared with tomatoes.
His face wasn't exactly that of someone who is going to a festival. All the more because hehad been stupid enough to tell Veneciano where he was going! Three days straight his younger brother had joined the Spaniard in his persuasion team that was trying to convince him to do belly slides trough smashed potatoes.
His brother had called it 'so much fun' and 'with jummy tomatoes'
Well eventually he had given in, but now he wondered, if Veneciano had loved the idea so much, why didn't he come along with him?
He somehow had a feeling the other would show up eventually.

Posted: 03-11-2011 00:32
by dernhelm
(sure pick whoever you want, doesnt matter how large your army is, you are going down in tomatojuice, heheh)

Posted: 03-11-2011 22:06
by dernhelm
“Ah, Katso…” Sicilia muttered as he tried to open the door of the drivers seat. Either the lock had broken or the door was just folded around the tree so badly it wouldn’t open anymore. The window had sprung as well. If it wasn’t for his Serengeti shades he might have splinters in his eyes. But it didn’t seem to trouble him at all. The girl sitting next to him hurried out to give way.
She wasn’t that shocked and was enjoying everything like being on a rollercoaster.
The other girl was furious and started hitting him with her purse.
“Pastafreak, We could have been dead!” she screamed at him.
“dead? No mañana, mañana.” The first girl came between him giggling “Right, some other time, now we party, yeey… ” she silenced for a moment. “What happened just yet anyway?”
Sicilia looked back down the road “There,… was this guy on the road” “Really? Did you hit him?”
“What guy?” “Well,..” Sicilia said as he took his papers from the dashboard drawer “… the guy who is going to pay for both lunch and this mess of course, by whatever name he’s been given… Let’s find out” and walked down the road.

Posted: 03-11-2011 22:21
by yuria-chan
Spain had looked at his clock in the house once more. Romano's train was ariving exactly now...and he hadn't left the house yet. Very typicall but he had to eat something first! And then he had noticed he'd forgotten to brush the cat hairs of his jacket. He'd visited France last weekend and the mans cat had made a comfortable sleeping place of his jacket. After it was clean he was late.
Romano probably would yell at him but he didn't really care, he did things in his own pace anyways.
When cheerfully walking down the street to pick-up Romano from the station he saw a shiney car all wrapped around a tree.
"Aaah, what a pity! apearently, that car wasn't strong enough to be worth all that money..."
He had spoken to no one in particular. Then it occured to him that he'd better get out there to see if the people needed some help.
"Hello there, is nobody hurt?"

Posted: 04-11-2011 00:14
by dernhelm
Great, somebody to blaim everything!
With a firm stride Sicilia walked to the cheerfull bastard coming towards them and with a lot of theatrical shouting and hitting his chest with a bunch of papers he asked,… no ordered… the total stranger to sign. “Look at this mess, you murdered my car, you stupid bastard! Now sign this and no bullshit or I’ll unleach a major vendetta on you, capice?! And after that get me some lunch,..I mean us… we’re starving… me and my girls” he turned round to face them “What’s your names again?”
The lipstick girl crossed her arms and bit her lip, as not to scream out in anger. ‘Que te jodan’

ff een vlotte tekening gemaakt van mijn char. Sorry geen anime-style maar mijn-stijl.

Posted: 05-11-2011 01:18
by yuria-chan
(( oooh pretty~~))
Spain scratched the back of his head. He hadn't been the one to cause this accident, he just happened to be a random passerby.
"eeh, me? "
He looked around a bit and saw the real culprit soon enough, a man shaking his boots in the middle of the road.
"Don't you mean that guy?"
He pointed to the man.
"But I do will buy you lunch, since you're having a bad day!"


Meanwhile Romano had found himself a café at the station at which terras he could wait for Antonio...He must've looked pathetic because the waiter had brought him a free cup of coffee twice now.
And tough he loved a good espresso on a terrace in the sun, he hated looking pathetic. Where was that bastard?
He didn't mind waiting, he was Italian after all and never on time but damn! Spain just beat him at it.

Posted: 05-11-2011 23:49
by dernhelm
Sicilia with a somewhat surprised look on his face turned in the direction Spain had just pointed. “right… scusi…”and marched off to the poor trembling man who was not far from pissing his pants of fear already.

‘ lipstick’ tried to fix her make-up using the outside mirror of the smashed car, not really taking heed of the nice view of her panty’s underneath her way to short skirt. Coce-girl was just staring at Spain for a while, trying to remember where she had seen the guy before. It wouldn’t be the first time some guy walked up to her totally love-struck and she just couldn’t recall the fact they had been sleeping together the week before. “Ah,…” she remembered now. “Antonio!” and hurried to wrap her arms around his neck to kiss his cheek “We were about to go to Tomatino, you are coming right?!”

The poor shaking man totally clueless signed and even gave off his passport, just to see mean looking man leave again. Sicilia walked back with the a broad smirk on his face. He swung his arm onto Spain’s shoulder and smiled at him “Grazie, the spanish are always so hospitable.” He just grabbed Antonio’s hand to shake it “Sicilia..” Lady cocaine giggled “but that’s a ..” Sicilia just cut off her sentence though . “What direction for lunch, Spaniol?”

Posted: 06-11-2011 12:56
by yuria-chan
Spain let out a clear laugh, "Signorita, I never missed it even once!"
He was absolutely clueless that he met the girl, but she seemed to know his name.
when the man came walking back to them he suddenly caught a certain vibe in the air. No matter how bubbly and dense he usually was. Was this man a-
Then the other introduced himself as sicillia.
Spains eyes grew wide, was this the little boy he used to occupy? He'd once even let him play with little Romano. That had ended with two fighting and screaming boys so he had kept them appart ever since.
Sicilia adressed him as Spaniol... He'd better make sure that Sicillia didn't adress him as Espagna in front of these two...well ladies wasn't the right word.
"Por favor, call me Antonio!"
He patted the other on the back and gestured in the direction he was walking.
"There is a nice lunchroom that way. They have good coffee."