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Posted: 15-06-2014 15:43
by Lokitama
[ I'm so sorry I have to end plan #1 like this, I mean, if I didn't Hungary would have like, totally gave in ! And it wouldn't be "Poland's 1001 of getting Hungary" anymore. It'd be "Poland like, totally cool plan to get Hungary" ]

It was one of those kind of atmosphere. The atmosphere that even America and North Italy could read. Actually, it was so tensed someone could smell it. Hungary emerald eyes gazed threateningly into the crimson's red ones of Prussia, who were cloudy and dazed from alcohol. Indeed : the air was tensed... but only on Poland and Hungary's side.

A huge grin painted itself on the albino's lips as he threw himself forward, arms wide open, ready to tackle the female nation to take her to hunt with the awesomely awesome him. But Hungary dodged with feminine grace, that grace was something she was very proud of; it took her years to gain it, as she was such a tomboyish girl before. Before she even knew she was a girl, that is.

As she was twirling to go away, only the frying pan stayed into place, to welcome with a warm 'bong' the already pink face of the albino. His face would become red afterwards. It was a one-hit K.O., but the sound snapped the blonde French out of his thoughts. "Ah ! Prusse !"

He rushed to him, silently cursing the power of a frying pan - maybe was he drunk, but at least, his sense of survival didn't leave him, unlike Prussia.

Seeing he wouldn't attack them, Hungary 'humpf'ed in approval, before turning around - her dress fluttering around her legs - and grinning at Poland, making a 'V'-sign with her hand. "How about we go back to my place, or yours ?" She said, patting her blonde friend on the shoulder, pointing the carriage with the pan.

Posted: 15-06-2014 19:48
by Weronikus
[Don't worry! :D This is supposed to be hectic and wacky and insane. It's a comedy after all~ I'll try to keep it as goofy as possible, though~]

Poland was staring at Hungary while she gracefully swerved to the side, leaving only the frying pan behind for Prussia to hit himself on it.
She was so totally cool. She was amazing. She would totally look even better in pink. But that's just a sidenote. She was already totally super.
And she was totally here with HIM!
His good mood grew even more when Prussia fell to the ground.
"Ha ha ha!" He laughed cheerfully, placing one leg childishly on Prussia, feeling like the king of the world. "We are so totally more fabulous than you! Ha ha ha!" He continued laughing.
He looked at Hungary with a grin and gave back two totally fabulous "V"-signs. Even though this plan was ruined, it didn't end in a total misery.
And anyway, plan #2 was still safely intact.
"Sure! Let's totally come over to my place! I have a totaly fabulous cake made!" He said, his eyes sparkling.
He didn't mention this was a special cake. He had placed a piece of paper inside. He could already see the perfect scene before his eyes...
She helps herself to a piece of cake.
As she cut a bit from her piece, she suddenly noticed a corner of a paper sticking out. 'What is this?..." She thinks, and pulls it out. Meanwhile, he gets up quietly, and stands behind her.
She reads: 'Do you believe in true love? If you do, totally look behind you.'
And then she turns...

Poland squealed to himself quietly, and then caught Hungary's hand.
"Let's totally go, let's totally go!" He said excitedly, pulling her to the carriage.

Posted: 19-06-2014 19:28
by Lokitama
The sparkles in the eyes of Poland were contagious, as soon after he finished his sentence, and that the information dwelled in, her eyes too began sparkling. A cake ? For real ? "What kind of cake is it ?" She asked excitedly. Would it be good ? Nevermind that; it was Poland. It had to be good. He knew her too well.

As soon as he grabbed her hand, a goofy smile fell upon her lips. "Yeah ! Let's go !"


Hungary's mouth made a 'o' as she stared at her friend's house, before turning to him. "It didn't really change in all those years now, did it ?" She laughed gently. "Do you need help to undo the carriage ?"

The brown-haired nation approached the pony, who seemed thirsty, but somehow... happy to have helped its master.

Posted: 30-06-2014 18:33
by Weronikus
[Sorry for not replying! I feel really bad... But I'm here now! I will fix my mistake!]

Poland had jumped off the carriage and helped Hungary down, and when she commented on his house, he grinned.
"Like, of course it didn't! Why would I totally change it?" He asked happily.
The house was old, like 30 or 40 years old. But even though it was so old, it was very well kept. And why was it so? Because this was the house Poland had built after it was completely ruined by his 'kind neighbours'. He rebuilt it brick by brick, and now it is his pride to look at it stand.
...And of course, the fact that Hungary helped him build it had an impact on keeping it well.

Poland saw that Hungary had walked up to his pony, and not wanting to seem like a brutal master who didn't take care of his ponies, he quickly unhooked him from the carriage.
"If you want, you can totally help me brush him." Poland suddenly said. It was a completely spontaneous thought, but hey, why not? Hungary liked animals. Poland liked animals. It was a perfect start to Poland's plan #2!

Posted: 06-07-2014 11:12
by Lokitama
[ No ! Don't worry ! Everyone can be busy ( or just lazy ) once in a while. I'm usually the first at these kind of things ^^" ]

As Poland unhooked the pony, she looked over the house, and tried not to show her raising eyebrows; there was a gash on the wall. They never had the time to cover it up... did he keep it like it was ?

"If you want, you can totally help me brush him."

She turned back to him, a big grin on her face. "Sure !" She loved animals... especially to take care of them. She looked around for the brushes, and found one. She began to brush the 'Fabulous Pony of Poland'. The pony didn't move one bit. Actually, it seemed to be pleased with her handiwork. "Wow, your pony is really obedient and kind !" She exclaimed, looking at Poland.

Posted: 06-10-2014 19:44
by Weronikus
Poland noticed Hungary's lingering stare at the gash in his wall. That was from the time when they were rebuilding his house, when suddenly Poland decided he ddin't feel like doing it anymore, and started playfully teasing Hungary (to gain her attention, of course. Yet Poland had did it wrong back then - he was younger and dumber.) who reacted within minutes. Before long, they had both forgot about the wall, and after that... Well, none of them felt like doing it. Poland liked those memories with Hungary - every one of them he carefully stored, and didn't want the material connections with his memroeis to disappear. They were too precious.

Poland looked back to Hungary, who was now happily brushing his pony. Of course, this was Poland's favorite pony - it was so gentle and kind, he totally loved it. He was thinking of dying it's fur pink, but everyone was against it. he wondered why.

Poland grinned at Hungary's excalamation.
"He is totally MY Pony, like, of course it's obedient!" He said proudly, at the same time deciding his Pony deserved a bucketful of treats for making Hungary happy.
"Like, he totally looks extra-clean. Thanks, Hungary! You're, like, totally the best!" He said with a huge grin, his cheeks tinting pink at the compliment he said, but still feeling awfully proud with himself. Yeah! That was a totally great compliment!

"Like, I'll totally take him to the stables, and you can, like, make yourself at home. I'll be totally right back." Poland promised, taking his pony's reigns.

Posted: 16-06-2015 17:11
by Lokitama
As he complimented his pony and thanked her, Hungary smiled a bit at him, happy to see his friend in such a good mood. These times were better to have a non-strained happy face, and were not as easy, but certainly easier for the both of them.

Once she gave a last stroke to the animal's fur, Poland told her to go first in the house. She nodded happily and began to walk back to the big house.

Nothing much had changed inside, even after all those years. Well, some things did; a few furniture changed places here and there, a painting more colorful replaced the previous ones and... oh! He had kept the painting from Károly Ferenczy she gave him !

To be honest, she was surprised the item made it past World War two.

But her heart carried out a happy flutter as she realized her gift was perfectly well maintained. Thus, she strolled to the living room and immediately slumped down the couch; ice skating had been tons of fun, but it had somewhat taken its toll on her.

Posted: 16-07-2015 18:09
by Weronikus
[Sorry for being quiet. The explanation is in the letter I sent you. Oh, by the way, I added a little remedy I know for lots of reading. I hope it'll help go through all the books :D]

As Poland took the pony to the stable, he was praqctically jumping up and down with glee at the thought of his plan #2. The brushing of the animal was only the introduction, the prologue, the first step to a grand idea. She would totally not think Poland had something up his sleeve thanks to such a normal and down-to-earth action.

He hurried from the stables to his kitchen through the kitchen door and carefully took out the especially prepared cake. Since he didn't really know Hungary's preferences, he made a very sweet, very rich cake, with lots and lots of whipped cream. She'll definitely like it, right? He liked it, so it was obvious! They always liked the same things!

And he was certain he hadn't messed anything up this time, because he even made a little whipped cream heart over the place where he tucked in the piece of paper! Yes! Nothing can go wrong, now!

With a huge grin he almost bounded into the room to Hungary.
"Hey, let's totally eat some cake!" He said excitedly, in his excitement running up to her...
...And completely forgetting about the little indentation in the carpet that he never fixed from his laziness.

Poland only registered the fact he tripped and fell, not even feeling the pain accompanying it. His entire focus was trained on the cake, as he watched, in shock, it's graceful flight through the air... Onto Hungary's face.

Poland was too stunned to speak. Too stunned to move, really. He just gaped, with his mouth hanging open, as the huge cake splattered all over her hair, face, and clothes.

...So much for plan #2.

Posted: 09-08-2015 11:18
by Lokitama
[ Sorry for the lack of reply. I received your letter :D Oh, I know it's not PM but : yes ~ Just keep in mind this month is ultra-busy month for me ^^ ]

She kept her eyes closed even when she heard her friend happily coming back. Cake did sound good to her; it had been a while since she ate any cake... even if she loved it. She'd been so caught up by the recent events that she practically forgot how to enjoy little things in life, like her wonderful friendship with her ever-so-adorable and bubbly Poland, ice-skating a bit - or trying to do so - and eat cake. Yeah, indeed, cake did sound good to her.

But didn't quite felt good on her face. The least she could say is that she didn't expect this in any way. And ouch, did it hurt her nose.

As the plate slowly sled down tearing a huge part of cake off her face to splatter it on her laps, she rubbed the whipped cream out of her eyes, and blinked multiple times, confused. Hungary looked over Poland, still sprawled out on the ground, quite far away from her to have thrown the cake on purpose.

Instead of getting mad - the clothes weren't particularly chosen with care and he obviously didn't want to put cake in her face with a face like the one he had right now - she licked the cream off her lips and made an appreciative sound, grinning from ear to ear. "That cake is good !... Well, was."

She giggled a bit, trying to ease out the conversation, since her friend still seemed horrified. She looked down on her laps as she noticed a small paper poking out of the cake. What was this ? That wasn't something you found in your everyday cake...

She reached out to take it.

Posted: 23-09-2015 13:38
by Weronikus
[Hey, I must apologize for my absence. This was one hectic vacation, let me tell you... Jeez, and it's still going! Ugh, I'd never think I'd say this, but I wanna go to uni already... xD
And yay! :D And don't worry. I'm pretty sure we'll both be ultra-busy, with my Vet studies coming up and your studies it'll be hard, but we'l manage! ^^]

Poland watched in shock as the cake fell, in slow motion, down into Hungary's lap, but only felt his heart start to beat again when she giggled. He was so relieved to hear that sound all his stiffened muscles relaxed against the floor... Poland never knew the floor could be so comfortable.

But just as a smile was starting to form on his own lips, it disappeared after he noticed what Hungary saw in the cake.

Cheeks burning, muscles stiffening once again, Poland almost hit his head on the doorframe with the speed he jumped to his feet. With the speed of light, he dashed up to Hungary, yelling:


As he ripped the paper out of her hands. After doing so, he realized how strange it would seem, and with cheekcs reddening stil, he rushed to explain.

"Well, no! Like, you totally need to wash!" He said fervently, waving his hands around.

"I've totally still got some of your stuff you left over last time, so, like, you can put those on!"

Uh-oh. Poland suddenly realized those were the clothes she left behind in 1956. She had specifically said she'd hope she'd never have to put those clothes on again.

"I-I-I mean the dress! Like, you've left this pretty pink dress over here!"

Actually, Poland had bought that dress for Hungary. He just realized now it was supposed to be a present for her.

"I mean, totally MY dress!"

Shoot. Now he just threw himself into this entire cross-dressing mess again. And Hungary was the only one who believed him he didn't do it, too.

"For a play!" Poland continued, his voice turning squeaky in his growing panic and embarrassment, his arms fanning the air. "It was totally a dress for a play..."

Poland stood there then, breathing heavily, having completely winded himself up in all of his explanations. If Hugary hadn't thought him a fool earlier... she definitely did now.

[Explanation history time~ (unless you know, then just skip this part, hehe)
in 1956 was the Hungarian Uprising, sometimes called the Hungarian Revolution. It lasted from 23rd October to 10th of November. It was one of the bloodiest uprisings in the country's history. The uprising was against the Soviet Union, organized by Hungarian students who wanted to be free. It was later put down by force by the Red Army.
After the uprising, a lot of Hungarians escaped Hungary to avoid punishment, and lots fled to Poland, since the country showed most help to Hungarians out of all (Poland helped Hungarians more than Americans, which says something).]