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Posted: 22-08-2011 06:49
by Armadili
When India entered the room Siberia smiled and turned to meet her. "Good morning I hope you don't mind that I heated up some of the food I brought, I thought you might like to have some for breakfast, and well...It does taste rather...strange if it is not heated properly." Siberia stated as he turned back to the stove and started piling food onto a plate. He handed her a plate with some blini, lightly fried cheese curds, a couple of boiled eggs, Spiced sausage links, pan fried potatoes mixed in with eggs, and a side of Kasha. He returned to the pans, and after getting his own plate, made sure they were clean and dry, and returned them to their proper places. Afterward he sat down with her and began to eat quietly. There was an old saying that Siberia's father use to say, 'Eat breakfast yourself, Share dinner with a friend, But give supper to your enemy!' He commonly held to this rule, it would normally be considered an honor to have breakfast with another, especially if they were not married. It's rare to find this as an occurrence, but Siberia let it slide and ate in silence, he'd speak if spoken to.

Posted: 23-08-2011 14:12
by Silvermoonwings
After she had finished tidying up, India glaced at him as he spoke, and just smilied in reply, indicating that she didn't mind at all. She was always quiet in the morning. She looked at the food curiously when he set it down. She had never seen such food before! She murmured quietly, "It looks delicious." as he went to go clean up the pans. As he went to go clean the pans, she sat down, but waited politely to only start eating after he had joined her. As she ate, she was surprised. It was actually very good! She noticed he stayed silent during breakfast, but she was okay with that. It just meant her quietness wouldn't be taken as rude. After she was done, she rose to go clean her dish and smilied over at him. "Thank you very much. I enjoyed it a lot." she told him, before going over to the sink.

Posted: 23-08-2011 16:21
by Armadili
After the plates were cleaned and he had thrown away the trash, Siberia would return to India. He was no longer fully dressed, He wore no long coat or over coat, only the uniform pants and tunic he had brought with him. Siberia pulled his watch from his pocket and checked the time for a moment before returning the Russian Heirloom to it's rightful pocket after cranking it. "I believe you said you wanted to go around today? Show me some of the landmarks and attractions maybe?" He asked politely as he rearranged his long brimmed hat. Siberia smiled at the comment on the food, "Perhaps later we could return and I can show you something else from my culinary traditions?"

Posted: 24-08-2011 02:23
by Silvermoonwings
"Yes, that is what I was planning." she replied, smiling. She noticed the watch. It looked rather old. India looked up, pleasently surprised by his offer. "I think I would like that." she replied gently. "Your cooking is very good." was added quickly and genuintly. She really had enjoyed it. It was very different that what she ate on a normal basis. Thinking back to the attractions, she asked, "Is there anything you've heard of that you definatly want to see when we are out and about sightseeing?"

Posted: 06-09-2011 08:16
by Armadili
Siberia smiled as he motioned towards the door, leading her there. Before opening the door his hand would snap instinctively to his hip. He laughed lightly "Hehe, almost forgot something..." Siberia left her at the door and would return from the kitchen carrying his large belt, now tightening it. His holster would bump up lightly against her as Siberia adjusted the belt next to her. The old Soviet era service revolver's grip was visible from her point of view, it was starred with a hammer, but no sickle. "I thought we might try going up to your border with Pakistan...I've heard of your recent border clashes with him...If you'd like I'll show you how to keep the Muslim brotherhood off your back. I've learned a few tricks from my dealings with Afghanistan." He said as he smiled. "I'd like to keep you safe from any foreign invasion...I'd hate to lose such a dear friend."

Posted: 07-09-2011 03:17
by Silvermoonwings
India raised her eyebrow at the revolver. This wasn't a new thing for her, other nations, especially the male ones, trying to help her with her border disputes, though she really didn't require their help. She was always too nice to turn them down directly. She resisted the urge to smirk and succeded, though just barely. She smiled when he mentioned her as his dear friend, though it made her face turn just slightly pink, hardly noticeable against her tan skin. "If thats, what you want to do. However, I must point out that I can take care of myself just fine. Some tips would be apreciated though, I suppose." she said, coughing, trying to hide a smile. Not exactly her idea of fun, but whatever floats his boat, she thought. She did understand the comfort of carrying a weapon around wih her though. She had a small princess style dagger in the longer sleeve of her sari on the inner forearm, that she only took off when sleeping or showering and other things like that. She was a strong woman, though she didn't look like it. She was a sub-continent after all. And very proudly so.
Then a confused look crossed across her face as she registered part of the last of that statement. "What would a northern country like yourself be doing dealing with Afghanistan? I mean they are cloaser to me than you." after she asked that, she felt rather embarressed. It was something that she didn't really let on, but India really didn't keep up with most of what was going on in other countries unless she was dealing with them directly.
She would appreciate some tips though. Anything helps I guess. She thought to herself.

Posted: 18-11-2011 03:14
by Armadili
Siberia slightly tilted his head at the mention of his former dealings with Afghanistan. It was normally called the Soviet-Afghan war, Russia had wanted to add Afghanistan to his block and...well... Instead of doing most of the work himself, Russia had sent Siberia to do most of the fighting. It ended with Siberia running from an armed and angry Muslim brotherhood. Siberia had killed Kabul, Afghanistan had killed Omsk. An eye for an eye."Russia wanted to add more territory...and well...lets just say he didn't do much of the fighting in the war..." Siberia said as they left in the direction of the border.
"Firstly, the most important thing to remember about those countries in that area is that they tend each other...when it comes to an invasion...even if it's not directly..Their armed forces tend to be un-unified and independent.This is good and bad...Good, because if you catch them off guard you will surely win...bad because if they know you're're essentially dead on sight..." he went on as he walked. In this conversation he was almost a changed man. War was his specialty, ever since he had helped push back Napoleon. Siberia was always the force of Russia's military.

((sorry it took so long to reply X.X, my internet service provider was dead for the longest time))

Posted: 18-11-2011 05:59
by Silvermoonwings
((^-^ Welcome back!!! :D))

India was surprised at the change in the taller nation when the topic of conflict came up. He became a lot more animated just now... she thought to herself. She listened and frowned in the part of his tale when he told about Russia not fighting his own battles. "Russia sounds lazy to me," India muttered under her breath, slight angry on Siberia's behalf. She had always appreciated a man who could and would do things he wanted done by himself without relying on others. Laziness was something she did not admire. As they walked along the barren, deserted road, she listened attentively as he explained the nature of the Islamic people. It really was their fault that She and they did not get along. They would have been fine had the Delhi Sultanate not attemped to force their ways on her and her people when she was much younger.

Posted: 18-11-2011 06:36
by Armadili
Siberia slightly frowned at the mention of his brother's laziness. "It can be an annoyance at times....He doesn't seem to like doing much of well...anything other than creeping out the rest of his European friends...But if I didn't do anything...nothing would be done..I can't rely on my siblings for much anymore...The only attachment I feel to them is one of obligation.." He said as he continued walking, his movements unfaltered, "The only real hope I have left is in Norilsk, He's all I have left."

Posted: 18-11-2011 14:00
by Silvermoonwings
"I see..." she said, with a tnoughtful look on her face. "Technically, I am Afghanistan's older sister... if you go back far enough. I have a lot of siblings, but I only really talk to Nepal..." she explained. "I'm glad you still have Norilsk still, though. I know personally how sad it can be to be all alone." As she spoke the last part, her voice got quieter. She did miss talking to her siblings, but if she wasn't fighting them, she was geographically isolated from them. Stupid mountains...