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Posted: 15-07-2011 21:12
by yuria-chan
The evening air was indeed still pregnant with the heat of the long day and the sun hadn't been under long enough for stars to apear. There were so many unfamiliar scents in the evening air that it was like walking trough a dream. England was silent until they reached the beach. There he took a deep breath and looked at India to see the ocean reflected in her eyes.
Was she looking at the sea like that when he for the first time apeared on this horizon?
"What an odd moment in between time, it's neither day or night. It feels as if we stole it from time."

Posted: 16-07-2011 03:06
by Silvermoonwings
((evening air can get pregnant?!))

They walked comfortably together, their arms and hands intertwined comfortably. She looked out at the ocean. She really loved it. It looked so pretty, relfecting the natural beauty around them. She looked over at him as he spoke. "Stolen time... That sounds magical." she murmured quietly, and rested her head on his shoulder gently. "Dusk is my favorite time of the day, when everything is just quieting down, and the heat isn't so unbearable."

Posted: 17-07-2011 21:22
by yuria-chan
(( Proverbally yes XD It's like...when something is completely full of something. Most often used for the air Like when it's about to rain the air is pregnant with the promise of rain.))

England smiled a little at the mention of magic. He prided himself in using words as an art. His nation brought forth some of the most legendary poets and authors with a reason. He loved the way words could give things meaning...
He couldn't help but smile.
"I never found the heat here unbearable. Sometimes it's more like a comfortable blanket. Odd isn't it, in England it's cold and it rains a lot. So whenever I'm here it feels like paradise. While for you the heat is more of a burden. Still I don't think you'd find my place a paradice."

Posted: 18-07-2011 17:45
by Silvermoonwings
((We call that HUMID. LOL XD I like ur saying better))

"Hmmmm." she hummed thoughtfully, her eyes closing in comfort. "I wouldn't mind a nice cold rain sometimes, but most of the rain here only comes during the monsoon season. Then its just heavy downpour. It's kind of unsettinling sometimes, if the winds pick up too much." she said.

Posted: 19-07-2011 18:44
by yuria-chan
((lol, litterally yes, but it's poeticall speech XD ))

England thought for a while, his eyes still set on the open sea.
"Does it rain when you cry?"
He deliberately glanced away now.
"I noticed, I mean...with others. That when countries cry, it rains. It also happens that it rains and they are happy! I mean rain is a thing of nature, but as soon as they are sad, the rain starts. Or have you ever been sad while the sun shone... It could also just be me."

Posted: 19-07-2011 22:42
by Silvermoonwings
She glanced at him, and then thought about it.
"Not as much. Only when I get really, really sad. It doesn't rain if I cry tears of joy all that often." she said. She thought about hwat he had said and turned to him. "Your counrty is very rainy right, England?" she looked at him, concerned. "Do you get sad a lot?" she asked, worridly.

Posted: 26-07-2011 09:09
by yuria-chan
England looked a bit bashfull. The true answer was yes but...Since it didn't rain when India got sad.
"Ah? Oh well the two things might not be connected at all! Ehehe"
Maybe it was just him...He thought it was a country thing, that you could make it rain.
It had rained when America had left...

Posted: 27-07-2011 02:50
by Silvermoonwings
India looked unconvinced. Without thinking, she gently grabbed his head and lightly put his forehead on hers, her eyes closing. She used to do that a lot before, and it was a habit she had gotten to cheer him up. Her reasoning behind it when asked one time was, 'If you think happy thoughts while your foreheads are touching, the happiness is shared.' Maybe it was a Hindu thing....?

Posted: 27-07-2011 23:49
by yuria-chan
England was a little startled: his first reaction was to resist, but then he slowely relaxed and heaved a heavy sigh. England could feel the warm energy flowing into him. He knew the forehead was a magic spot. He had learned when he was still a druid, it was where the faeries always kissed him in greeting...
With a smile on his lips he ran his fingers trough her hair. She had never ceased to be beautifull...

Posted: 28-07-2011 03:45
by Silvermoonwings
She leaned into his hand running through her hair without thinking about it. The she startled as she realized what she had done and backed off quickly. "I'm sorry. I forgot about that habit!!" she said, blushing. She was completely flustered. What just happened? She sat down in the sand suddenly. She hid her face in her hands and her shoulders began to shake. But they were in silent giggles. 'Old habits die hard don't they?' she thought as her giggles increased in volume. She couldn't help it, she just began to laugh. This is so ridiculous!! Have I falled for him again? she thought, flopping down in the sand, arm over her eyes. Listening to the waves crashing against the beach. Another giggle escaped her lips.