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Posted: 07-11-2012 12:03
by Teabrows
Canada smiled and nodded. "I hope so too." everyone sat back down and the game started. Canada was on the edge of his chair kind of forgetting his "not-date" next to him as he was totally into the game. He cheered along when his team scored, booed along as well and at some point the game got quite heated he was close to heavily swearing.

Luckily his team scored in the last round and they won, else Antartica would have had to deal with a complaining and pissed Canada. When the game was over he jumped up along with everyone, caught entirely in the moment he happily hugged Antartica.

Posted: 07-11-2012 18:44
by Weronikus
Arctica tried to follow the point scores, and who won, and tried to cheer and boo along with Canada, but she was certain it wasn't working. But then his team won - trying to be as enthusiastic, she jumped to her feet, and then Canada turned to her and hugged her.
From that moment on, everything slowed down. She didn't hear the cheers around her, she didn't notice all the people juming up and down. She only felt Canada's warm arms, heard his soft breath and saw his blonde curls.
She didn't think about what she did next. She just did it. Gently, she grabbed his head, pulled it down and kissed him passionately, digging her fingers into his beautiful blonde locks.

Posted: 10-11-2012 18:51
by Teabrows
Canada hugged her and they looked at each other for a second. He blushed, having intruded her personal space he was about to apologize and let her go when suddenly her lips were pressed on his own and he was silenced.
He wasn't sure what to think of this, but he quite enjoyed it. His cheeks turned a few shades darker red and shyly kissed her back only for mere second and then pulled back. His heart was pounding against his chest.

Posted: 10-11-2012 18:54
by Weronikus
Artcica kept her eyes closed for a few seconds after he broke the kiss.
And then with a sudden rush everything came to her.
"O-Oh! I- I didn't mean to- I mean, I did, but- no, don't get me wrong, it's just- You see, I-" She hasitly removed her hands from his hair and hid them behind her back as she moved a couple of steps farther away, blushing madly. She inspected her shoes as she mumbled out:
"You see... I-I think I love you..." Her blush deepened as with even more interest she started looking at her feet.

Posted: 11-11-2012 10:17
by Teabrows
Canada didn't interrupt and just waited patiently for Antartica to have an explaination. Though she had kissed him, he hadn't seen that coming. His cheeks- no his entire face turned just as red as hers was.
It was very rare someone liked him and especially cute girls like Antartica. Why, yes, he'd always considered her cute and sweet but never thought she liked him more than a friend. "I-I guess I quite like you too.." he said back.
Which was the truth, he had had a tiny crush on her, he wouldn't say love here but that could only grow. "So t-then, would l-like to go on a date w-with me?" he stumbled over his words, he'd never asked someone out.

Posted: 11-11-2012 11:05
by Weronikus
Arctica looked up at him, startled he asked her out. She thought he didn't care for her like she did, but it seemed...
She smiled slightly and nodded, unable to utter a sound. She couldn't help it - tears welled and spilled down her face. Tears of joy, relief, pure happiness, wonderful surprise, love, need... all the emotions she supressed towards hime before and the new ones that erupted now, all forced their way out in the form of tears. She blinked, trying to stop them, feeling amazingly stupid to cry over such a simple matter. She looked down again to hide them.

Posted: 11-11-2012 18:37
by Teabrows
Canada panicked when Antartica started crying. Had he said something wrong? He looked for a handkerchief and reached to dry the tears from her face. "A-are you alright? Please, don't cry." he said softly.

Posted: 11-11-2012 18:49
by Weronikus
She sniffed and smiled. "Y-Yes, I'm fine... It's just..." She laughed a bit as she let Canada wipe her tears. "...This feels like a dream..." She sighed softly.

Posted: 11-11-2012 21:07
by Teabrows
Canada smiled and dapped her cheeks. She was cute, maybe they could make a nice couple. "It's not." he stated rather awkwardly. "A-anyway the match is over, we c-could go to my place and talk?" he suggested, not sure what to do.

Posted: 13-11-2012 13:44
by Weronikus
She sniffed and then smiled. She let him wipe off her tears and smiled to him. "Sure, let's go." She said happily. With a certain dose of hesitance and uncertainty, she finally plucked up the courage to take his hand again as they went out to the car.