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Posted: 16-10-2011 23:30
by Silvermoonwings
She smiled. "I doubt of those who know will forget him. He was a good man, and very wise." she replied gently. She suddenly thought of a great idea. She span out in front of her companion, grasping his other hand and faced him squarly. "We should go and get some tea!" she exclaimed happily. "There is a new tea shop that opened, and the lady who runs it makes some amazing blends!" she hesitated before adding, "So do you want to go?"

Posted: 17-10-2011 12:10
by yuria-chan
England laughed heartlilly now.
"India, it sounds lovely and I love tea but...It's past sundown, won't she be upset if we showed up this late."
He loved it when she got this enthousiastic and did things on a whim.

Posted: 17-10-2011 15:09
by Silvermoonwings
India grinned. "This shop doesnt close. its always open. Miss sleeps during the day while her daughters and son run the place. She isn't much of a people person, and a lot people assume the same thing you did, so she gets a lot of quiet." she explained excitedly. India looked around to confirm she was where she thought she was. She nodded then added, "And it's not very far from here, either~!"

Posted: 23-10-2011 12:57
by yuria-chan
Englands smile brightened even more and he offered her his arm.
"Did I mention I love tea already?"
He chuckled.
"Lead the way my lady"

Posted: 06-11-2011 17:40
by Silvermoonwings
India took the offered arm, and began to lead him back to the road. She didn't rush, because she just wanted to take this time and relax. When they reached the road, India turned onto it and began walking through the winding streets of the city. She smiled softly and leaned on England gently.
"What kinds of tea besides Earl Grey do you like England?" she asked softly. She was really content in this moment, and didn't want it to end.

Posted: 06-11-2011 21:51
by yuria-chan
England let himself be taken trough winding streets and back alleys untill he was absolutely sure that if she abandoned him now he'd never find the way back. Especially in the dark.
When the subject of tea was touched upon however he completely lived up.
"Oh I love all sorts of tea really, earl grey, english blend, breakfast tea, Darjeeling, white tea, green tea, black tea...once even had gold tea but I think that was a little marketing trick from china, Indian chai, Russian earl grey..."
He realised he was rambling so he decided to leave it at that...

Posted: 06-11-2011 22:18
by Silvermoonwings
India giggled as he began earnestly naming off the teas he liked. The man had an addiction! She turned onto a backroad that led to the teahouse. Before entering, she pasued to turn to her companion and warn him, "Just to let you know, England... Miss can be a little overwhelming when you first meet her."

Posted: 06-11-2011 22:20
by yuria-chan
"O-ok," Stammered England at that. He wondered what kind of lady he shoulld expect if India especially warned him.
He wasn't all that eager to find out but the promise of tea made up for that.
He followed India in thinking that whatever kind of person ran the tea store it couldn't be as bad as France.

Posted: 12-11-2011 15:48
by Silvermoonwings
((im going use charcter names... is that alright with you?))
She nodded before leading England into the store.
"TASAMIIII!!! DARLING HOW /ARE/ YOU??" the shout came from a slightly heavier woman, who came rushing up to her and hugged her tightly. India was suddenly put out at arms length and eye'd skeptically. "Have you been eating enough?"
Before India could reply that, yes, she was eating enough, Miss caught sight of England. "And who is this fine man with you?" she asked, smiling. She turned back to India and cried, "My little Tasami is growing up so fast!"
By now, India was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Miss was always like this, but she hadnt been able to stop by recently, so Miss seemed a lot more... Energetic... today.

Posted: 18-11-2011 23:13
by yuria-chan
((Sure since we're dealing with a human here it's only logical!))

Arthur blinked confused. Tasami? Oh wait! Her human name. They all had the habit of using human names when interacting with them.
Now he was used to being around loud people, he raised America!
Also, woman like this one made him smile, he wasn't sure how to react but she sure made him smile.
In the end he decided to introduce himself and held out his hand.
"Kirkland, maddam, Arthur Kirkland. Pleased to make your aquaintance!"