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Posted: 26-11-2011 16:58
by Silvermoonwings
India smiled, but shook her head. "No, I'm afraid I havent made it over there yet. Theres always a lot of work to do here, so I've just been to busy." she explained. Another reason was she had been trying to avoid akwardness between them, after she had become independent of him. She gave a small, shy, smile before asking, "So what is it like over there? Can you tell me?"
She coated another biscut with some of the peach jam and ate it in small bites, and sipped her tea. India had wanted to visit her companion's place, but had been afraid that it would be akward for the both of them.

Posted: 26-11-2011 19:07
by yuria-chan
England gave her a daring smile. "How about...I show you instead?"
He suddenly saw it happen, he'd buy her clothes fit for an English summer, take her to tea houses, take countryside walks, teach her the secret names of every tree in the forest she'd never seen before.
His eyes glowed with promise as he was lost in this daydream. absentmindedly sipping his earl grey.

Posted: 26-11-2011 19:08
by yuria-chan
England gave her a daring smile. "How about...I show you instead?"
He suddenly saw it happen, he'd buy her clothes fit for an English summer, take her to tea houses, take countryside walks, teach her the secret names of every tree in the forest she'd never seen before.
His eyes glowed with promise as he was lost in this daydream. absentmindedly sipping his earl grey.

Posted: 26-11-2011 21:04
by Silvermoonwings
And there he goes. India thought to herself, as she watched England float into what was probably, a very nice daydream about his home. She had to surpress a laugh at his dream-like expression. But she was confused, slightly, not exactly sure what he was getting at.
"What do you mean by that, England?" She asked. India hoped it meant that, after the international affairs meeting in the morning, she might actually be able top visit the other's home. She had heard a lot of things about it from the people who visited there.
Suddenly, she paused. Oh no... She had forgotten all about the affairs! But she didn't want to ruin the mood. India became thoughtful, though she was still present in the teahouse, and not absorbed in her thoughts like her companion.

Posted: 28-11-2011 11:58
by yuria-chan
England looked deep in her eyes now. "I mean you oculd sail back with me. I know you can't stay forever but-"
He actually bit his lip looking dissapointed.
"I'd love to share my world with you...Imagine there would be things you never seen before! I wonder if I'll amaze you just as much as you do me..."
England had indeed completely forgotten about the meeting.

Posted: 03-12-2011 19:09
by Silvermoonwings
India took England's hand in both of hers across the table, and looked him dead in the eye. She replied seriously, "I would love that very much, England, but it will depend on how the meeting tomorrow goes." She paused and let go of his hands to take another sip of her tea. Then after a few moments, she very reluctantly added, "Speaking of tomorrow, we should be heading out. We need our rest before the meeting." But as she said it, she wasn't really wanting to follow her own words. India just wanted to stay here, with her companion, for much longer. In peace.

Posted: 06-12-2011 18:40
by yuria-chan
England didn't like how the romantic mood filled with wild dreams suddenly got so heavy. When she replied he was glad she agreed, though he still waited for the inevitable 'but'...and there it was.
It wasn't that bad tough. The meeting wouldn't be really an obstacle now....would it?
It was true, it was running late and they needed to be able to get work done by tomorrow. England nodded and quickly finished his tea. He took out his wallet.
"Let me pay."

Posted: 09-12-2011 17:54
by Silvermoonwings
India smiled at his offer to pay, but shook her head.
"England, I have a tab, and anyways... Do you have any of my currency? I didn't think you did, do you?" she remarked, smiling. "But it is nice of you to offer!" She added.
Then India called out. "Miss, we have to take our leave now."
Miss came bustling out of the back quickly, wiping her hands on a dishcloth (its was obvious she had been washing dishes) and smiled, "All ready? That was a quick visit, but I'm glad you stopped by! Visit anytime. You're both welcome!" India hugged the teahouse owner before opening the door and walking out into the warm night air.

Posted: 15-12-2011 00:30
by yuria-chan
England followed her. "But I do have the cash, I bought presents earlier as well right? I exchanged some before coming here."
Since she seemed persistent he decided to drop the matter and offered miss Odity his hand.
"It's been a pleasure, miss"

Posted: 22-12-2011 18:27
by Silvermoonwings
"Ah that's true" she replied. She had forgotten that he had bought her gifts earlier. It seemed like years ago, that he had come to her yard looking doubtful. She smiled as he politely said goodbye to Miss, who shook his offered hand a gushed something along the lines of 'come back soon'. She then took his hand and out they went, back into the outdoors, under the night sky. The air temperature had dropped immensely since the sun had finally completely set. A light breeze moved through the streets as they walked back to her house in contentment. "I hope these meetings tomorrow go well." she commented quietly. Now that she had remembered them, she was growing anxious. This was one of the first meetings after she had become independent that all the leaders would meet and talk. She took three breathes and dispelled them slowly each time. What would be, would be, she supposed.