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[PruHun] All is violent, all is bright.

Posted: 27-01-2013 23:33
by Dia-Owl

Character: Hungary
Human name: Elizaveta Héderváry
Age: Unknown (20+ - 30+)
Speech color: Olive
Theme: Hurt/Angst, Comfort, Romance, War, AU


Posted: 27-01-2013 23:55
by Zeitgeist
Character: Prussia
Human name: Gilbert Beilschmidt
Age: Unknown (18+ - 30+)
Speech color: Silver
Theme: Hurt/Angst, Comfort, Romance, War, AU


Posted: 28-01-2013 17:01
by Dia-Owl

Vienna, Early '39.
The leftover snow gathered in knee high piles laid on either side of the road's margins, creating a hypothetical shield between the pedestrians and cars. The train whistled its deafening song, signalling its departure as worried mothers fluttered their cheap handkerchiefs at their sons and daughters.
Standing a bit too close to the train tracks, she had to resist the urge not to cover her ears as the train whistled a second, third and fourth time as it restarted its journey. The sound of the moving wheels - rough and slow - drummed in her chest powerfully enough to synchronise her heartbeat's pace with it, or so it felt. The next train to Hungary was three days from then, a great peace of information in case she wanted to escape from the dreadful choices she was forced into by her mother and father. Due to economical problems, the Héderváry and Edelstein household decided to merge, hence the reason why the Hungarian family was required to move. As a 20 year old woman without a husband nor siblings, she had no other choice but obey the decisions taken by her parents. Not that she minded too much, but she didn't think they would ever need to move, let alone out of the country.
Slightly she bent her knees and upper body to reach the handles of her baggages and paced towards the car that would take her to her new home.

Home... how detestable.

She watched the moving scenery of the fancy looking architecture and shops with melancholy as they passed them. Her chin rested in her hand as her elbow supported her against the closed door. It wasn't too different from the Hungarian capital, but she could sense the alien land. The air, atmosphere and people were all different. She didn't feel welcomed at all.
Elizaveta clasped her hands together in her lap and let her head fall back against the backrest of the chair, filling her rising chest as she inhaled through her nose. Her green eyes rolled back as she closed her lids, aimlessly waiting to fall asleep or rest, but to no avail for the bumped road prevented her from relaxing her muscles one bit.
Half an hour later, the vehicle stopped and she opened her eyes almost instantly. That was it? She was "home"? The Hungarian held that pose for a little while and tipped her head to the right side where said house was. It was bigger than their house, that was for sure.

Posted: 02-02-2013 19:25
by Zeitgeist
[ I can't write /breaks wrist ]

The passing days have been nothing but bleary whiteness and unforgiving winds. The knee-deep mounds of snow have caused women and children to hole up inside, leaving only the hardy to wade it through. But despite this lashing weather were still men who were stubborn on going through their daily lives as if it were a breeze in summer.

A young man has spent the day with an Austrian who happened to be a good friend of the family's uncle. The two have been sharing the afternoon with drinks and random topics of speech, although he's informed the younger of an arrival, or conjoining of another family. Although this was just a passing comment during the day, and Gilbert didn't give it any thought. But after all the thought returned when something gleamed from the window, a car.


Posted: 03-02-2013 22:16
by Dia-Owl

While lost in her reverie, she didn't notice the muscular frame of the approaching young man. He was related to her, one way or another. Actually, he was a distant cousin of the Hungarian who apparently thought that teasing her even after growing up would still be funny.
He knocked on the window glass which startled Elizaveta. "Wha--!?" Eyes shot opened as a gasp escaped her throat. Oh, damn him and his idiotic child's play... will he ever grow up? He had the usual stupid grin on his face that failed to intimidate her. He muttered something she couldn't understand due to the glass that muffled his voice, however she assumed that it had to do with the fact that she should get out of the car and get inside. There was no time to react, for he disappeared the same way he appeared; she didn't care to notice him leave.

She swallowed the excess of saliva as she shifted her position on the chair, grabbing the handle of the vehicle's door and pulling it towards her to unlock it and push it open for her frame to emerge outside. Elizaveta's had a dazed expression, looking almost bemused. She stared through the lot rather than at it until she realised it and quickly, and discreetly shook her head to snap out of her trance.
She drew her luggage out the car and slammed the door behind her firmly enough for it to close, but gentle enough not to damage it.

Lucky me!

The luggage was heavy, but she managed to carry it to the front door.

Posted: 04-02-2013 01:53
by Zeitgeist
Despite being related, they were hardly it. More or less, they were just good friends versus "distant cousins". He laughed when she was startled, and grinned that toothed smile, remarking with something like "Got you!" Still so childish, as it would seem.

He did abandon her to he own suitcases, even though he knew better than to dash off like that. You could say he was just too excited, and has been kept inside far too long. When arriving at the door, he nearly made the Austrian fall over, as he gained himself a stiff glance and a hissing comment. He continued once he saw Elizaveta carrying her own luggage, and called Gilbert useless as well as an unmannered imbecile.

Only holding the door open, he also held out an arm to greet the young lady, a soft smile perched on his lips.

Posted: 05-02-2013 20:23
by Dia-Owl

Brown brows knitted into a scowl from his sudden change in behaviour. Of course, she couldn't let that slip. She turned her head, nose sticking high up carefully in the opposite direction as she passed the albino haired male with the simple purpose of intimidating, or at least fail at it and regretfully be considered as pathetic.
As her head nodded with a small grin upon her lips at the Austrian as a greeting, she halted in front of him and placed the heavy luggage on the floor. It was more of a forced smile rather than a genuine one.

A heavier lady assuming she was a member of the Edelstein household, stepped in front of her and practically snatched the luggage from her hand whilst muttering something in German she couldn't understand. Judging by her benevolent smile, she was only trying to help which relieved the Hungarian, but it also struck her with guilt. "Ohh-.. nein! I-I can do it! Danke!", she said, her voice squeaking with nervousness as she attempted to pull the luggage back. The woman's hand pushed the other's wrist away and shook her head. She motioned her to follow her to which she had no intention nor choice to disobey. They climbed the stairs towards the bed chambers and placed the luggage against the wall inside of a room she assumed it was hers.
It wasn't exactly luxurious, but it had what it needed. A wooden floor that squeaked in certain places, a bed big enough for two, a small window with a small table and a chair underneath and a door that she believed lead to a closet. The woman cheered for her to enjoy her room and swiftly closed the door as she left, Elizaveta barely having the chance to turn and salute.

Oh, dear... How will I cope?

Slipping the coat halfway down her arms, she slumped on the noisy bed. "This is... better than nothing."