Highschool love [England x Wales] [18+ Yaoi]

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Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 09:06

"E-eh...uhm sure..." Rhys said, blushing as he took Arthur's hand.
"Let's go."
And with that said he opened the door, walked outside, closed the door and locked it before walking away, making sure that he did not make the same mistake as last time.
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 09:46

Arthur picked up the basket he had packed and followed Rhys outside. "This will be fun." he said smiling, when the sun shone on their faces.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
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Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 10:00

Rhys took Arthur's hand again and nodded.
"Hmhm, it'll be, t'll be great~"he said as they started to walk.

On their way to the park they came across a few shops. Rhys stopped.
"Wait a second!" he said as he let go of Arthur's hand and ran inside.
After a while he came back outside, holding something in his hand. He took Arthur's hand and gave it to him.
"Here yw go, now yw don't have to be afraid that ywr dick glows~" he said, chuckling
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 10:13

Arthur stopped and blinked when Rhys ran into a shop. He wondered if had forgotten something. His cheeks turned a dark shade of red when he came out with lubrican. In fact, Arthur's entire face had turned red when Rhys handed it to him. He awkwardly chuckled. "T-thanks." and quickly put it away in the basket, not wanting to let anyone see what he got. Sure they had sex, but no one else need to know that.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
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Posts: 491
Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 10:17

Rhys blushed as well, rubbed the back of his head, quickly grabbed his hand again and walked on.
"S-sorry if Ai embarrassed yw, but Ai just thought of it when we passed by here. Ai mean, yw really disliked when...well...yw know..."
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 10:30

"I u-understand, i-it's okay." he tried to push back is growing blush. He intertwined their fingers and made their way to the park. Luckily it wasn't really crowded.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
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Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 10:37

"Let's search for a nice spot okay~?" Rhys said as they walked into the park.
After walking for a bit, Rhys suddenly let go of his hand and ran to a flowerpatch which was full with roses.
"Arthur, come look!"
Rhys knew Arthud didn't had much favorite flowers, but he knew that his favorite was the rose, the typical English one.
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 10:44

"Yes let's do that~" he said as he walked over the grass. He followed Rhys when he suddenly ran towards a flowerpatch. He walked towards them, finding it full of roses. He smiled softly. "They're beautiful." he said and bent down to smell one of them.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
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Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 10:50

Rhys smiled. He was happy, seeing Arthur like this.
"Ai thought yw would like them, why don't we sit down here, near the roses~?" Rhys said as he put down the blanket
"It's the perfect spot~"
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 11:44

"Yeah, it'd be perfect." he agreed and put the basket down on the blanket. He then sat down on it, waiting for Rhys to join him.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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