Highschool love [England x Wales] [18+ Yaoi]

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Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 14:10

Rhys smiled and sat down next to him, cuddling close, only to later lay down his head on the other's lap, his eyes closed.
"Aaah...it's really peaceful here..~ Ai'm glad Ai'm here with yw alone~" Rhys said as he let out a relaxed sigh.
It was really peaceful, you could even hear the birds. Rhys was glad there were so few people. It felt like it was just him and Arthur...
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 14:24

Arthur leaned against the tree behind him, to sit more comfortable. "Yes it is. I'm also glad to be here with you." He smiled down at his boyfriend. He softly stroked his hair and let out a contendly sigh.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
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Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 16:38

As Arthur stroked his hair, Rhys yawned and closed his eyes. Damn, he could fall asleep here, on Arthur's lap. It was so silent and peaceful.
"What kind of food yw made actually...?" he asked, hoping that it wasn't burned.
Rhys shivered as he rememberd the time they tried to bake brownies, and they were completely burned in the end
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 18:52

Arthur had almost drifted to dreamland when Rhys'voice cut right trough his toughts and got him back to earthe. He opened his eyes. "Just some sandwhiches, nothing special." he mumbled.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
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Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 21:10

"Sandwiches?" Rhys said, raising an eyebrow. Then he smiled.
"Ah, then, yw want one darling~?" he asked, sitting up again, pecking his boyfriend's lip in the progress
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 21:26

Arthur smiled and nodded. "Would love to, dear" he said as he pecked Rhys" lips as well.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
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Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 21:48

Rhys leaned over and grabbed the picnicbasket, opened it and looked into it.
He chuckled softly when he saw the lube, remembering Arthur's face, which had been hilarious. He then quikcly grabbed two sandwiches and went back to Arthur.
"Say 'aaaah'" Rhys said as he held the sandwich in front of his mouth.
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 21:51

Arthur flushed at the sight of the lubricant. He shouldn't have put it in the basket. He blushes even more when Rhys wants to feed him but opens his mouth to take a bite of the sandwich.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
Posts: 491
Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 13-05-2011 21:57

Rhys gently put the sandwich in Arthur's mouth and when he took a bite of it, he let go of the sandwich so that Arthur would take it, and then took a bit of his own.
He let out a soft moan in appercitation
"Hmmm~ delicious~~"
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 13-05-2011 22:20

Arthur smiled. "Glad you like it." he replied as he finised his own sandwhich. He then got an idea which made his cheeks turn pink. He lifted Rhys' chin when he had a last piece of sandwhich in his mouth. Arthur leaned closer and took a bite of the other half, with his cheeks reddening.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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