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Posted: 13-05-2011 23:29
by SkullTrixter
"Hmmnn?" Rhys brought out as Arthur lifted his chin, biting the other half of the sandwich. Immediatly his eyes widend and a blushed creeped on his face. Then he smiled a bit, swallowed his half of the sandwich and kissed him, wrapping his arms around him

Posted: 13-05-2011 23:44
by Teabrows
Arthur swallowed his part of the sandwhich too and gladly kissed him back. He pulled him closer as he wrapped his arms around Rhys waist. Just then someone had to walk past. Arthur's eyes widened and pulled back. He then was it were a group of classmates of Rhys.

Posted: 14-05-2011 00:04
by SkullTrixter
Rhys frowned, as he didn't see them. "Why did yw brea--" but he couldn't even finish his sentence. He froze when he heard the voice behind him.
"R-rhys?" a voice stuttered. Rhys turned around, only to see the face a few classmates of his.
"M-mi...mi?" he stutterd, his face a bright red as he let go of Arthur. Then he inspected the other girls. All girls were from his class.
"W-what a-are yw guys doing here?"
He didn't got an answer, 'cuz right after that, two girls started to cry. Two of them tried to comfort them while the third one, Cindy, walked over to Rhys and slapped him across the face and walked away, guiding the other girls.

Rhys rubbed his cheek. What did he do wrong?

Posted: 14-05-2011 00:07
by Teabrows
Arthur watched it all happening. He pressed a kiss on the cheek that had been slapped. "I think...that girl sort of liked you." he said as he stroked his cheek.

Posted: 14-05-2011 00:18
by SkullTrixter
Rhys raised an eyebrow. Mimi? Like him? Nah she wouldn't like someone like him...right? But...that did explain her weird behaviour towards him sometimes.
"...That hurt..." was all Rhys was able to say, too stunned by the situation

Posted: 14-05-2011 00:26
by Teabrows
"You couldn't know that." he said as he kisses his cheek. "Don't feel bad about it."

Posted: 14-05-2011 00:36
by SkullTrixter
But somehow Rhys did. He facepalmed and sighed, shaking his head.
"Oh god...this..this must be terrible for her..."
Rhys hated it when he hurt someone. He..he couldn't stand sad faces, he just couldn't. It made him feel miserable, even more miserable then he already felt about himself

Posted: 14-05-2011 00:53
by Teabrows
He pulled Rhys closer and hugged him tightly, stroking his hair. "I know, but she doesn't want you to comfort her." he kissed the top of his head. "Unless you plan on dumping me already, which I hope not." he cuddles him tightly.

Posted: 14-05-2011 00:56
by SkullTrixter
Rhys eyes widened as he hit, not hard, Arthur across the head, completely forgotten about the girl already. He didn't want to think about it. It made him feel horrible...
"Ofcourse not yw dummy! If Ai would, Ai wouldn't do this" he said as he pushed over Arthur, landing on top of him, kissing him genlty again.

Posted: 14-05-2011 01:01
by Teabrows
Arthur chuckled. "I know you wouldn't, I was just joking." he pulled him closer as he kissed him back. "I love you so much Rhys." he said before kissing him again.