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Posted: 14-05-2011 01:05
by SkullTrixter
"A Cara 'ch 'n sylweddol lawer hefyd" Rhys answered before kissing him back, putting his hands in the other's hair, slowly licking his lips.

Posted: 14-05-2011 01:09
by Teabrows
Arthur lay his hands on Rhys' back and kisses him back. He opens his mouth allowing his tongue to sleep in. His hands wandered down a little.

Posted: 14-05-2011 01:12
by SkullTrixter
Rhys slipped in his tongue inside the other's mouth, rubbing it against his tongue.
He moved a little closer, sitting right above his crotch now.

Posted: 14-05-2011 01:17
by Teabrows
Arthur rubs his tongue against the foreign tongue invading his mouth. His hands slip down to Rhys' butt. He smirks into the kiss and squeezes his butt shamelessly.

Posted: 14-05-2011 08:43
by SkullTrixter
Rhys gasped and moaned as his butt was squeezed softly. But he was not going to give in easily.
As he fought over dominance, he slowly moved a bit against him a few times, just to tease

Posted: 14-05-2011 09:46
by Teabrows
Arthur gasped and let out a low groan. God, so unfair. He decided to just give Rhys dominance.

Posted: 14-05-2011 12:32
by SkullTrixter
Rhys smirked as Arthur submitted to him. As he took dominance, he decided to tease him a bit more.
And thus he kept on moving his hips huskily against the other's, teasingly slow.

Posted: 14-05-2011 16:53
by Teabrows
Arthur moaned against the other's lips. His pants started to get a little tighter. He flushed and pulled back. "N-not in public." he stuttered.

Posted: 14-05-2011 17:03
by SkullTrixter
Rhys stopped and leaned down to peck his lips, then went to the side and kissed his ear, giving it a soft bite.
"There's nobody here now...~" he whispered in it huskily, kissing it again.

Posted: 14-05-2011 18:17
by Teabrows
Arthur let out a soft moan and flushed. "P-please Rhys. What if someone comes." he protested.