Highschool love [England x Wales] [18+ Yaoi]

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Military cat
Military cat
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Post by SkullTrixter » 15-05-2011 00:31

It was getting hot, again. Rhys panted and moaned as the other kept tugging his curl. Light or hard, it didn't matter, it just felt...god it felt good! It had been a while since somebody had tugged is curl by accident, but nobody had actually kept on pulling it!
"Hgnn..Arthur..." Rhys moaned as he looked at his lover with half lidded eyes.
Damn his pants were getting tight, how annoying..
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 15-05-2011 12:54

Arthur blushed and watched Rhys. "G-god Rhys, you're so hot right now." his pants was really tight right now. Just to see Rhys like that, knowing he made him feel like this. He looked up quickly checking if really no one was around before leaning down to lick his curl.
"m-my eyebrows." he muttered, he wanted him to do the same thing.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
Posts: 491
Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 15-05-2011 13:42

"e-eyebrows..?" Rhys moaned as Arthur started to lick his curl. Hgnn-! H-how good this felt! Even though it was just a curl.
Rhys wasn't really sure what Arthur meant by that, but he moved his hands over to his eyebrows, which were pretty thick, and started to rub them.
Arthur had really thick eyebrows. Many peopel gave him names for that, but Rhys didn't. He thought they were cute~
"H-hgnn...l-like this...?" he asked as he rubbed them.
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 15-05-2011 13:50

Arthur arched his back and gasped out, followed by a low groan. "Y-yes." he managed to moan out. No one knew they were sensitive luckily, but he didn't mind Rhys about it. He wrapped his tongue around the curl and started to rub it.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
Posts: 491
Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 15-05-2011 13:57

Rhys moaned louder as Arthur started to lick and rub his curl with his tongue. Pfff, who would have thought a piece of hair would turn him on so bad?! His pants were really getting tight now, and he just hoped Arthur wouldn't notice.
"G-goood.." he managed to moan out as he rubbed the other's eyebrows more.
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 15-05-2011 14:02

Arthur pulled Rhys closer as he kept on rubbing his tongue against his curl. He blushed when he felt something poking against his leg. He moaned softly. God, it felt strange and good at the same time, Rhys rubbing his eyebrows that is.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
Posts: 491
Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 15-05-2011 14:11

It was impossible or him to cum from only his curl, but his pants were really getting tight now, and it was really annoying!
"T-tight..." he gasped out as he kept on rubbing the other's brows, shifting uncomfortably
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 15-05-2011 16:01

Arthur pulled back looked at him with half lidded eyes. "I-I'm too." he gasped out. Though they couldn't just do it in a park where everyone could see them.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
Posts: 491
Joined: 13-03-2011 21:00

Post by SkullTrixter » 15-05-2011 17:13

Rhys stopped rubbing his eyebrows. This was just great. They were both hard, and they were in a park.
The couldn't probably walk around, that would be way to embarrassing...!!

"W-what now..?" Rhys asked, blushing a bright red.
"If true love excists then France is a virgin"

Main: Japan and Wales
Minor: Lithuania, England, Russia, willing to try others

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 15-05-2011 17:36

Arthur shifts a bit uncomfortably. "Uhm...t-this wasn't a good idea" he looks down at him. "W-we could just uhm jerk off." he whispered softly.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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