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Posted: 15-05-2011 17:47
by SkullTrixter
Rhys nodded. That was probably the best thing to do.
He slowly leaned down to unzip Arthur's pants. He was happy that there weren't much people in the park who could see them. It was really quiet...

Posted: 15-05-2011 17:56
by Teabrows
Arthur blushes and undid Rhys' pants. He took Rhys' member and stroked it lightly.

Posted: 15-05-2011 18:08
by SkullTrixter
Rhys moaned softly at the touch and groaned.
"Don't..t-tease..." he growled as he took the other's member, stroking it.

Posted: 15-05-2011 18:17
by Teabrows
Arthur chuckled. "Sorry, dear." he started to stroke him. He moaned softly when Rhys did the same.

Posted: 15-05-2011 18:38
by SkullTrixter
Rhys moaned and moved his hips in his touch.
"F-faster...p-please.." he begged, slowly pumping him

Posted: 15-05-2011 18:43
by Teabrows
"O-okay, hnn." he moaned and started to pump him. God he was never doing this again in public, what if someone would see them now.

Posted: 15-05-2011 19:08
by SkullTrixter
"A-aah! y-yess!" Rhys moaned as Arthur sped up. He wouldn't mind if somebody saw them now, all he wanted was Arthur to touch him. It didn't matter where just...
Yet he still hoped that nobody would pass by

Posted: 15-05-2011 19:13
by Teabrows
Arthur began to pump him harder. "h-hnng R-rhys." he moaned moving his hips into his touch.

Posted: 15-05-2011 19:30
by SkullTrixter
Rhys moved his hips more as he pumped the other faster, moaning in enjoyment.
God he wanted more. he wanted Arthur, he needed Arthur, right now, so bad, it was unbearable.
"A-a-arthurr..." he groaned, arching his back a bit

Posted: 15-05-2011 20:08
by Teabrows
"H-hngg R-rhys A-aaahn~" he moaned in pleasure. He pumped him harder and faster.