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Posted: 15-05-2011 20:41
by SkullTrixter
Close. He was close. He was already close just from the other's touch and the fact that he had pulled his curl.
Wales layed his head on the other shoulder as he continued to pump him, moaning.

Posted: 15-05-2011 20:46
by Teabrows
Arthur was getting pretty close himself. He placed his hand on the other's handm gripping his jacket. "M-me too."

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:05
by SkullTrixter
Rhys felt his body tensen up. "A-arthur...A-ai'm...aa-ah!!" he moaned out as he came in his hand, feeling lightheaded afterwards.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:14
by Teabrows
Arthur's eyes rolled up and came into Rhys hand right after him. "A-ahn.." he moaned out. He reached into the basket fishing out tissues. "Here." he said giving him some with a shy embarassed smile. He used some too to clean his hand.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:19
by SkullTrixter
Rhys took the tissue, and cleaned his hand, panting.
"Hmmn...that was really good..." he said with a faint smile.
...suddenly he got an idea, but he quickly shook it away. Arthur wouldn't want to, he already found it embarrassing that they did this outside, let stand alone...
To be honest, he would find it pretty embarrassing too...but still

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:22
by Teabrows
Arthur looked up at him. "Something wrong?" He asked and throws the used tissues in the garbage bin close by.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:29
by SkullTrixter
"Hm? O-oh n-na na! N-nothing wrong!" Rhys said as he flaggered his hands.
No, he wasn't going to ask Arthur. He didn't want him to feel uncomfortable during such a thing.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:31
by Teabrows
"You sure? you can tell me anything, always, you know that." he replied with a blush still on his face. He noted to be more careful in public.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:35
by SkullTrixter
"Na, Ai'm not going to ask yw. Ai know how horrid yw would feel then..." Rhys answered, looking away.
He knew Arthur by know, and he knew he would hate it.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:42
by Teabrows
"Now I want to know what it is." he said with a serious face, looking for answers on his face.