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Posted: 15-05-2011 21:43
by SkullTrixter
Rhys kissed him, then put his finger on his lips, shaking his head.
"Na is na Artie, Ai won't say it~" he said, smiling gently.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:45
by Teabrows
Arthur puffed his cheeks. "C'mon Rhys." he tried. He hated when people caught his curiousity and then not telling him.

Posted: 15-05-2011 21:48
by SkullTrixter
"Na is na, over and out Arthur" Rhys said with a serious look on his face.
"Maybe Ai'll tell yw when we go home, but not now"

Posted: 15-05-2011 22:06
by Teabrows
"Meanie." he puffed his cheeks faking a pout. He wanted to know now, so badly.

Posted: 15-05-2011 22:23
by SkullTrixter
Rhys chuckled as he zipped his pants again. That pouty look, it was so cute~
Rhys smiled gently and placed another kiss on his mouth.
"Now don't be sad, Ai'll tell yw, later~"

Posted: 15-05-2011 22:31
by Teabrows
Arthur frowned. "I'm not sad." he protested as he zipped his pants too. He then flopped down, lying on his back looking up at the sky.

Posted: 15-05-2011 22:42
by SkullTrixter
Rhys smiled, then let out a relaxed sigh as he lied down next to him, staring up as well, completely not thinking about what they just did

Posted: 15-05-2011 22:48
by Teabrows
Arthur pulled Rhys closer, holding him closes. He sighed contendly and closed his eyes, just happy to have his boyfriend close.

Posted: 16-05-2011 07:23
by SkullTrixter
Rhys smiled and cuddled up to Arthur, but kept on staring at the skye. It was cloudy today, so he decided what kind of form he could see in the clouds.
His eyes widened and he smiled as he poked Arthur.
"Artie, look up at the clouds~ There's a heart-shaped one~"

Posted: 16-05-2011 08:53
by Teabrows
Arthur had almost drifted away till he was brought back by a poke. He opened his eyes to look at the heart shaped cloud. He smiled gently. "Yes it is" he pressed a soft gentle kiss on Rhys' cheek. He'd never been happier.