The carpet of love ( Italy Veneziano & Taiwan )[Unknown]

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Psycho Writah
Psycho Writah
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Post by Lokitama » 30-08-2012 15:53

"Ve ~ Thanks !" He said as he took the phone. What was he supposed to say... ?

"Ciao Fratello ! Nice to meet you !"
"The hell ? Where were you, stupid Veneziano ?!"
"Who's Veneziano ? Ve ~"
"Fratello ?" He looked confused. Wasn't he Italy ? So why his brother was calling him Veneziano ?
"Where the hell were you these last four days ?"
"I was absent four days ? Uwah ! No wonder I was super-hungry when Taiwan found me "
Again, Romano didn't say anything... before exploding.
"What the fuck happened ?"
"Ve ~ I don't have any idea ! Haha !"
"Stop laughing, dammit ! Where are you !"
"At Taiwan's ! Ve ~"
"I'm coming, bastard."
"Bring an photo album, too !"
"What for, stupid brother ?"
" Remembering, see you soon ! Ve ~"

He passed the phone back to Taiwan.

"He's coming ! Ve ~ I wonder how he looks... Oh ! And Japan seemed to know my brother, too ! Are they good friends ?"
Main Roleplay character : Italy Veneziano ( all ways ), Italy Romano ( all ways ), both of them at the same time ( my way ) ~

Minor : Willing to try anyone ~ !

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Joined: 12-06-2012 06:17

Post by Weronikus » 30-08-2012 18:02

Tawain took the phone and put it back as she thought how to answer. "Ummm... they know each other." She carefully said not to break the news to Italy that Japan disliked both him and Romano. She then sat down again. She hoped Romano wouldn't act inaproper in any way...
The doorbell rang, so she went over to get it.
“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.” - Rick Riordan, "The Lightning Thief"
Main character: Poland
Other character: Australia

Psycho Writah
Psycho Writah
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Post by Lokitama » 30-08-2012 19:44

Just after Veneziano's call,he grabbed some photo album for his stupid fratello,rushed out of the house and drove like a hurried Italian - if an Italian was already driving fast, just think about a hurried one.

Why the hell his brother didn't call earlier ? N-Not that he was worried, dammit... It's just that... er... he was waiting for Italy to cook ! That's right ! He was waiting for Italy to cook during 4 days !

In reality, he was worried sick...

Once he was at Taiwan's house, he pressed the doorbell's push button like a mad man.

"Venezianoooooo ! Open this fucking door !" Romano decided that whoever was in this house took to long, so he just banged like crazy the wood obstacle between his brother and him.

Again, t-this wasn't because he worried. He... He just could wait for hitting his brother head a-and scold him 'cause he couldn't eat these last four days.
Main Roleplay character : Italy Veneziano ( all ways ), Italy Romano ( all ways ), both of them at the same time ( my way ) ~

Minor : Willing to try anyone ~ !

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Post by Weronikus » 30-08-2012 20:06

Taiwan opened the door to find an angry Romano at the doorstep.
"I guess you're Romano, then...?" she said quietly, looking at him, and letting him through.
“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.” - Rick Riordan, "The Lightning Thief"
Main character: Poland
Other character: Australia

Psycho Writah
Psycho Writah
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Post by Lokitama » 30-08-2012 20:59

" Of course I am ! You're that Taiwan bastard ? Where's my brother ?" He didn't even let her tell him that he was running through the house, searching his little brother.

He did find him quickly.

While Taiwan was opening the door, Italy signed his drawing, adding the date.

He hummed some seconds to himself and then saw his brother.

"... Ve~ ! You're my brother ?"
"Why the hell are you asking me this ! We've now each other for more than a thousand years !"
Main Roleplay character : Italy Veneziano ( all ways ), Italy Romano ( all ways ), both of them at the same time ( my way ) ~

Minor : Willing to try anyone ~ !

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Post by Weronikus » 30-08-2012 21:06

Tawian decided to make the matter at hand straight for Romano.
She held on to his shoulders and turned him around. "May i speak with you... privately?" She asked him. Without wating for an answer, she pulled him out of the kitchen.
"Listen, I don't know how or why, but Italy had been kidnapped a few days ago. I don't know if the cause where the traumatic experiences, or something else, but he had completely forgotten about everyone he used to know." She sighed, and looked at the direction of the kitchen concerned. "I hoped you might help him. Get him to remember things. Please?" She asked him beggingly.
“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.” - Rick Riordan, "The Lightning Thief"
Main character: Poland
Other character: Australia

Psycho Writah
Psycho Writah
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Joined: 25-06-2012 02:53

Post by Lokitama » 30-08-2012 21:20

Romano was dumbfounded. His brother ? Kidnapped ? Shit. He knew that he should have bought him a gun... Then again he was naive.

"O-oh... Damn... Thanks, I guess... B-But don't get me wrong ! It's just that it's a pain in the ass to nourish him. I-It's not like I'm thankful to you, c-capito ?"

So that was why he wanted him to bring photo album.

"I'll do what I can, dammit. Do you have a freaking living room ? I think I'll need something comfy to explain every picture... He's so fucking dense."
Main Roleplay character : Italy Veneziano ( all ways ), Italy Romano ( all ways ), both of them at the same time ( my way ) ~

Minor : Willing to try anyone ~ !

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Post by Weronikus » 31-08-2012 07:30

Taiwan winced at each cussing word used, and could barely beleive such a sweetheart like Italy could be Romano's brother. They seemed nothing alike! Except for their appearance.
"Yes, okay. I'll help him to the living room." Taiwan said, going back to te kitchen.
"Hey, Italy, Romano wants to talk to you. Let's help you to the living room, okay?" she said helping him up. She then helped him down on a few cushions, and showed Romano other cushions next of Italy.
“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.” - Rick Riordan, "The Lightning Thief"
Main character: Poland
Other character: Australia

Psycho Writah
Psycho Writah
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Joined: 25-06-2012 02:53

Post by Lokitama » 31-08-2012 16:22

His big brother seemed... nice ? But wow, he was cursing non-stop. He had a feeling that it was... usual. Surely something from his forgotten past.

"Hey, Italy, Romano wants to talk to you. Let's help you to the living room, okay ?" Taiwan said as she helped him up. "Okay !" He answered.

When he sat down - with Taiwan's help - he looked up at his brother while the later was entered the room with books. He guessed it was photo album. Romano sat down next to his fratellino.

"Okay, little bastard. Any question before looking the photo ?"
"Yeah ! Taiwan stay with us, right ?"
"If you want...b-but it's not because I'm being nice, okay ? Damn..."
"Yay !" He took gently Taiwan's hands and invited her to sat down, too.
Main Roleplay character : Italy Veneziano ( all ways ), Italy Romano ( all ways ), both of them at the same time ( my way ) ~

Minor : Willing to try anyone ~ !

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Posts: 1854
Joined: 12-06-2012 06:17

Post by Weronikus » 31-08-2012 18:57

Taiwan smiled, sat down and began massaging Italy's shoulder as he listened to Romano.
“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.” - Rick Riordan, "The Lightning Thief"
Main character: Poland
Other character: Australia

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